Friday, November 26, 2010

Cambodian Americans in US Mourn Diamond Bridge Tragedy, Raise Funds for Survivors


ជនពាល said...

​ខ្ញុំចង់ផ្ញើប្រាក់ទៅជួយជនរងគ្រោះតាមបណ្ដាញ paypal តើមានមូលនិធិកន្លែងណាខ្លះដែលគួរជាទីទុកចិត្ត ហើយទទួលប្រាក់តាមបណ្ដាញ paypal នេះ
សូមអរគុណ !

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen has killed so many innocent Khmer as fellow:
1. K-5 plan.
2. Hand grenade attacked in 1997.
3. Peaceful demonstration against vote cheating in 1998.
4. Dey Krahom eviction.
5. Boeung Kak eviction.
6. Killed Mr. Chea Vichea, Mr. Ho Sok and many , many more Khmer.
7. More innocent Khmer people being suffered, and Killed straight after Hun Sen Koh Pich bridge stampede memorial.

So the answer is obvious , Hun Sen tears is faked tears.

Anonymous said...

Does Hun Sen tears at Koh Pich stampede memorial is real or just crocodile tears?

If Hun Sen really care for Khmer people and the Country after Hun Sen shed some tears at Koh Pich stampede memorial let wait and see whether Hun Sen has sincere condolences for Khmer people at Koh Pich bridge stampede victims the following must change and happen:

1.The victims of Koh Pich bridge stampede must get financial assistance as Hun Sen promised.

2. Any kind of land eviction must provide appropriate compensation for the people.

3. Boeung Kak residents must get appropriate compensation.

4. Higher salaries for working Khmer.

5. Hun Sen must stop using forces brutally against peaceful demonstration.

6. Hun Sen must stop influx yuon immigrations to Cambodia.

7. Hun Sen must finish his mandate as Prime Minster and resign.

Will some of these above happen after Hun Sen crocodile tears at Koh Pich stampede memorial on 25 Nomvember 2010 today.

No need to wait and see none of above will not happen because Hun Sen can not make any decision of doing any of above because his master yuon will not let these happen in Cambodia.

history know that why Yuon installed Hun Sen and Khmer Viet Minh in 1979 for?

It all about Indochina Federation to kill and put Khmer and Lao people and Khmer and Lao countries under Yuon yoke.

So Hun Sen tears shed at Koh Pich bridge stampede memorial is crocodile tears.

Anonymous said...

ទឹកភែ្នកយើងស្រក់ចិត្តយើងចាំ រាប់ខែទៀតឆ្នាំមិនអាចភ្លេច
សំលេងដង្ហោយជួយជីវិត ពីទុក្ខរួមរឹតស្អិតខ្លួនខ្សោះខ្យល់។

សូមវិញ្ញាណអ្នកកុំសោកសល់ កុំបីវិលវល់នឹងលោកិយ
សូមកើតជាតិក្រោយឲ្យមានសិរី រស់ក្នុងបុរីស្ពានច្បារទូលាយ។

Anonymous said...

I have no qualm with helping the survivors,and I make a contribution. To see these so-called themselves, community leaders,ideotic appeasers in my view of an anti-democratic regime should have chosen a proper, better avenue to mourn the deaths. Not at this Embassy, stupids. Responsibilites and public accountabilities need to be promoted and removal of some of those at the helms, resign or be fired from the posts. There are temples you can get your asses to, if you don't know where to go.

Anonymous said...

Donation can be done through international agencies or the opposition parties to ensure the money really get into the victims and not the corrupted officials of the government who stand to gain financially from this tragedy. Time to wake up, people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A total up raising will follow if those dumbasses cronies doesn't resign. This is just a beginning of the end of them.

RIP to all those have perished and speedy recovery for the injured. Long live Cambodia and down with CPP!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
