Order issued by CPP-stalwart and Buddhist patriarch Non Nget for the nomination of Ven. Khin Veasna, an outsider to the Khmer Krom community, as the new abbot of the Wat Samaky Raingsey pagoda |
21 Oct 2010
Source: VOKK.net
Translated from Khmer by Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer
KI-Media note: Cambodia Express News reported that, during his illness, Ven. Yoeung Sin, the former abbot of Wat Samaky Raingsey Pagoda, left a will in which he expressed his wish to see a Khmer Krom monk taking the helm of Wat Samaky Raingsey. Knowing the plight of Khmer Krom brothers and sisters who have suffered oppression both in Vietnam and in Cambodia, it is quite understandable that they would like to see Ven. Yoeung Sin's will fulfilled. We sincerely hope that Phnom Penh respects the wish of our Khmer Krom brothers and sisters. It should be noted that Patriarch Non Nget is no stanger to Khmer Krom suffering, he was also the one who issued an order to defrock Ven. Tim Sakhorn, a Khmer Krom monk, and the deportation of the latter to Vietnam to be unjustly jailed there. By ordering his order against Ven. Tim Sakhorn, Hochimonk Non Nget was in fact fulfilling an order issued by Hanoi.
On Thursday morning, about 200 laymen, monks and members of Khmer Kampuchea Krom associations led a protest inside the Wat Samaky Raingsey Pagoda to protest against the decision to nominate the new pagoda abbot. The decision [issued by the CPP-stalwart Buddhist patriarch Non Nget] nominates Ven. Khin Veasna as the pagoda president to replace Ven. Yoeung Sin, the former abbot of the pagoda, who passed away on 28 September 2010. The protesters indicated that they cannot accept this nomination and they demanded that the replacement for Ven. Yoeung Sin be someone of Khmer Krom origin.
Thach Sang, President of the Friend of Khmer Kampuchea Krom Association, indicated that this nomination is unacceptable because the pagoda is the blood and sweat contribution by Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhists, as such, the pagoda’s president must be someone of Khmer Krom origin.
VOKK reported that Ven. Khin Veasna is believed to be an agent provocateur sent by the ruling CPP party to spy on Khmer Krom activities when Ven. Yoeung Sin was managing the pagoda. This is the reason why he is now nominated by the CPP-controlled ministry of Cult to take over the helm of the pagoda.
Khmer Krom laymen and monks are waiting to hear the nomination of the new abbot (All photos: Sok Serey, RFA) |
A group of monks praying in front of Ven. Yeoung Sin's remain |
A monk sent over by the minister of Cult was reading the order for the nomination of the new abbot |
Monks and laymen leaving the meeting after hearing the nomination |
Monks protesting the nomination of the new abbot |
Both laymen and monks are protesting the new nomination |
Khin Veasna, the newly appointed abbot |
Goal: Get that non-Khmer Krom CPP newly appointed headmonk out of Khmer Krom Wat.
Plans: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, ...
The new headmonk must be of Khmer Krom people, not some CPP slavemonk.
Keep speaking out against this CPP monk and soon he will be out of there in no time. Keep speak out!
Dear All Khmer Krom!
Please strugle to get your freedom! even if it is hard but must be do it until the last of your breath just like Ven Yoeng Sin!! I wish all Khmer Krom and Khmer kandal be in good luck and get free from Youn Communist
khmer krom please keep stand up and get ride of cpp head monk appointed by cpp. keep doing it till this head monk out of his shit. khmer krom could also kill this monk by secret because it your land do it if you have too.
I dont trust those filthy cpp-yuon monks. This should be the PEOPLES decision and not cpp-slaves decision.
ខ្ញុំយល់ថា រឿងរ៉ាវដែលកើតឡើងមកនេះ គឺបណ្ដាលមកពីពាក្យបណ្ដាំរបស់ចៅអធិការវត្តភិក្ខុ យឿងសិននេះតែម្ដង ។
សម្លេះ នឹងគ្មាននរណាទៅចាប់អារម្មណ៍ អំពី
ការប្រកាន់បក្សពួកខ្មែរលើខ្មែរក្រោមនេះទេ ។
ម្យ៉ាងទៀត រដ្ឋាភិបាលបច្ចុប្បន្ន តែងតែ
ធ្វើអ្វីៗ បញ្រ្ចាស់ឬផ្ទុយ បើសិន មានការទាមទារណាមួយ ដែលសុំដោយបក្សពួកដែលមាននិន្នាករប្រឆាំង ។
មែនទេនទៅ ដើម្បីអោយមានតម្លាភាព
គឺគេត្រូវ តម្រូវអោយមានការបោះឆ្នោត ដើម្បីជ្រើសរើសចៅអធិការវត្តថ្មី ។
បើមិនដូច្នោះទេ ជម្លោះ និងភាពរកាំរកូត នឹង
កើតមានឡើងជាមិនខាន ព្រោះថាអ្នកបួស និងពុទ្ធបរិសទ្ធមួយចំនួនធំនៅកម្ពុជា ពួកគេ
នៅមានកិលេសនៅឡើយ ។
This is story is ridiculous and absurd to the 10th power!
This temple and its surrounding play community that it serves have the right to choose their own leader of their choice, rung aey ban Puk Hun Sen and Nguon Nget felt the need to interfere and imposed a leadership structure against their will on their own temple?
Come on Cambodia, are you a free country and freedom of religion? Or are you a Viet Cong who installs and manage other people internal affair like installing Nguon Nget and Hun Sen?
Hun Sen/Ngoun Nget, undo this this act at once you criminal! You are no friend to religious freedom or any kind of freedom and you call your regime a "democratic" law. Democratic my ***!
Democratic as in Democratic Kampuchea underwent name change!
correction: lay community, not play community.
The Cambodia govt is no longer khmer govt because every levels of officials administrations are setting up by Viet govt.All of officials from the top to the bottom set up by Vietnam control.These officials are selling out to Vietcong. Even Buddhist Sects:Dammayudda and Mahayana are picking by Viet govt.These two sects are serving as idiologist communist Vietnam. The Khmer Krom monks who escape from South Vietnam to live peacefully in Cambodia,but they can not have no rights to live as Khmer citizens.They can not live peacefully in Vietnam so they can not live in Cambodia.They are are Khmer why they can't? One day Central Khmer will have no place to run.Will Khmer run to live in Thailand or die no rights to live in their own land.There are no Khmer land now.Vietnam govt always threaten Khmer Krom Monks,Khmer Krom people;And then the Central Cambodia will face the same problems again.
10:50 AM
Well, as anonymous, you always have a lot of freedom to say, to do, to act and to critics.
Don't trust Khmer Surin (Thai), Khmer Kandal or CPP and soon don't trust Khmer Krom ( Youn).
Advise us, what we or ether Khmer will have to to to please your mind ?
I think the Khmer Krom people are well versed in survival politics. If they have withstand ah YUONs until this time, they can certainly withstand ah truv krob Hun Sen for sure.
It is so obviously that most Khmer Krom are not a peaceful people even though, they became monks. Aggressive, speak louder than their knowledge and have extremely minds...etc are the typical of Khmer Krom. Despite they always claimed that they are Khmer, but they have often celebrated Khmer festivals different day from Khmer in Cambodia. On top of that, their character and ideas are contrary to most Khmer in Cambodia. They speak Khmer with Vietnamese's accent but they are shameless to brand Khmer in Cambodia as Youn. Because of they are weird behavious, most Khmer Krom can't live up with other Khmer community no matter they live in Cambodia or in abroad.
Khmer in Sydney CBD
group of ah monk with political issue. group of ah destroying religion.
ប្រទេសខ្មែរមានអធិបតេយ្យភាពក្នុងការដឹកនាំ ទាំង
អាណាចក្រ និង ពុទ្ធចក្រ ដូច្នេះវត្តនីមួយៗត្រូវនៅ
សិទ្ធិ តែធាតុពិតគេកំពុងបង្កើតបញ្ហាមួយថ្មីទៀតដែល
ការដែលចូលជាសិក្ខាបទ ជាសខ្ឃ ពាក់ស្បងគឺត្រូវ
សំរួមចិត្ត វាចា និង កាយ។
តែក្នុងរូបថតនេះ វាខុសស្រឡៈពីការពិត គឺសង្ឃនេះ
ក្តាប់ដុំដៃ ដោយកំហឹង និង គំនុំ ដែ។លវាប្រាសចាកពី
វិន័យរបស់សង្ឃ។ តើហេតុអ្វីទៅ បើគ្រាន់តេបួសរៀន
ដើម្បីបំរើព្រៈពុទ្ធសាសនា តើខុសទាស់ត្រង់ណាដែល
Let them choose these own head Monk ah CPP don't fucking interfere them get da fucking out from these business. I thinks all of ah CPP monks is slave to ah Youn VietCong Killers.
មើលមុខសង្ឃនេះគួរអោយខ្លាច តើសង្ឃពិត ឬ សង្ឃ
To be or not to be,it can't be always my way or highway.I know January 7 monk ,Viet Cong Nget, would love opportunity to arrest and put more of his critics in S-22Tuol Kror Saing camp.
It's in Cambodia,welcome to របបឧទ្ទាមក្រហមរបស់យៀក part II.
Me no like it me leave.Over the hill pasture is much greener but not always true,though.
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