Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As the SecretaryGeneral of the UN about to meet Mr. Hun Sen, here is a sample letter that you should send him, as individual or as an organization. Use it, retool it or modify whichever way you wish to send to His Excellency before he landed in Phnom Penh.
I know there are others who are also preparing statement or letters. It's even better to do it in our own version. Just do it.
We will keep this motion running until there is a concrete result take place on the ground of Cambodia.
Best Regards,
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Sample of letter sent to Mr. Ban Ki-Moon by Ros Visal of Philadelphia Please send your letter by regular mail |
His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon
Secretary-General of United Nations
United Nations Headquarters
760 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017, USA
Re: Calling for the World to Reconvene on the spirit of Paris Peace Accord 1991
Dear Mr. Secretary-General,
It has been almost two decades since the signing of the Paris Peace Accord of 1991. That noble treaty was once considered to be a license for Cambodia and for all Cambodians to be free - free from foreign occupation, political repression, economic desperation and in Cambodia case, land eviction. Democracy in Cambodia has deteriorated significantly due in part to the weakness of the Cambodian system of government where a single institution, the executive branch in this case, has sole control over other two branches of the government, legislative and judiciary. Political affiliation and membership, bribery and corruptions, with a long entrenched old communist network of patronage system of reward and punishment, the executive authorities have full control of one of most important organ of the country, the judicial system.
There have been many witness accounts on land evictions where famillies have been displaced in order to make room for rubber or sugar plantations. Then there are simply people being moved for a quick turn around profit from the cities where compensation was mediocre at best in order to speed up the so-called development project around the city capital.
Freedom and liberty that were once enjoyed during UNTAC and the few years following its departure has been suppressed to the max as time goes by. Political opposition leader has been denied of his elected duties, journalists and government critics have been fallen to victims of the country's political court. Elected member of parliament such as Mrs. Mu Sochua and Mr. Sam Rainsy are prime example of such political oppression.
There is also issue of border encroachment activities by Cambodia's neighbours, Vietnam and Thailand, in clear violation of the treaty, itself. The credibility of the Paris Peace Accord has become a source of concern for many Cambodians who have been witnessing a return of their country from a once liberal and yet somewhat optimistic tolerating society to a much more repressive regime, particularly during the recent years. Unfortunately, it is still funded and in large part by genourous tax-payers money around the globe without serious demand of democratic refoms or results, simply with more or less diplomatic lips services to and fro.
The latest report by the UN Special Rapporteur, Mr. Surya Subedi, has not been the first to indicate serious concerns on human rights violation, political intimidation and persecution. There have been many well documented reports from local and international NGOs, Human Rigth Watch and Global Witness to name a few, on the extend of corruptions, forced evictions and misery of those whose lives have been shattered as a result of a cooked-up business dealing between high government officials and greedy business tycoons.
As concerned Cambodian around the world, we have come together, individually and collectively request the assistance of His Excellency to please convey a strong and clear message to the government of Cambodia, to Prime Minister Hun Sen, that Cambodia must respect its international obligations given that the world body also has an obligations to see Cambodia remains democratic, a nation and a government that respect its own people's rights to life, living, freedom and liberty guarenteed under the UN Charter of Rights and signed under the Paris Peace Accord of 1991.
Last but not least, we are seeking His Excellency's support as well as other free world countries in calling for the reconvening of all signatories countries to bring Cambodia back to democracy - a genuine democratic nations whereby the three main institutions are truly independent of one another. It is also to help ensure that Cambodia's territorial integrity remains respected as signed and agreed upon in the Paris Peace Accord 1991.
Thank you so much for your precious time and for allowing each of us to bring to your attention our deep desire to see Cambodia as a genuine democratic nation, respect and uphold its values of human rights and dignity.
Respectfully Yours,
Will do. Count on me.
អាហ៊ុន សែន អាក្បត់ជាតិ។
Very good idea,
I agree with you 100%,
Hun Sen must be internationaly prosecuted.
It's very durty to allow a man with bloody hand run a country!
I am just am I and I not Angelina Jolie.
Angelina Jolie may have the power to discuss about this affair with the Secretary General of the UN.
Believe me even ban ki moon also does not want to do anyhting on hun xen because they are the same goal and support each other for their power. hun xen wants to be a whole life of his position which ban ki moon also does. you can try to your life ends, this cannot be changed.
All around the world all kind of human being including me wants, likes, needs and adores power.
Leave out this His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon! Sound like you still live in the Kingdom under Sihanouk time. Put some real American word in it...this is not in Cambodia. I not convinced...Bi-Moon will feel the same
សូមលោក បាន គេ មុន(ម៉្យាងដែរឈ្មោះនេះ ) ខ្សិបប្រាប់បុគ្គលទាំង ៣នាក់នោះផងថាប្រជារាស្រ្តខ្មែរ ស្រគៀរត្រចៀកនឹងងារ របស់ពួកគេនោះណាស់។
មិនដឹងជាសម្ដេចតេជោ សម្ដេចចក្រី សម្ដេចដើមពោរ អីទេ។ ជ្រេញណាស់។
Yes Khmer --- have some confidences in yourself.
don't be like HS he is over and history will take place. He will be written in a black book along with his commander-in-thief wife...bunnngansters...
feel the power....
All Khmers should know very well about Hun Sen and his CPPs crooks by now, if you don't you are still stupid and dumb and one day you all will live the same as Khmers Krom.
Ros Visal doesn't know how to write a letter in a proper ways:
1- UN headquarters should never below Mr. Ban name.
2- If you call him HE on the first sentence then you should address him as Dear HE Secretary General...
3- And the dated of the letter should be on a very top.
4- Had no subject on his letter?
5- Who is RV? need to address likes: Cambodia-American or members of some things. Do you think he is going to spend his time to read this kind of letter?
If you know something wrong as human we should try to correct it as we can!
Try our best, please!!!
To all know this latter is over the line and we cant go back to fix most issued with Hun Sen. All Khmer be ready when call upon! Do your parts, for your Children future and for us Khmer around the world.
Khmer Helper
សម្ដេច = សម ដាក់ អាចន
You (Ki Media) commit by asking folks to write the complaint to the United Nation, what would you gain and get from? Hey! Pal don’t you egg hit the rock, you aint going to win. What is the matter with you? Are you a politician? Hey! you won't hear the respond from UN.
Angkorian K-Man
10:38PM, I beleive not being done perfectly is a lot better then not doing it at all.
Visal, at lease you did it. That's what it really matter. Good job!
Don't worry about a few bad mouth. Those are the one who never do anything anyway.
You guys are an "obstructer" stop BS... get it done and over with.
Some of these good Khmer mes are not born here and they did not have education in US as much as you younger guys are.
You should be proud of these man and woman... who sacrificed their times and money for the causes.
Relax....! Don't get irritated like HS and his gangsters...
we khmer are the sole owner of our lands -- not Sihanouk, not Hun sen or Bunn-on-the run cammander in thief...we should take charge now.
>>>>> sincerely .... CPP pp
Oh come on, not again, don't waste your precious time to write this stupid letter folks. Ban KiMoon is not going to waste his time reading this nonsense. He will go there, smile and hug HS.
អាសមរង្សី អាក្បត់ជាតិ។
Khmer living everywhere around the globe including Khmer residing in Western Country enjoying liberty, freedom especially have been fairly treated under the law of the land with respect, dignity no matter of your national origin.
Look back to our helpless, stomach hungry our poor nation, the poor getting poorer, the rich getting richer, and rewarding a few hundred millionaire, billionaire and cronies of the corrupted system of the current Cambodia government who is careless about the many ordinary classes of Khmer.
Political intimidation, and Kungaroo judicial system using to suppress the powerless.
Do something for our 1st Motherland better do nothing.
Our 1st Motherland is desprately crying for your help.
My profound appreciation to anyone who's spent time to write, to express any concern to your representative where you're living at no matter what that one who is trying to say otherwise, the true will tell per se U.N special reports, Human Rights watch and else in the world...
Those in the TOP will Fall one day.
Do not give UP to make them pay for their guilts.
Bad Karma will end up one day with those who's committed guilts, crime and unhumane actrocities action.
They can run now but they can not escape.
Do it to help the powerless to bring those unhumane treated to poor khmers that will be trapped in life cycle one day, Believe it.
Ros Visal you earn my deepest Respect!!!! God Bless You.
Khmer Compassion.
Mehta, Karuna, Muteta
Why dont we khmer start to protest when UN KI-Moon is there...If Human Right is not Honor in Cambodia why Honor US Human Right in the first place. let the UN know that Human Right is abused there!
The Lord of Cambodia is...? Angelina? UN? Theary Seng?
Will Cambodians trod the globe to find answers for life's questions?
I Think this is how the UN wants the state of Cambodia to it is!
I'm cynical of United Nations. It is the mediator to bring the world under the rulership of Satan. The more chaos they create, the better to work out their plan.
Cambodia is cooked.
I speak with some knowledge base on what I have learn and what is written in the book of Revelation.
This world is heading to a world dictatorship! And Satan is the head Master!
The Good News...It will be broken by the Mighty One of Israel!
God of the Bible is God of all nations, not just God of Israel. If the Jew do not accept God's grace and mercy through His Son Jesus Christ, God can't help them either.
Yes one world government is coming. The end of the world is coming. Some predict it going to happen in 2012. Issac Newton predict Christ will return on 2060.
So stop fighting each other and let us live in peace. Love one another. Love God and love our fellow human being. Politic can't solve the problem in this world. Only God can heal our land if we turn from our wicked way and ask God for mercy.
2:16AM! Good luckman! I can wait till 2060!let the police protected me NOW!!!! OK!!!!! Go tolive in a jungle it may have no polices but MONKEYS!!!!!
Compatriot Ros Visal,
You are one of the best to help the suffering of our motherland.
Cyclist and fair play..the Sen Governemnt is a liar, thief and cheat.... who has abused power for decates supported by Sdach Ta and family since 1993 UNTAC election.
Please help save our nation until is too late like CHAMPA and KAMPUCHEA KROM.
Help yourself Khmer do not wait for the sky to help you.
We will be steadfast until will get resolve.
6:03AM, you are pathetic and disgraceful! Please get out from Hun Sen's puddle and see the world motherfucker!
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