Monday, October 18, 2010

SarinThan's "Seeking to Find my Identity": Master of Art Exhibition


KhmerIsrael said...

The world truly has an identity crises. We don't know where we came from and where we are going. We fight and killed to no avail.

Alexandra the Great ran out world to conquer I wonder if he found his identity in his pursuit of "Being the Great?"

We try our ideology to find meaning and purpose in life, many disasters came from such tragic ideas.

Now the world is set on course of truth, happiness, peace, prosperity and equality through the United Nations and united of all religions. I'm waiting to see what the end will bring through this ideology.

As for me I found my identity through the One who made me from my mother's womb. Thou I was born as ethnic Khmer people but my true identity is in the One who created all things for his own pleasure.
Now i see the world from his perspective not as the world sees it.

Anonymous said...

អាហ៊ុន សែន អាក្បត់ជាតិ។​

Anonymous said...

Soon u will find the truth, I am praying everyday for our suffering...The birth of the empire was estimated to be in 802 AD. There were some factors that led to the rise of the Khmer Empire. We are descendant of Khmer empire!,
One day we will be together again:)