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Royal Cambodian Government
File # Information 54
To Samdach Akeak Moha Ponhea Chakkrei Heng Samrin,
President of the National Assembly
Subject: Request by four SRP Members of Parliament: HE Sam Rainsy, HE Khim Lakky, HE Mao Monivann and HE Cheam Channy for the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to answer questions accusing the RGC of violating the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements (PPA).
Reference: Letter No. 661 RS, dated 15 October 2010 from the National Assembly.
Referring to the subject above, I have a great honor to inform your excellency Samdach Akeak Moha Ponhea Chakkrei, President of the National Assembly, the following:
Prior to my obligation to answer to the owners of the questions, I have to be very cautious in examining the depth and the meaning of this letter. Furthermore, as the Prime minister who leads the executive branch in the Kingdom of Cambodia, I fully respect the high merit of its democracy and the power of the National Assembly as the representative the Khmer People and as the nation’s supreme legislative branch based on the principle of division of power through a democratic parliamentary system as stipulated in the constitution, in particular, in regards to the rights of MPs to ask the government as stated in Article 96 of the constitution.
However, in regards to the letter from the four MPs dated 13 October 2010, its subject is clearly intended to accuse the RCG of "… violates the PPA…" as indicated. Not only that, the letter started by accusing to the RCG in its very first question, such as: "Why does the RCG violates the PPA…" before stating the other three questions. The intent to accuse clearly shows that the owners of the letter have already demonstrated their position on this issue, thus they do not have any doubt that would require my answer.
Therefore, if the owners of the questions have accused the RCG of "…violates the PPA…" already, they should avail themselves of their legitimate rights to file a complaint to the court and leave for the judge to make a decision. This is the right way according to the constitution, because the forum discussion in the assembly is not a hearing session to judge on the accusation from the MPs on the RCG. And the Prime Minister, like all other members of the RCG, should not use the National Assembly session to exercise their rights and requirements to provide answers to the accusation leveled by the MPs either.
Therefore, as the Prime Minister and the RGC representative, I do not have the rights to exercise my power in contrary to the constitution nor infringe the principle of the governing system, the principle of the rule of law and the democratic parliamentary system as clearly stipulated in the constitution. Based on the principle set by the constitution of Kingdom of Cambodia, I should cautiously avoid to associate myself with any bad habits of taking advantage of the parliament session as an accusation hearing platform, or to reply to such scheme that is outside of the democratic parliamentary governing system.
However, as the RCG leader who is responsible in front of the National Assembly and who abides by the constitution, both I and other members of the Council of Ministers, we always welcome by providing clarifications to answers to the parliament on questions asked by MPs which do not precede by accusation.
Furthermore, this letter was also written not within the context of an exchange between the legislative and the executive branches with the aim of national edification nor to foster any positive change, but this letter was written to reflect its motivation to incite and to cause trouble which is the way that the opposition puts into application for its destruction intention.
Politicians who prefer to use instigation to cause trouble are of no use to the nation, and they do not respond to the importance of the democratic principles at all.
In addition, it is a shame for me, as a Cambodian citizen, and I regret very much to see the accusations made by the four MPs who are also Cambodians as well, but they made the exact same accusations as those leveled by the extremist Thais on Cambodia, and on those questions [leveled by the Thais], the RCG took action to clarify them already. This accusation clearly demonstrated that the SRP MPs have defended and are defending the interest of another country against their own nation at a time when this foreign nation is violating Cambodia's territorial integrity, contrary to their MP’s pledge of allegiance as follow: "We pledge and are determined, even at the sacrifice our lives, to always protect, now and in the future the:
- Full independence of the Cambodian Motherland
- Full national integrity
- Legitimate territorial integrity of the country
- National unity without accepting any division or secessiom.
We all will definitely not allow anyone who whishes to interfere into the Cambodian internal affairs or impose their orders over our national and international political platform, and we will not serve any foreign interest."
Samdach the President of the Assembly, please understand and accept my highest ethical and moral with the explanation above, in respect to the national constitution with the aim of strengthening the rule of laws in Cambodia.
As explained above, please Samdach president be highly informed and forward this response to the accusers, as well as other MPs.
Please accept, Samdach Akeak Moha Ponhea Chakkrei, President of the National Assembly, my highest regards.
Phnom Penh 23rd October 2010
Prime Minister
(HUN SEN's signature)
Samdach Akeak Moha Sena Padei Decho Hun Sen
Royal palace
Secretariat of the Senate
Secretariat of the Nationa Assembly
Office of the Samdach Prime Minister
Office of the vice-PMs
For “information”
Truly Hun Sen pledge means as follow: "We pledge and are determined, even at the sacrifice our lives, to always ALLOW, now and in the future the:
- Fullfil Ho Chiminh's dream of Indochina that the Cambodian Motherland be one of them.
- Full multies-national, IndoChina, integrity
- Legitimate territorial integrity of the IndoChina
- Multies-National unity without accepting any division or secession.
We all will definitely not allow anyone who whishes to interfere with our goal to legalize Indochina affairs."
so we can see why this government will do everything to put down khmer nationalists.
LONG LIVE VIET NAM.. Hun sen and CPP doing a very good work..
We will continue to support your regime both military, intelligence and money which we send to you 500M USD per year .. So do not worry.
All stupid and idiot khmer wishes they never born.. We will control Thailand too..
Good work HUN SEN-CPP you will be the governor of CAMBODIA .. soon will be the province of VIet Nam.. Good work Hun SEN -- CPP,, good work for Phay Siphan lip service and SOK SIhpanan and Sarin Donora for providing the documents and manipulation international dinitaries in cambodia.
We want to thanks all of our brothers and sisters of vietnamese who hold all level officials in cambodian for your time to support your mother land Viet Nam..
good work Hun SEN and CPP..
ah doggy yuon brain and slave. stop baking and invade Cambodia territory. Saigon is belong to Cambodia, people remains their Khmer religion and culture and speak Khmer language. Enough to realise yourself ah yuon kantop.
Khmer in PP Capital
Ah pler 11:33, Du Ma Cong Cak, fool. There is no such a thing called "Mother land Viet Nam". You dirt. Lol. Your Viet mama is a whore and so do all your Viet women, fool. Tell them to stop opening their legs to Ah Khmao Kdor thom, fool.
First this letter has shown to the public how arrogant this idot Prime Minister toward Cambodian National and the world who have witness PEACE TREATY OF 1991. Cambodian must react to this very arrogant man with masses protest. I am very sad to hear a leader of Nation who dare to make this kind of response to their own people and to their own Nation.
Areak Prey
LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...
Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.
Long live Viet Nam
soon we will take thailand too
Go on scream and kick to bless Vietnam for long life but forget to bless yourself first. What happen when you get heart failure causing by this unnecessary excitement.
Oh by the way I think your pay check is coming late, so why don't you just take sometimes to be at the mail box and don't come back until I tell you so.
Now Hun Sen can be arrogant. But wait and see when he changes his tune sometimes in the next months to come. In Khmer saying " Komphliegn Ngorp pruos Muort" (meaning the little fish calls Komphliegn is dead because of its breathing).
This letter serves for an other evident to be collected for his trial against his treason acts in the near future.
I believe that Samdech Hun Sen only response to any inquiry or listen to his considered superior only.
I do not think that he has democratic view in serving Cambodians and Cambodia.
It seems that he accuses or paints the oppositions as serving Thailand in regarding, or similar questions to Thailand asked by the four oppostion MPs.He is indeed paranoid, unless he is avoiding the answers that would not able to response.
The questions should be detailed rather than accusation as he would be keen to response. I have no doubt that he would point out to his subordinate to response.
Please note that he has never been to assembly to response to any inquiry by MPs.Does this act comply to constitution.Even annual general meeting speculated in our constitution, he has never complied.
It has been a long wait to see cambodians from all sources demand for enforcement of Paris Peace agreement.
Neang SA
To sum it up Hun Sen cannot answer the questions, because the govt under him has already violated the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement. So Cambodian people don’t expect the answers from the Viet’s slave ‘Atch Koh’ Hun Sen. He only reports to his bosses in Hanoi. What’s a shame that he claims to be a nationalist. Oh well, what do we expect, Cambodia is a Banana Kingdom presided over by monkeys.
Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Nguon Nhel and a few more are monkeys having worthless Phd’s
Hun Sen is above the law that is why the people are pissing off.
Posting his letter here is good, but it would be a lot better if there a way to publish the letter in the local Khmer newspapers for the public to read and show his true jungle man's manner.
"We pledge and are determined, even at the sacrifice our lives, to always protect, now and in the future the:
- Full independence of the Cambodian Motherland
- Full national integrity
- Legitimate territorial integrity of the country
- National unity without accepting any division or secessiom.
We all will definitely not allow anyone who whishes to interfere into the Cambodian internal affairs or impose their orders over our national and international political platform, and we will not serve any foreign interest."
បរិវារវាទេ ។
Please do not respond against those Vietnamese or someone pretending as Vietnamese because what he said is only mocking Hun Sen and CPP.
'Accusations' or not is beside the point.
The National Assembly is a democratic debating forum and the most supreme law-making body as well as a national watchdog, check and balance institution/mechanism in the land. Therefore, where matters pertaining to public interest and the integrity of the Constitution, treaties, legislations etc. or the infringement thereof, in their specific concrete context, it is incumbent upon law-makers to bring such matters to light and to demand their full, thorough accounts/explanations in a transparent manner.
Where questions are perceived or defined as accusations instead, the said accusations must be endorsed by relevant points of law or demonstrated clearly why the accusations made fall outside the remit of the National Assembly and belong in the Court of law.
There is a long catalogue of cases that have simply been fast-tracked from the alleged scenes of the crime directly to the judges who are ordered to hand justice and sentences down the defendants' throats without going through the above mentioned investigative stage and due diligence. For instance, in the case of Mr S. Rainsy's charge of deliberate falsification of public documents, the charge needs to be backed up with tangible, circumstantial evidence proving beyond reasonable doubt his offense under relevant laws of the land - not laws of the PM or the recommendations of his foreign patrons.
This is why this letter is entirely in character with one ingrained with police state mentality who has yet to begin to accept that neither him nor his government or office is above the rule of law, to which he even has the audacity to make reference in complete contempt, arrogance, ridicule and mockery.
School of Vice
LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...
Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.
Long live Viet Nam
soon we will take thailand too
We are khmer very shame to have a Prime Minister whose is not different to an animal/
Tith Sothea
Now we all had seen "HunSen & his ASS gagsters" it is characters of the people who TRULY VIOLATE THE PPA.
Anonymous said...
ចម្លើយរបស់ហ៊ុន សែនមិនច្បាស់លាស់ទេ
ទោះឯងជាស្អីក៏ដោយ ក៏ត្រូវ
នាទីជាអ្នកដឹកនាំរដ្ឋ ។ បើការចោទសួររបស់គេវាចំណេញ
ទឹកមាត់ដែរ តែនេះជាអាយុជីវិត
ដឹកនាំ ព្រោះគេខ្លាចបាត់ទឹកដីដែរ។
អ្នកដែលឯងខ្លាចឯណោះទេ ។
ក្រយ៉ៅច្បាស់ណាស់ ។
ទេ ឯងជាមនុស្សមិនស្គាល់
ឯងបែរមុខទៅខាងកើត តែឯង
ប្រកួតរបស់ឯងទៅហើយ នេះឯងជាការរើសអើងនោះអី ។
DU MEH Ah Hun Sen,
Ma you stuff up big time this time, ma touy can do nothing.
Ma he is so stupid to write like this when all Smer people around the world talking and protesting about ma PPA shit...
Ma choy deul euy, ma touy have big migraine headache to try and find something to smooth this up when ong Kimoon comes... Ma what will touy have to say this time huh ???
Ma Smer people euy, ma touy wish like you for Ah Hun Sen chet roy teuv when he is so very stupid like this... Ma touy cannot cope in this work any more.
Executive director,
Vietnam Parliamentary office
The Viet Dogs barking above are Dara Doung and Daren Pen in Washington.
The grenades killed over 10 people at the Pagoda. Sene Sane's son was injured by the grenades including 10 other people. I did not know that they would be using the hand grenades against the innocent demonstrators. I was not a party to it. When the grenades exploded, I was at the office of Net Sa Veun talking to him about how Hun Sen had met Hoc Lundy. After that the police were alerted to the explosions and that is when I knew that something bad happened. I only found out that after the grenades exploded. The police were called upon to investigate who was responsible for the bombing, but they did the investigation superficially and were trying to cover the track than to find the person responsible.
During my time at the Anti-Narcotic Bureau, I discovered evidence showing Hun Sen's people being involved in drug trafficking. I went to see Hun Sen with a view to bringing it to his attention. He took me to the cellar of his house which was nicely decorated. Hun Sen asked me whether I knew the names of the people who were into the drugs. I replied that I knew and I told him one name Mon Routy whom I was sure was involved. I suspected other men of Hun Sen were also involved, but I was not 100% sure. Hun Sen did not make any comments. Then Hoc Lundy then arrived with Huy Piseth, Chief of the Hun Sen's bodyguards and distracted my discussion with him. We then talked about the opposition party's protest. Hoc Lundy said to Hun Sen, ' why don't you use hand grenades.' Hun Sen said that it was a good idea... "I can send Seth to do it and he is a good operator." He authorized Hoc Lundy to pay for Huy PiSeth to do the job. Hoc Lundy answered that he would put together the money to pay them. He suggested that I met with Seth. After that, Hoc Lundy ordered me to find the money (US$ 100000) to give to Huy Piseth. The money came from the police.
On 30/3/97, the opposition leader Sam Rainsy led a demonstration calling for the reform of the justice system in Cambodia. The demonstration was held in front of the Assembly of the Nation. I was near the Pro Tom Pagoda and witnessed what happened. My staff took me on his motorbike to see the big protest outside the Assembly. 2-4 minutes after we arrived, I heard a big explosion and people crying and screaming. Then I saw four men running away from the scene. I recognized only two of them that were: Mr Phan Sary Colonel and Mr Ourn Cham Nane Commander; both of them were Hun Sen's men. I did not know the other two. They ran towards the Prime Minister' house. I followed them there to see what they ran away like that for. I talked to General Huy Pheseth and told him that I saw four of his people running away from the scene and that they should not have thrown the grenades. He told me to keep quiet and don't talk to any body. But I was angry and upset. I need to speak to somebody about it. I went to see Hoc Lundy who I considered at the time as my friend. I felt that I had to report to Hoc and could not understand why Hun Sen chose to kill so many people. But he told me the same thing to keep quiet and not to tell anybody about it. Amongst the people who were killed or injured was an American. I understand the American Government sent people to Cambodia to investigate.
In 2003 Phan Sary came to see me in my office. He admitted to me that he was the person who threw the grenades. He said that he was very sad because he killed so many people. He complained that Hun Sen used to pay him money to have things done. When he was in trouble nobody seemed to care about him He said that he did what he did because Hun Sen ordered him and he had to please him. He acknowledged that he killed a lot of people before. He said that he now did not even have money to support his children. I recorded the conversation.
Heng Peov hold position as the chief of Bureau of Anti Narcotic in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Every Evils are always afraid of truth and justice such as Sadech Akauck Xicho Hun Xen in this case afraid to answer any questtion from the opposition or Khmer people. Dictator won't allow victims to express their feeling or to know their right because Ditactor afraid people or victims to stand up agaist them when people know their right and Dictator well knows that people will defeat them if victim people unites. People unification is ( People Power).
Hun Sen was a member of the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime.
Hun Sen is a leader of the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime.
Hun Sen was behind the terrorism on March 30, 1997 grenade attack in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
A U.S. citizen Ron Abney was injured during the grenade attack.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Senate Foreign Committee Investigation
Hun Sen attempted to assassinate Sam Rainsy (leader of opposition party) and Chea Vichea (leader of the Free Trade Union) during grenade attack on March 30, 1997 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Hun Sen is responsible for murdered Chea Vichea (leader of the Free Trade Union).
The Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples.
The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is also responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples and counting.
The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for extrajudicial execution over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party.
The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for murders over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.
The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for murders 3 leaders of Free Trade Union.
The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for murders 10 journalists
The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for murders at least 16 innocent Khmer peoples during a grenade attack on March 30, 1997 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tribute inscribed on stupa those who died
"To the heroic demonstrators who lost their lives on 30 March 1997 for the cause of justice and democracy. The tragedy occurred 60 meters from this monument on the sidewalk of the park across from the National Assembly.”
1. Chet Duong Dara, medical doctor/journalist, 29
2. Hann Muny, bodyguard, 32
3. Yung Srey, female garment worker, 21
4. Yos Siem, female garment worker, 36
5. Sam Sarin, bicycle repairer, 50
6. Ros Sir, high school boy, 13
7. Sok Kheng, female student, 18
8. Yoeun Yon, high school boy, 17
9. Yung Sok Nov, female garment worker, 20
10. Chea Nang, high school teacher (passerby), 28
11. Nam Thy, motodop driver, 37
12. Chanty Pheakdey, high school girl, 13
13-16. Unknown others atleast.
Over 100 peoples were injures.
Attempted to assassinate Sam Rainsy (leader of the Khmer National Party).
Attempted to assassinate Chea Vichea (leader of the Free Trade Union of Cambodia).
Attempted to assassinate Ron Abney a United States citizen (employee of the International Republican Institute).
The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime is responsible for murders at least 16 innocent men, women and children during a grenade attack on March 30, 1997 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Hun Sen was behind the March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack.
Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Cambodian government officials were responsible for the March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack.
Source: United States Senate Foreign Committee
Hun Sen is personally responsible for the March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack.
Source: Department of State
The Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime and the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime are responsible for killing almost two million innocent Khmer peoples and counting.
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
Hun Sen...
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth...
Hun Sen,
Chea Sim,
Heng Samrin,
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem,
Keat Chhon,
Ouk Bunchhoeun and
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth... are also leaders and members of the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime.
The current Cambodian government are run by Khmer Rouges.
Which one of these Khmer Rouge(s) list below is the current Khmer Rouge Regime's leader?
a) Pol Pot
b) Nuon Chea
c) Ta Mok
d) Khieu Samphan
e) Son Sen
f) Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
g) Ieng Sary
h) Ieng Thearith
i) Chea Sim
j) Heng Samrin
k) Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
l) Keat Chhon
m) Ouk Bunchhoeun
n) Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
o) Hun Sen
Pol Pot is a Khmer Rouge leader of the Democratic Kampuchea Khmer Rouge Regime.
Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge commander of the Democratic Kampuchea Khmer Rouge Regime and now, a Khmer Rouge leader of the Cambodian People's Party Khmer Rouge Regime.
Which one of these Khmer Rouge(s) list below is a dictator?
a) Chea Sim
b) Heng Samrin
c) Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
d) Keat Chhon
e) Ouk Bunchhoeun
f) Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
g) Hun Sen
Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Hor Namhong, Keat Chhon, Ouk Bunchhoeun and Sim Ka has been summon by the UN back Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (EEEC).
Hun Sen was a former Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime's commander and now, a Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leader.
Who killed 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples?
a) Pol Pot
b) Nuon Chea
c) Ta Mok
d) Khieu Samphan
e) Son Sen
f) Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
g) Ieng Sary
h) Ieng Thearith
i) Chea Sim
j) Heng Samrin
k) Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
l) Keat Chhon
m) Ouk Bunchhoeun
n) Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
o) Hun Sen...
p) all of above
Document Center of Cambodia
On October 7, 2009 Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Hor Namhong, Keat Chhon, Ouk Bunchhoeun and Sim Ka has been summoned by the UN backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC).
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
Hun Sen...
Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth...
Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
"As of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered 10 Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonate bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky. Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground.
Source: Lightning, Discovery Channel
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Vietnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
Who killed Chea Vichea?
a) Hun Sen's Death Squad
b) Hok Lundy
c) Huy Piseth
d) Phan Sary
e) Oum Chamnane
f) Bon Na
g) Keov Vichet
The signatory countries are the one to hold accountable if current Xambodia government doesn't implement accordantly to Paris Peach accord in 1991.
Dear Khmer patriot, keep put more pressure to those signatory countries to make sure Xambodia current government respect human right and to make sure Vietnam and Thailand respect Cambodia territory according to PPA of 1991.
Long live People Power.
Which one of these Khmer Rouge(s) list below is a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32?
a) Pol Pot
b) Nuon Chea
c) Ta Mok
d) Khieu Samphan
e) Son Sen
f) Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
g) Ieng Sary
h) Ieng Thearith
i) Chea Sim
j) Heng Samrin
k) Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
l) Keat Chhon
m) Ouk Bunchhoeun
n) Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
o) Hun Sen
Document Center of Cambodia
During the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime;
There are 196 prisons.
There are 196 prison chiefs.
There are 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples killed by the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime.
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth
Hun Sen...
Kaing Guek Eav is a prison chief of Toul Sleng prison S21.
Document Center of Cambodia
The UN backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) must indict 195 other prison chiefs.
"I will not allow the UN backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) to indict more Khmer Rouge Regime leaders, I rather let the court (KRT ECCC) fail. Indict more Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders will lead the country into a civil war."
Samak Mith Hun Sen
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leader
Samak Mith Hun Sen will not allow the UN backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) to indict more Khmer Rouge Regime leaders who is responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples.
Samak Mith Hun Sen threaten to turn Cambodia back into the Killing Fields all over again.
War with whom?
War with innocent Khmer peoples without weapon?
Once a Khmer Rouge, always a Khmer Rouge.
A good Khmer Rouge(s) is a dead Khmer Rouge(s).
Khmer Rouge(s) continue to kill innocent Khmer peoples.
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka aka Samak Mith Muth...
"(Samak Mith) Duch (Kaing Guek Eav) 19 years sentence is too short and doesn't fit his crimes."
Samak Mith Yaem (Hor Namhong)
Prison Chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32
Hor Namhong want the whole world to know that he is not a Khmer Rouge and a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32.
Hor Namhong is a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32.
Keo Bunthouk who was detained with her husband, former diplomat Ieng Kounsaky, at the Boeng Trabek camp (Section B32 presided over by Hor Namhong) from 1977 to 1979.
Q: Who should be held responsible for the murders of Boeng Trabek inmates?
A: Now you repeat this question and maybe Hor Namhong will want to assassinate me, what will happen to me? I've heard that Hor Namhong wants to sue the newspaper that said he was Khmer Rouge.
Keo Bunthouk died under suspicious circumstances in 2001, shortly after she gave interview to the Phnom Penh Post.
Keo Bunthouk was a survivor of Boeng Trabek prison B32.
Keo Bunthouk was a member of the Cambodian Parliament from FUNCINPEC Party.
Hor Namhong said to the French judge that he is not a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32, in fact members of his family was killed by Khmer Rouge(s).
Hor Namhong can lies all he want, at the end, he got summoned and will get indict, prosecute, convict and sentence.
Criminals likes to lies.
The place where criminals lies the most is inside the court room in front of the judge(s).
On October 7, 2009 Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Hor Namhong, Keat Chhon, Ouk Bunchhoeun and Sim Ka has been summoned by the UN backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC).
The Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime call Cambodia; Democratic Kampuchea which is completely opposite.
Cambodia was a Communist Kampuchea.
Saying an opposite is an indication that they are a criminals that don't take any responsibilty for the crimes that they had committed.
The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime likes to lies, mislead and opposite.
សន្ធិសញ្ញាទីក្រុងប៉ារីស គឺជាគន្លិះមួយ ដែលឈានទៅបញ្ចប់សង្រ្គាមនៅកម្ពុជាទាំងមូល
។ សូមកុំយកថ្ងៃ៧មករា មកប្រៀបធៀបនិង ថ្ងៃ២៣តុលាសោះឡើយ ។ ថ្ងៃ៧មករា ថ្វីត្បិតតែ
ជាថ្ងៃដែលរបបប្រល័យពូជសាសន៍ត្រូវរលំរលាយមែនពិត តែវាក៏ជាថ្ងៃមួយ ដែលយួន
ពោល គឺខ្មែរយើងបានទទួលរងទុក្ឋ ពីរបបមួយ ទៅរបបមួយផ្សេងទៀត ។ គណបក្សប្រជាជន តែងតែអួតក្អេងក្អាង ថាពួកគេគឺជាអ្នករំដោះ ដោយមានកងទ័ពយួនស្មាក់ចិត្តចូលរួម ត្រង់ចំណុចនេះ
គឺខុសទាំងស្រុង ពេលហ្នុង កងទ័ពខ្មែរមានមុខងារ បានត្រឹមតែជាកងស្វ័យត្រានបន្តិចបន្តួច ដែលយួនដាក់បញ្ជារពីលើ អោយឈរយាមគោ យាមក្របី នៅតាមភូមិ តាមស្រុកតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។ រីឯ ពាក្យដែលថា
កងទ័ពយួនស្មាក់ចិត្តនោះ ក៏ជាពាក្យភូតភរមួយ ដែលគួរអោយអស់សំណើចខ្លាំងណាស់ ! នាអំឡុងពេលហ្នុង កងទ៏ពយួនដែលមកធ្វើសង្រ្គាមនៅកម្ពុជា សុទ្ធតែត្រូវរដ្ឋាភិបាលហាណូយ ចាប់បង្ខំអោយមក ព្រោះថាវាជាកំណែនកងទ័ព្វ ជាច្បាប់អាជ្ញាសឹក អ្នកណាមិនមក និងត្រូវផ្ដន្ទាទោសអោយជាប់គុក ។
ចំណែកគោលដៅរបស់យួនវិញ ការចូលមកកម្ពុជា គឺជាមហិច្ឆិតាលេបយក
ទឹកដីខ្មែរយើង អោយខាងតែបាន ។ព្រោះថានៅសុខ គេមិនមែន
យកទាហ៊ានរបស់ពួកគេ អោយមកងាប់ដោយអាសាបងនោះឡើយ ។ ដូច្នេះ
ដោយសារបានសន្ធិសញ្ញាទីក្រុងប៉ារីសនេះហើយ ដែលធ្វើអោយយួនខកបំណង មិនអាចបំពេញទៅ
តាមពាក្យបណ្ដាំរបស់បុព្វបុរសពួកគេឡើយ គោលដៅរបស់បុព្វបុរសយួន គឺ សហព័ន្ធឥណ្ឌូចិន ដែលមានដីធំល្វឹងល្វើយ មានទន្លេសាប ទន្លេមេកុង ព្រមទាំងផ្ទៃសមុទ្រទាំងឡយ ។
My friend !! Why you post the same story again and again. Please give your new ideas and new information.
We need something new like new leader and new generation.
Areak Prey
3:09 AM
Ah pong kdor
To all Khmer at home and abroad:
We often hear and see :
Pol Pot.
Nuon Chea.
Ieng Sary, are Khmer Rouge leaders.
So Pem ( who is So Phem ? )
Keo Meas ( Khmer Viet Minh,Khmer Rouge )
So Pem was one of Angar ( fouth Angkar ) during Kmer Rouge period
1975-1979 he was Khmer Viet Minh trained in Honoi,by North Vietnam.
He was former boss of Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, Hun Sen. But in 1978 So Pem was on the run on his way to Vietnam but he was not lucky enough like Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, Hun Sen who could made all their way to Vietnam ( Heng Samrin, Chea Sim also former Khmer Viet Minh before became Khmer Rouge in 1975-1978 ) So Pem was surrounded by soldiers loyal to Pol Pot.He shot his last body guard and then shot himself in 1978 )
Keo Meas and other top Khmer Viet Minh were arrested and killed soon after Pol Pot took power on 17 April 1975.
We Khmer know very well that during Pol Pot period from 1975-1979 a group of people called them self Angkar . Actually we rarely hear this name So Pem,Keo Meas.
Note: Angkar * 1975-1979 or Khmer Rouge leaders and Kmer Rouge solders were formed up with 2 totally different ideology 1 Khmer Viet Minh 2 Pol Pot's group.
I just want to put a small drop in the ocean to be part of our Khmer history to find out why millions of Khmer innocent people killed and continued to be killed.
Good luck to all Khmer at home and abroad.
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