Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: The 4 Musketeers

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

I am greatly disappointed in the KR Tribunal. I believe there won't be any healing for Khmer people.

Why? not? Because the tribunal fail to clarify for us Khmer why and how Khmer Rough came about.

It is my painful wish that a history lesson should be one of the main objective of the court so that future Cambodians can be warned and have a precautionary tale of a history to be avoided.

Instead the trials got too political and nobody would allow the truth to come out, instead they beat around the bush!

The international judges don't want to exposed their countries' involvements, the Khmer judges are afraid of their superior Khmer Rough commanders still in the government, and the government is afraid of displeasing Vietnam and China!

Frustrating as a Khmer! Such injustice! It is pointless, If all the court's duty is to tell us these guys are innocent or not - in our hearts we all know they are guilty. We just hang them already, but that won't close our wounds! What we Khmer people want is a reconciliation of our history! We deserve to know the truth behind the Khmer Rough and that black hole of darkness in Khmer history. Who is responsible and supported for the policies that led to deaths of our family and fellow countrymen - both Khmer and ethnics alike!

given what we already seen with Duch's trial, it can be extrapolated that these four remaining defendants will not be given a true voice to explain their role without the government trying to shut down the court or interfere in their witnesses.

Very disappointing and will never have a chance again. Khmer reconciliation and true justice will be lost like a dream whose dreamer never woke up to see the light of day. Anicha :(

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow Khmers abroad!
You are sleeping and eating well. Leave the 4 leaders alone. They used to live in the jungle by using rocks as their pillows, the leaves of the trees as the roof to protect themselves from B-52. They fought for the interest of the country.
You have freedom of expression; I do, too. Leave them alone and free them.

Anonymous said...

They are already free by comparison of crimes they commit and now in simple detention . Don't think that sleeping in the forest with rock for pillow gives you excuse to kill or allow the murder of your own 2 million countrymen!

Your excuse is poorly argue and so laughable I can't believe I'm hearing this from another person who can read write and reason in human language :(

for what they did, in their life they owe everyone of
us Khmer, Cham, and other Cambodians an explanation- so no they can be freed! Killers whether they had come out of a farm forest mountain or city they must all pay the price of their crimes.

Anonymous said...

5:50 PM, that was heroic to liberate the country but we don't accuse them for that at all.

They killed Khmers and/or ordered to kill Khmers. That what they are accused.

No body could mix GOOD and BAD, Boudha said.

They don't deserve to live..

Anonymous said...

The UN must ask these monsters why did they displace all the Cambodian people from their homes and jobs? and why zero communication? or why no currency? market? or school? temple? professional people like policemen, doctors nurses and hospital? What where they trying to do? Cleaning out Cambodia for China and Vietnam? Well, it's now time to clean them up. The UN, please call the cleaner for the Cambodian people and people around the world who love nothing but normal life and freedom to do thing as human. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Long trial will be wastful just start trial in one week and declare verdict immediately becasue there are quite enough witnesses of crimes they were committed . Obviously there were loophole when trial's Duch, why becasue they didn't disclose or asked who helped murder khmer during killing fields. Ask Chhang Youk, he has mountain of documents . I ask each of four to be brave by declaring to the public who helped killed khmer who were behind them. Judge must perform fair trial otherwise it is nonsense and useless.

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow Khmers abroad !

Read these!

"While acknowledging the mass atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge regime, we should never forget the level of atrocities committed during the US secretive bombing of Cambodia from 1968-1973. A declassified telephone discussion between Henry Kissinger and General Alexander Haig, Nixon's deputy assistant for national security affairs, recorded that Nixon had ordered a “massive bombing campaign in Cambodia [to use] anything that flys [sic] on anything that moves”.

The map of US bombing targets released by Yale University’s Cambodian Genocide Program shows that more than half of the country was affected by the indiscriminate bombings. Professor Ben Kierman, director of the program, puts the casualties figure from the bombing at 150,000 deaths, while Edward Herman, a professor of Wharton School, and Noam Chomsky put the toll at 600,000 using figures provided by a Finnish Commission of Inquiry."

Don't forget that Lon Nol was stupid enough to get the peaceful Cambodia into the war in Vietnam.

Do you know that my dear fellow Khmers abroad ? ????

Now Kingdom of Cambodia is a multiple system parties. Go to Cambodia, and run for your own party. You can travel to anywhere.

Cambodia need th heal the old wounds. Do not dig up any thing that may cause the fragile peace of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

In fact PM HUN SEN should not allow to have these leaders in the Jail at all. Thailand, US, Soviet, China, and Vietnam should be at the trial, too. Because Cambodian people were vitimized by the supper powers.

FREE THE 4 PETRIOT LEADERS ! Their children and army are living along the border to protect the country. You are sleeping and eating very well abroad. Do you see the contrast ?

Khmer abroad.

Anonymous said...

Chhang You has done for his own pocket, not for Cambodian interest . Do you know ? He has plain of $$$.

CCP has used him, too.

Anonymous said...

Khmer abroad,
you are able to write and read English but you know nothing about laws and justice.
When they killed and/or ordered to kill, they commited crimes, then they must be jailed according to the coutry and international laws.

Yes, Duch should be released because he was FORCED to torture and kill.

Anonymous said...

Hello 9:08pm !

I am a former law informent officer in Cambodia during Lon Nol regime. That why I want US, Soviet, China, Thailand, Vietnam as well as UN at the trial, too.

Do not look at one side to make a fair judgment.

What kind of law do you study ?

FREE THE 4 LEADERS. Let them go back to be with their armies along the border. Then let the Vietnamese soldiers out of Cambodia. Enough is enough !

Khmer abroad

Anonymous said...

I'am not a LAW INFORMENT OFFICIER, why I'm not idiot.

If you know a little bit about CRIMINAL LAW, you would know that, as soon as you commit a crime you must be punished.

They commited crimes then they must be punished.

And you, a law man, you don't talk about law to talk about politic strategy, send criminals to the border to protect the country..

What the jurist you are ?
How many days you took your law course ? 3 days ?

Anonymous said...

Stay focus here. The trail is for Cambodia between 1975 and 1979. It's the trail to find justice for 2 millions Cambodian that got killed during those time. It is about who really ran Cambodia? or who in charge of those poor people? and who gave the order to displace and create chaos for the entire country and why? The most visible people and foreign people alike during those time should step up or be called by the UN to testify in court. We know it's involved multi- countries before April 17th of 1975, but many were gone. The border and all comunication were closed. It's the one that sticked around helping the four bastards torturing innocent people are the one that must pay full price. Again let's not drift all over the place. Let's just concentrate in that areas and find justice and compensation for Cambodian and freedom lover people around the world from there only.

Anonymous said...

There are two kinds of express freedom: 1)- Express the right one.2)Express the wrong one.If someone express the one,million people support him/her or them,but the wrong one has quite a few. Good deed gets good deed,but evil deed gets to hell.If someone was killed by someone,the one who killed him/her must go to jail.This is the law of each country of the world.Everyone must obey the laws.