Monday, July 12, 2010

Transforming the Killing Fields into Healing, Living Fields: Advent of Duch’s Verdict

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Transforming the Killing Fields into Healing, Living Fields:
Advent of Duch’s Verdict PUBLIC FORUM

Friday, 23 July 2010, 8 – 11:30 a.m.
Pannasastra University of Cambodia Auditorium, Norodom Blvd.
(Top floor of campus south of Independence Monument)

PHNOM PENH, 23rd JULY 2010: July 23rd, 2010, the Center for Justice & Reconciliation (CJR) in association with CIVICUS: Center for Cambodian Civic Education will host a public forum to aid and promote discussion regarding the advent of Duch’s verdict entitled “Transforming the Killing Fields into Healing, Living Fields”. The forum is part of an on going educational series CJR implemented earlier this year, striving to keep the public engaged and educated by broadening a discussion between the Cambodian public and those involved in the aftermath of Khmer Rouge. Through this discourse, we are able to reflect, design and work towards a better future, in which we live in a culture of peace and collective memory via civic engagement.

CJR aims to assert themselves as a third party intermediary between the public and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). Since it’s creation in 2009, CJR has met and mobilized Khmer Rouge survivors in over ten provinces, submitted 167 civil party applications to the ECCC, and provided substantial reconciliation services through psychosocial support and successfully providing a platform for discussion via public forums such as the “Transforming the Killing Fields into Healing, Living fields” series.

The speakers will be involved in an open Q & A in regards to Duch’s verdict and its affect on the past, present and future. Panellists will be speaking in English however simultaneous and consecutive translations in Khmer will be made available. We hope you join us on this important occasion along with the many university students, victims of Khmer Rough, civil society leaders, colleagues, ECCC staff, ambassadors and embassy officials, national and international media, and our gratuitous donors without whom none of this would be possible.

This July 23 Public Forum is funded by The Asia Foundation.

We would like to also recognize the financial and moral support of the German Development Service (of past public forums and staff support) and the Australian Embassy (for the Learning Center in Battambang).

For more information, please visit or contact:

1. The Center for Justice and Reconciliation (CJR)Media Relations:
Ms. Sarah Barnacle
Tel: +855.77.993.084. Email:

2. CIVICUS: Center for Cambodian Civic Education
Ms. Sivnin EAM
Tel: +855.17.993.118. Email:


Anonymous said...

Many of us probably think that the "Killing Field" was during the Khmer Rouge era (April 17, 1975 to January 7, 1979). The "Killing Field" is not just during that time. It continues after January 7, 1979 (Youn's occupation of Cambodia) to present. Because more and more Khmer were killed/tortured, are being killed/tortured, and many more will be killed/tortured by Ah Youn, its cronies, or puppets, even during "K 5" and 3 decades later. No one has an actual data, but hundred thousands more were killed after the beginning of 1979. Once ah Youn has the total control, one will see what Khmer Krom has been going through. It might sound pessimistic here.

However Cambodia can be transformed to a "Living Field" only if Ah Sen Khvak's brain can be transformed first, or after his death, regardless what's going to come out of Duch verdict. It does not matter. Cambodia will be " A Living Hell" for the poor, the weak and the unfortunate others. These are the ones that will have short life span due to the lack of medical needs, malnutrition, and suffering from psychological damage.

Chheam Khmer

Anonymous said...

i like that title from killing fields to living fields. cambodia is resilient, isn't it? may god bless my country cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Duch must be released, he killed less than someothers prisons chieves did. Most of his victims were Khmer rouges.