Friday, November 12, 2010

America's Most Wanted Goes Undercover In Cambodia [ be aired on FOX in the US]

By Kelly West

In what sounds like a relatively horrifying episode, this Saturday America’s Most Wanted will feature host John Walsh as he goes undercover in Cambodia to expose international sex trafficking.

It's an unfortunate reality that sex-related crimes are a global epidemic and this Saturday, America's Most Wanted will be visiting Cambodia to investigate pedophilia crimes taking place at a notorious bar. Fox released some information on the special today, revealing that in addition to Walsh’s undercover venture in Southeast Asia, the episode will also include information on American sex predators that are still at large. The episode will air on Saturday, Nov. 13 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Below is the full description for the episode as provided by Fox.

AMERICA’S MOST WANTED cameras go undercover in Cambodia, a nation targeted by pedophiles because the abject poverty there has made it distressingly easy to “buy” underage children. Working with international law enforcement agencies, Walsh investigates a notorious Phnom Penh bar to see firsthand how young girls are offered to foreign visitors and visits a Cambodian prison to confront jailed Westerners accused of preying upon children.

Walsh also talks to Somaly Mam, a tireless advocate who has dedicated her life to rescuing Cambodia’s children from the sex trade. A sex-crime victim as a child, Mam operates a center for other victimized children, offering them hope for the future.

In the episode, Walsh will ask viewers to get involved in the fight against predators by helping him track down several American pedophiles profiled during the broadcast.


Anonymous said...

Why Khmer so dumb? my dog has higher IQ than dumb Khmer beggars, I give food to my dog and give shit to Khmer dummy. Hahaha

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck do you think idiot scum? What's your nationality, dog chief? Khmers are not as dump as you thought, naive! Think again before you fuck your hell mouth open!


Anonymous said...

welcome to cambodia, america most wanted host, mr. walsh! cambodia would like to get the world's attention. we've been isolated or shunned from the world long enough already. thank you for having interest in my country cambodia. please visit angkor archaeological park in siem reap, phnom penh and our beautiful coastal city of sihanoukville, etc.

Anonymous said...
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