Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Tale from the Chek Chhvea Kingdoom: The lion-immigrant

Originally posted on
Translated from Khmer by Lucky Unlucky Po'Boy

The Lion-Immigrant

One lion was newly brought in from Africa to a zoo. A man was riding his bicycle near the zoo while a young girl, who was brought to the zoo by her parents, was looking at the animals in the zoo. The young girl was walking so close to the lion cage that it was able to grab onto her shirts. The lion tried to use one of its paws to catch the young girl in order to eat her. The man on the bicycle saw the incident and he jumped in and punched the lion right on its eye. The surprised lion stepped back. The man carried the young girl out of harm and returned her to her wary parents. The parents thank him profusely. The incident was also observed by a reporter from a famous newspaper, he then approached the man.

Reporter: Since I was born, I never saw anybody as brave as you.
Cyclist: You flatter me too much! The lion was inside the cage, I saw the little girl in danger and I just went there to help her as my conscience calls for it.
Reporter: This is such an amazing event! I will write an article about it so that people can learn about your heroism. I am a reporter for a famous newspaper and I will have the story published tomorrow. Now, please let me ask you some details, what are you doing right now?
Cyclist: I sell fresh coconuts in this zoo.
Reporter: Which political party are you affiliated with?
Cyclist: I am with the opposition party!

The reporter left but he promised to have the story published on the front page of his newspaper anyway.

The next day, the coconut seller asked to borrow a newspaper from one of his clients to see if his story was published or not. Right there! Just as the reporter promised, the front page reads:

“Coconut seller beats up African immigrant on the eye and steals food out of the immigrant’s mouth”


Anonymous said...

Sick is the story. Poor cyclist. Just because he is on the opposition party's side.

Anonymous said...

The one thing stinkier than blowing smoke up someone's ass is doing it to yourself. Does the guy that wrote this story go home and open a jar of his own fart and smell it? He got to, considering how his story is. This story is like masturbation to the writer and his supporters. Stroking yourself because it feels good. Remember though that masturbation is just fucking yourself. Don't spend too much time fucking yourself because there is a fine line between fun and unhealthy.

Anonymous said...

8:52AM!!!!! don't be so stupid like your father, the Ph.D. from Hanoi! No one have jar of fart at home like the Viet's slaves!!!!

Anonymous said...

We need to spend time to read and think of the story deeply not superficially, otherwise we will not understand its full meanning, and we will not understand what the writer want to say. The second comments provider above has no ability of thinking, I think.

Please try to think the story in a positive way

Anonymous said...

I found this story amusing and funny too. It relates a lot to current situcation in srok khmer. Unlike 8:52am who always fuck him/herself with fingers that's why never find orgasm.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe everybody misunderstood the whole point of this story. It does have double meaning.
In a nut shell, the parable teaches us that division still exists among us all. The reporter was so excited to report a story until he found out that the hero has a different point of views and believes which contrary to his belief so he change his tune.
People need to set political believes aside if we are to have peace and tranquility in our country. Because ultimately, everyone wants peace, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.

Anonymous said...

9:13 AM

Did calling someone with different belief stupid online make you feel better about yourself? Just because you are sad and pathetic, you don't need to go around infecting others with your self absorbent presumptuous know-it-all mentality. Don't feel special about name calling on the internet either. Your kind is a dime in a dozen. Your malicious intent has more meaning for your sad life than anyone else. Keep it to yourself, you bacteria.

Anonymous said...

9:13 AM

Only stupid fool like you would be biased against any kind of education. Unless you have no education yourself and are jealous of others, you should know better. Your shit ain't better than anyone's as much as you like to think.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:39 and 10:44 We have the word is to desribe something! and if you think, it is stupid yes! you should say so!

People have the right to think I am stupid to call Ph.D. from Hanoi stupid? for the motherfucker who support or initiated stealing of other land, property, and freedome I am sure that motherfuckers are stupid asshole evil!

I'mmaynot better than any body but you motherfuckers rober,corrupters, and killer are lower than rat!