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Opposition leader Sam Rainsy talks to reporters during a press conference in December 2008. Photo by: Heng Chivoan |
James O’Toole and Meas Sokchea
The Phnom Penh Post
Opposition leader Sam Rainsy talks to reporters during a press conference in December 2008. Photo by: Heng ChivoanSAM Rainsy’s conviction yesterday at Phnom Penh Municipal Court has struck a blow both to the opposition and the prospects for pluralism in Cambodia, observers said yesterday.
The 10-year sentence Sam Rainsy received follows a two-year term handed down in January by the Svay Rieng provincial court in connection with a protest last year in which he uprooted border markers to protest alleged Vietnamese encroachment.
Yesterday’s conviction for disinformation and falsifying public documents stems from the opposition leader’s attempts to vindicate his border claims by publicising maps of the territory in question in press conferences and on the SRP website.
In a statement yesterday from Europe, where he has lived since fleeing the Kingdom last year, Sam Rainsy dismissed yesterday’s ruling as that of a “kangaroo court” in the thrall of Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party. “Only a kangaroo court can issue the type of verdict we saw today,” Sam Rainsy said.
“Everybody, from independent human rights organisations to the United Nations special rapporteur on the human rights situation in Cambodia, rightly says that the judiciary in this country is everything but independent, being only a political tool for the authoritarian ruling party to silence any critical voices.”
In a report published last week, special rapporteur Surya Subedi said laws on disinformation and defamation had been used “selectively and in a biased manner against journalists, human rights activists and political leaders”.
“Public figures should be prepared to tolerate more criticism and avoid using the courts to silence critics,” the report said.
In an email yesterday, Subedi said he was “concerned” about Sam Rainsy’s conviction.
“There is a worrying trend of cases involving parliamentarians in Cambodia, as I have highlighted in my report,” Subedi said. “I will be raising this case when I address the [UN] Human Rights Council next week.”
Aside from Subedi’s comments, however, the conviction drew a muted response from the diplomatic community.
Officials at the British, French and Australian embassies did not respond to requests for comment, and the United States Embassy declined to comment. Yesterday’s hearing was lightly attended save for a few observers and local journalists who gathered outside the court.
Sam Rainsy’s conviction follows recent summonses by the Municipal Court for opposition politicians Chea Poch, an SRP parliamentarian, and Kem Sokha, president of the Human Rights Party. In both instances, the summonses related to cases that were several years old.
Sam Rainsy also received a summons earlier this month in relation to a two-year-old defamation lawsuit brought by Foreign Minister Hor Namhong.
“This is going to become a de facto one-party state if we continue this trend,” said Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights.
Thun Saray, president of the local rights group Adhoc, and Yeng Virak, executive director of the Community Legal Education Centre, said they hoped see the SRP and CPP work together to broker a political settlement that would help preserve pluralism in Cambodian politics. Sam Rainsy was able to return from exile following a 2005 defamation conviction thanks to a Royal pardon requested by Hun Sen.
“In a democratic society, the majority also has to give tolerance to the minority,” Thun Saray said. “Both of them, they need to coexist.”
Such a compromise may be slow in coming, however. Senate President Chea Sim rejected a request from the SRP last week that he intervene in Sam Rainsy’s case, and Hun Sen said Monday that there was no room for negotiation.
“If you don’t come to jail, the prison will go to take you,” Hun Sen said.
the world, please note that cambodia is not all about sam rainsy, really! there are more to cambodia than this odd ball individual who self-imposed everything he does to serve his clients, not serve khmer people! this individual always disrespect khmer law by thinking of himself as above the law, you know! i hope they jail him when he showed up on cambodian soil!
by the way, cambodia passed that stage of political chaos, etc; we're at a new and better stage of progress, etc. yes, we our country, cambodia, changed faster than you can publish your book, really!
Yeah, Cambodia is what and when the Viet pushes the button, really! Freaking Viet's slave such as 11:32 PM!
hey, cambodia is not about youn and siem either, you know! that is so outdated in thinking! maybe once upon a time, it was true, but nowadays, we expect great changes in cambodia!
ជ័យោតុលាការgankaro បានដាក់គុកមេបក្សប្រឆាំងឲ្យជាប់គុក១០ឆ្នាំក៏ប៉ុន្តែដួចជាតិចពេកហើយដោយតុលាការGankaroនឹកឃើញថាខ្មែរដួចគ្នាទេកុំអីមួយជីវិតហើយលោកមើលងាយតុលាការប្រទេសកម្ពុជា។
yeah, great changes to become the true slave of the Viet. Is that right you Viet bastard @11:51PM???
To 11:32 PM: Cambodian laws are not being implemented here but Ah Hun Sen/Viet's, which stated that you can get away with murdering innocent Khmers but get death penalty or extreme prison sentence for being critical of the Viet and Hun Sen. I often see convicted murderers getting 2-10 years of sentences. So, why is Sam Rainsy getting such long sentence for, assumed, false publications? Beware fellow Khmers. The issue with the Thai plays into the hands of Hun Sen and the Viet in masking their true intention of ceding our land to the Viet. I support Hun Sen’s action toward the Thai, but the monster toward the East has bigger fangs than the one toward the West.
This is another move from Hanoi through Hun Kwack to secure seat for the next 5 to 10 year.
If you can't see beyond your blur visions of what's going on in Cambodia...... you need to shut the f**k up. Really!!!
I meant it.....shut the f**k! Really!!!!
The Viet Namese's Government and it's people robbed Khmer's lands and still can throw khmers in jail, that is outrageous!
Can you imagine! What the Viet Cong and it's people do to Khmer Krom?
The Viet it's just like the hungry wolf that have seen a piece of meat.(which is Khmer's lands.)
If these Viet Congs are doing to the Russia,UK OR US, they would have NUKE these Viet off the maps already.
"by the way, cambodia passed that stage of political chaos, etc; we're at a new and better stage of progress, etc. yes, we our country, cambodia, changed faster than you can publish your book, really!
11:32 PM"
You are absolutely right Mr. 11:32 PM, really about the fast change in Cambodia; a change you are talking about, really, is a change in ownership of the land from the poor to the rich; a change from being an independent country to a subservient state, really. It is happening right in your face, really. There is no doubt about it, really.
Hun Sen to jail Sam Raingsy 20 years without solid case it is power of abuse and crime against humanity by Hun Sen must be drop immediately. The case of destruction of the public property by Hun Sen against Sam Raingsy on Cambodia-Vietnam border because the Viet placed border markers on the Khmer farmland. Whatever happen than we declared all LAND ARE KHMER LAND since the Khmer Empire. Hun Sen must be in jail for life his crime.
You can sit and bitch about every little bitty thing if you want. If you decide to do that you will miss all the opportunities to make money.
There are many opportunities to make mouney in Cambodia and there are many foreigners want to invest in Cambodia and beleive they are not stupid.
Now you are talking about a bigger airport in Siem Reap that will bring more money in the country.
If you can't see that, it is your problem !!!
There is no country in the world is perfect, including Cambodia, but if you wished Cambodia to be disappeared from the earth or in chaos, you will be disappointed the rest of your life because it will not happen.
Your propaganda did not work in the 90's and it doesn't work in 2010 either. Try to be possitive and find the solution to the problem instead of pointing fingure.
It is better to be part of the solution but not part of the problem.
No body give a dam about Sam Rainsy any more. All countries and diplomats are sick and tire of his none stop trouble making. Why can't he just play by the rule like everyone else. There are many other opposition leaders like Yim Sovann and Son Chay who got big mouth and criticize the government all the time, but they are smart enough to not break any law that give the government excuse to sue them.
So if you are smart and play by the rule, it is ok to be an opposition in Cambodia and still can do your work.
Sam Rainsy is big fucking political looser in our modern Cambodia society. We need a brand new Cambodian leader with bright ideas to lead the country, not that dummy Ah Rainsy.
The first step the Vietcong government used dirt poor Cambodian farmers rice fields to demarcate their border!
The second step the Vietcong government used AH HUN SEN's house to demarcate their border!
The third step the Vietcong government used all dirt poor Cambodian people houses to demarcate their border! By then Cambodia will be another Khmer Kampuchea Krom!
If the Khmer Krom are ready fighting the Vietcong government to gain independence nation and why on Earth Khmer in Cambodia want to do the same? Why? Why?
The Khmer Krom is a living legacy for all Khmer(Cambodian) people to see as example!
If Khmer(AH HUN SEN) hate another Khmer(Sam Rainsy) then the enemy(the Vietcong government) will have hate Khmer even more! It doesn't have to be this way!
កាលសម័យប៉ុល ពត បើឈ្លបវាចង់សម្លាប់អ្នក
ណាម្នាក់វាចោទថាភ្នាក់ងារសម្ងាត់របស់ សេ អ៊ី អា។
នៅលើទំព័រ KI មនុស្សមួយក្រុមតូច អ្នកដែល មានគំនិតរបៀបប៉ុល ពត តែងតែចោទមនុស្ស
អ្នកណាដែលមិនកាន់ជើងសម រង្សី ឬ យល់
ស្របតាមមតិក្រុមប្រឆាំង គេក៍ចោទភ្លាមថាជា
មនុស្សយួន ។ ទាំងនេះបានសេចក្តីថាក្រុមមនុស្សមួយក្តាប់តូច ប្រភេទចោទខ្មែរឯទៀតយ៉ាងងាយៗដូច្នេះ គឺក្រុម
ដែលនៅមានគំនិតប៉ុល ពតដេតជាប់ក្នុងខួរដែល
Dirt-poor Cambodian farmers are the victims of the Vietcong naked aggression.... Mr. Sam Rainsy stands behind dirt-poor Cambodian farmer! Why AH HUN SEN government blames everything on Mr. Sam Rainsy?
So stop blaming the victim! Enough is enough! AH HUN SEN needs to tell his Vietcong boss that it is wrong to take away land from dirt-poor Cambodian farmers! It is wrong to violate Cambodian sovereignty! It is wrong...wrong...wrong! AH HUN SEN needs to know what is right and what is wrong!
All Khmer people must learn to see the future effectively what is the current Vietnamese involvements and movements effect all Khmer population in the future will be like. First wealthy Khmer looked down on poor Khmer and ignored Khmer suffering. Second Khmer people hardly helping the handycap and disable people to get better life. Other opinions all Khmer people must be unity and organize in order to save and protect Cambodia from the Vietnamese expansion.
ពាក្យស្លោកពោលថា ថោកអ្វីនឹងដៃ ថ្លៃអ្វីនឹងមាត់។
ដូច្នេះបើ សម រង្សីចង់ត្រឡប់វិញគឺជាការងាយ
បំផុត ដោយទទួលស្គាល់សាលក្រមតុលាការខ្មែរ
ជាមុន រួចសរសេរលិខិតថ្វាយព្រៈមហាក្សត្រជា
ក្រោយ។ មួយវិញទៀតដើម្បីកុំអោយខាតពេល
ជ្រុលនិយម ពេលនោះសម រង្សីអាចមានឩិកាស
ជាគួរអោយស្តាយអាយុ៦០ប្លាយហើយ គួរឆាប់
រកឩិកាសបំរើជាតិ ដោយកុំយកឩិកាសបំផ្លាញ ជាតិរបៀបនេះ ប្រជាជនខ្មែរប្រាកដជាមិនអាច
Friday, September 24, 2010THE COWARD KILLERS
Hen Sen is a coward back bone mastermind…
Behind closed door Hun Sen orderes and demands…
A one Eyed man, his Left, and Right hand man…
Every now and then they give out orders to the rest of the Klan…
Hun Sen, the Klan, and their Black book of hell…
Open the Book you’ll see Chea Vichea, Mu Sochua, Sam Rainsy…
Then Journalists, Publishers, Vendors, and the rest of the Citizens…
To stay in power. Hun Sen & his Klan plays the game of Truth & Dear on Citizens of Khmer…
Citizens who speak the truth against Hun Sen, the Grim reapers are near...
For the Unfortunates the Grim reaper was there….
Some that spoke the truths fled the country for safety due to fears…
This is what they do, putting fears is breaking us apart, As Khmer Citizens we must be smart...
Working together is a start, together will make us strong and before long, Hun Sen (CPP) Regime will falls…
After all Hun Sen, Left & Right hand Klan cowardly kills through the hands of the Assassin man.
Hun Sen Disproportions claims of Citizen had defaming him, to the rest of world we called that "HUMAN RIGHT and FREEDOM OF SPEECH".
To stay in power he eliminates anyone that gets in his way, such as jailed, sentencing to Absentia, and uses his power & wealth that he steals to suppress the TRUTHS.
ណែ អាស្វាវត្តភ្នំខ្ញុំយួន ២:៤៦AM នឹង ៣:២៣AM!
សំឡាប់ចោលអោយផុតពូជមឹនខាន ឭទេ???
It’s looking like HUN SEN AND YOUN hires several people to MAKING trouble on KI-MEDIA to post the first comment most of the time, and to make khmer and khmer fighting…ect.
Ye, fucker 4:37 I wanna bang your mom right now
នយោបាយអត្តឃាតរបស់លោកសម រង្ស៊ី គឺជារឿងអាម៉ាស់ដែលកើតចេញពីមហិច្ឆតាល្មោភអំណាច ខ្លួនអសមត្ថភាព ប៉ុន្តែចង់ដឹកនាំប្រទេស ឬជាការគិតរវើរវាយ ធ្វើសកម្មភាពតាមអារម្មណ៍ឈ្លក់វង្វេង ស្រឡាញ់តែការប្រឆាំងផ្កាប់មុខគ្មានដឹងខុសត្រូវ មានតែគំនិតញុះញង់បំផ្លាញជាតិទើបទទួលរងនូវកម្មផលបែបនេះ ។
ដូច្នេះម្នាល 3:50 AM ត្រូវធ្វើចិត្តអោយបានកុំ
ធ្វើបាបខ្លួនឯង និង ក្រុមគ្រួសារអោយសោះបើ
ទោះជាខ្លួនខូចសតិក៍ដោយ ។
4:37am look like you love yuon Hun Sen more than yourself and your country Cambodia. Example if Hun Sen or CPP member evict you from your home, what do you say? CPP say this is government land even you has Land Title it is still government land because CPP is government. The CPP will evicts all Khmer people so the Vietnamese will take it easy from the CPP.
by ALL MENAS protect your land. Vietnam had been working so hard for many centuries for owning Khmer's land. they created khmer vietmin, khmer viet cong, kher issarak were all youn created khmer to fight khmer, we all did not know that it was vietnam tactics. finally it comes true in 1975s but but pol pot saw that he rushed and fight on, he won the land but with the wrong policy and so the story goes...with vietnam hidden faces as Ankar leu to kill all two millions khmers...
to all kone khmer... you have to know you history I ask all of you young kids to do research so you can help our beloved land, rainsy did half of his part if he did not finish, he will leave the trial for some of you who truly love khmer. Do not give up on Rainsy!! He is paved the way for all of you to walk easily into the future.
stand up and hellp him!!! do not look down on our elders they are the walking library....
Mr 11:32
Yes, I agree Cambodia is not all about Sam Raingsy. But Cambodia is all about YOu and Your Corrupt Cronies. You are the type of short sighted intellectual group, ready to sell your brain for a lucrative post and to serve a a nespotic dictator.
Cambodia has changed in term of infrastructures thank to the money borrowed from foreign countries, not from the economic development.
But Cambodia now become a second Burma ruled by Corrupt and incompetent leaders, by vorace businessmen...
Mr 11:32
Yes, I agree Cambodia is not all about Sam Raingsy. But Cambodia is all about YOu and Your Corrupt Cronies. You are the type of short sighted intellectual group, ready to sell your brain for a lucrative post and to serve a a nespotic dictator.
Cambodia has changed in term of infrastructures thank to the money borrowed from foreign countries, not from the economic development.
But Cambodia now become a second Burma ruled by Corrupt and incompetent leaders, by vorace businessmen...
3: 23 ទទួលស្គាល់សាលក្រមតុលាការខ្មែរ ? Ah Tolakar which khmer people Hate most? Stop talking about Tolakar khmer. Degusting!
Cpp talking like Rainsy has another island to live by himself. Rainsy is the tool to scare viet crocodile away. the croc ko dile viet is so scared and scared of rainsy's present. honestly it not hun hun it viet viet.
they probably laughing eating stinking smelled PHO with their cronies while you and me and rainsy and the banana gov't is fighting each other like hell.
We need king sihamoni's help. He is the highest of all the people in the region including Honoi paranoid folks. If the king says yes the honaoi must say yes or vice versa... Obama is the king of all kings...
To 11:32 PM:
you know! really! you know! really!
What the F.
I wonder how many “you know! really! you know! really!”
you have to repeat when you talk?
It must be very annoying to the listeners.
ណែ អាស្វាវត្តភ្នំខ្ញុំយួន ៥:៣៦AM!
សំឡាប់ចោលអោយផុតពូជមឹនខាន ឭទេ???
ណែ អាស្វាវត្តភ្នំខ្ញុំយួន ៥:៣៦AM(5:36AM)!
សំឡាប់ចោលអោយផុតពូជមឹនខាន ឭទេ???
អាស្វាវត្តភ្នំខ្ញុំយួន ៥:៣៦AM ឯងនេះគ្មាន
True Khmer patriots are all around you; it's just a matter of time, got it អាស្វាវត្តភ្នំខ្ញុំយួន ៥:៣៦AM???
សុំផ្ដាំផ្ញើទៅ អាវ៉ែនតាផង .....
នៅឯការិយាល័យទីស្ដីការគណៈរដ្ឋមន្ដ្រី និងនៅឯវាលកប៉ាល់ហោះអន្ដរជាតិភ្នំពេញ មុននឹងចេញដំណើរមក New York ថា :
បើចង់ចូលស្រុកវិញទាល់តែចូលគុក ១២ឆ្នាំសិន។
ណែ អាស្វាវត្តភ្នំខ្ញុំយួន ១០:០៦AM(10:06AM)!
សំឡាប់ចោលអោយផុតពូជមឹនខាន ឭទេ???
អាស្វាវត្តភ្នំខ្ញុំយួន ១០:០៦AM ឯងនេះគ្មាន
True Khmer patriots are all around you; it's just a matter of time, got it អាស្វាវត្តភ្នំខ្ញុំយួន ១០:០៦AM???
Nous savons bien qui et ou tu es, connard!!
Sam Rainsy must take Hun Sen to court; Failure to prosecute Hun Sen will result in more innocent Khmer peoples being murder.
Sam Rainsy must not give Hun Sen another option to pick to escape justice.
Which one is better?
1. Hun Sen Death Squad (The Cambodian Organize Crime) go to federal prison for life in the United States for terrorism on March 30, 1997 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
2. Sam Rainsy get his jail terms drop.
Option 1 will benefit all innocent Khmer peoples and Khmer national.
Option 2 will benefit Sam Rainsy and the Cambodia People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime (Hun Sen Death Squad, assassins, murderers, killers, human rights abusers and land grabbers...).
The last time, Sam Rainsy picked was option 2.
I remember Sam Rainsy said "I'm not doing this for Sam Rainsy, I'm doing this for Khmer national."
Sam Rainsy, please do a favor for the Khmer national, take Hun Sen to court.
I am hopping that Sam Rainsy pick the right option this time so that the same thing will not happen again ever.
Sam Rainsy must not allow Hun Sen to continue to kill more innocent Khmer peoples.
Sam Rainsy is in a position to take Hun Sen to court because Hun Sen was trying to assassinate him on March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack (Terrorism). This is a rare opportunity. Only victims have the power. I wise, I have this power to bring Hun Sen to federal court in the United States.
This is a million times better than spend hundreds of million of dollars to hire a private military contractor (Black Water, now XE etc...) to bring justice to criminals (Hun Sen Death Squad and the Khmer Rouge Regimes) who is responsible for killing almost two million innocent Khmer peoples and counting.
Who ever charge, prosecute, convict and sentence Hun Sen is a Khmer hero. You will be saving a lot of innocent Khmer peoples life. Because Hun Sen is responsible for murders his political opponents, leaders of the free trade union, journalists and innocent Khmer peoples.
Hun Sen is the most powerful person in Cambodia.
Sam Rainsy have the power to send the most powerful person in Cambodia (Hun Sen) to federal prison for life in the United States.
Victim of
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime
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