Monday, October 11, 2010

Commemoration of Platoon EON-10 of the Khmer Republic regime during Pchum Ben

EON: Elève Officier Navigant, Flying wing platoon
Click on  the statement in English and Khmer to zoom in


Anonymous said...

Hey, among your friends,i think i knew FOUR of them.

1- ngov tourthav= my classmate when we were in LYCEE PAD.

2- El Bopha still alive but criple.
3-Buth Chanthan ,x-inmate, becoming a pastor.
4-Tes Chanthan was killed in plane crashed.

Anonymous said...

Right-on brothers! Proud of you guys!

When you guys were in training, I was dreaming during my lycee classroom lectures of one day flying the T-28 and F-111!

Anonymous said...

or flying kites.

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Anonymous said...

Before ,I thought all the motherfuckers who cursed here are young ,but it's not.They are all in their mid fifty or sixty.Pourk ah oss nis sot tae pourk ah kbal kanchas kanchas.


Anonymous said...

Good bye!

By the way, who, youngsters, would care about the pilot and flight-assistnant trainnees from the 70s'?

Are you coherent? In expecting someone young to read this post?

It all started with 5:50 AM who thought s/he could insult and made fun at someone else's expense.

Adn look at the blog admin, s/he could not face the heat and still be fair.

For you, old gizzard EON #8A, you, sir are a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

ពួកអ្ហែងរាល់គ្នានេះ ពួកអាពតវ៉ៃក្បាលមិនខុសមែន។ចុះវាមានទៅទាស់ខុសអីគ្រាន់តែអាមួយនោះថា​​flying kites ប៉ុណ្ណឹង។យីអាចោលស្រុកអស់នេះ។

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Pi anh again EON #8A

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

7:07 AM
Who are old gizzaed EON #8A? Were they Cambodian pilots?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

6:53 AM

Who were in EON #8A? What does it mean "EON"? How many people in that class? Were they working for our King father Norodom Sihanouk?

Anonymous said...

Thank you,KI Media for removing some blogs that are against Khmer love Khmer people.If they are against Khmer love Khmer,they are Viet.If they are hating KI Media,they also are Viet.

Anonymous said...

8:00 AM

Why do you want KI Media to remove blogs like this? Are you pro-CPP shit??????????????? Limit our free speech???????????????

Anonymous said...

EON= Eleve officier navigant=កូនសិស្សនាយទាហានខាងអាកាសចរ។They( EON #8A) were recruited right after the fall of your king.They served the khmer republic until 1975.There are a few left.The rest were slaughtered by the khmer rouge.EON #11 were the last recruits .They are mostly punk.They were short temper little idiot.

Anonymous said...

To Tuon Mos
The flag that you posted here is incorrect.Khmer republic flag is different.All those EON #11 were recruited during the Republic.

Anonymous said...

ឈ្មោះកូនសិស្សនាយទាហានខាងអាកាសចរ ទាំងអស់នេះ ភាគច្រើនជាងគេគឺជា "ចិន"

Anonymous said...

Koun Chau-Chen were born and died for Cambodia.
But Koun Yuon-Kat-Khmer were born and died for Yuon-Hanoi .

See the different they are !!!!?
Today Xmer air forces have no plane to fly but only the Kites in the sky.

Jeyo, CPP's Air Forces !!!!

Anonymous said...

kon chau chen love cambodia,kon chau youn norm khnear plon dey khmer.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit,both are destroying Cambodia at the same rate.

7:07AM, good bye and go to hell asshole.
You're a bunch of idiot little punk.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brothers EON 10,

Your EON 10 name list should be updated on the website.

Good job brothers!

Anonymous said...

3:33 AM,

Farewell, captain EON, idiot! Hope you'll get you geritol soon to help caml you down, captain a-hole.

Anonymous said...

5{30 AM

Do you feel like sucking all EON big cocks? They are really BIG.....

Anonymous said...

come on, old man, you are making a mockery of a good institution...

go impress your old wife, if she is still around...

Anonymous said...

7:16 AM

Have your wife sucks all EON old man cocks, and she will tell you that "yours is ngor ngor"

Anonymous said...

9:31 AM

I would love to have 7:16 AM wife sucks my cock too.

Anonymous said...

Funny, little man talks big...i wish you did not put your tail behind your rear legs and ran so fast when the khmer rouge were overtaking phnom penh, see how your big TALK would get you...

Your mom called, again. it's your bed time and routine, she needs to tell you 'you are big', cap'n EON!

Anonymous said...

EON 10 is bunch of old idiot .Good bye you asshole short tempered little shit.


Anonymous said...

ឧិ​ អាអ្ហើយអា ​ពួកអ្ហែងតែមួយដំបរស្វាប៉ុណ្ណឹង មីនទាំងត្រូវគ្នាផង ហើយអ្ហែងទៅធ្វើអីកើត។អញ្ចឹងហើយបាន​ពួកអាពតវាយកស្រុកបាន ។

​​​ K.A.F