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Mu Sochua, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, spoke in Westport on Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010, at the Connecticut premiere of the documentary film, Redlight. Photo: Contributed Photo / Westport News contributed |
Karen Kovacs Dydzuhn
Westport News (Connecticut, USA)
Human-rights activist Mu Sochua, a Cambodian parliamentarian who leads the opposition party and advocates for justice and rehabilitation for victims of human trafficking, cheered yesterday's release of Aung San Suu Kyi's house arrest in Burma. "We cannot stop being vigilant," Mu Sochua told 200 people gathered at Westport's Seabury Center on Saturday night.
Sponsored by the Connecticut Council of Vital Voices, an international non-profit organization that trains and empowers women in developing countries, Mu Sochua and director Guy Jacobson were in Westport to publicly screen "Redlight," a documentary film that shares the stories of four children who were kidnapped, raped and sold into prostitution before they were 14 years old.
"Redlight" will also be shown this afternoon at the Ridgefield Playhouse at 4 p.m. Sunday.
Like Aung San Suu Kyi, Mu Sochua recently learned that a lawsuit that would have sent her to prison was dismissed. However, Mu Sochua continues to campaign for her causes as she travels throughout Cambodia's small villages, talking to people and trying to help children who are vulnerable to human traffickers. "I call it `barefoot democracy,' " Mu Sochua smiled.
As vividly depicted in "Redlight," Mu Sochua also helps children who are victims of human trafficking. The goal, she said, is to turn them into survivors. Despite legislation prohibiting such crimes, corruption has allowed perpetrators to escape punishment, she said. In fact, the film blatantly stated that, even when the criminals are identified, it's the responsibility of the young victims to round up witnesses and evidence to back up their claims.
In some cases, the children's parents are the ones who sell them to the brothels. And, one mother said on camera that if she were to receive $10 a month again, she would sell her second daughter, too, when she is older. In this situation, the older sister took her sibling to Somaly Mam, a former child prostitute who now operates safe houses and rehabilitation centers for young children.
In praise of Mu Sochua's perseverance, Jacobson told those gathered that during the filming of "Redlight" he employed 40 bodyguards carrying automatic machine guns for protection. "I was told that there were contracts out on me from the Chinese and Cambodian mafias, and this was just because I was making a movie about human trafficking," he said. "This puts into perspective the work that Mu Sochua does daily -- and she does it without any bodyguards. She is an incredible woman, doing incredible work."
Shaking off the compliments, Mu Sochua, who was in exile for 18 years after her parents put her on plane to escape the genocide sweeping through Cambodia, returned to her country committed to helping rebuild it. In 1998 she was appointed minister for women's affairs. This is where her work as a champion for children's and women's rights began. A member of Parliament since 2008, Mu Sochua has spoken out against a government that she perceives as a corrupt dictatorship.
"If you're going to be for human rights, what is important is that you stand on your principles at all times," Mu Sochua said. She feels inspired and hopeful about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's recent visit to Cambodia and her public commitment to support Mu Sochua's opposition party. She urged the Westport community to write to legislators and implore them to also support these efforts. "This is an action you can take," she said.
All proceeds from Saturday night's event will be used to support Mu Sochua's programs in Cambodia. Although she does not seek financial support, Mu Sochua expressed appreciation to the attendees for watching the film -- disturbing, at times, for its realistic and heart-wrenching portrayal of children's plight -- and she said that it's by making people aware of the existence of human trafficking that changes may occur.
Jacobson pointed out that child prostitution doesn't only occur "over there." Danelle Ragoonanan-Storph, director of Bridgeport-based Project Rescue and Assist New America, agreed that similar activities occur in Fairfield County.
Roberta Cooper, co-president of the Connecticut chapter of Vital Voices, of Westport, said she was impressed by Mu Sochua's humanitarian efforts when they initially met four years ago at one of the organization's global summits. "We've since become friends," she noted. "The response that we've had tonight shows that this is an issue that people really care about."
Contributions can be made to Vital Voices Global Partnership. They are tax-deductible. Checks may be sent to Roberta Cooper, c/o P.O. Box 3363, Westport, CT. For more information, contact Cooper at robertacooper@optonline.net.
ការដោះដែលលោកស្រី អុងសាងសុឃី រួចពីការឃុំឃាំងក្នុងលំនៅដ្ឋាន គឺមិនមែនបានមកដោយសារ ទាមទារពីអង្គកាសង្គមស៊ីវិល ឬការដាក់សម្ពាតពីសហគមន៍អន្តរជាតិឡើយ ។ លោកស្រីអុងសាងសុឃី រួចពីការឃុំឃាំងនេះ គឺដោយសារកំណត់ពេលនៃការផ្ដន្ទាទោសរប់គាត់ បានឈានមកដល់កំណត់ពេល ។
ខ្ញុំមិនយល់សោះ ហេតុអីបានជាមានមនុស្ស
មួយចំនួន បែរជាសប្បាយត្រេកអរ ហើយនាំគ្នា គិតថាព្រឹត្តការណ៍នេះជាជ័យជំនះ
នៃកម្លាំងប្រជាធិបតេយ្យទៅវិញ ។ មួយវិញ
ទៀត យូរឬឆាប់ អាជ្ញាធរភូមាប្រាកដជាចាប់
លោកស្រីយកទៅឃុំឃាំងសាជាថ្មី នៅពេល
ដែលសកម្មភាពលោកស្រី រំខានដល់ស្ថិរភាពប្រទេសភូមា ៕
Dear Poster 4:26AM.
Your comment is totally wrong. Recently, Madame Hillary Clinton has lobbied many world leaders to support USA government to charge Burma military leaders with war crimes and human right abusers. This release is not that easy but with a strong pressure. At present most of criminal in Cambodia are also in black lists for international travel. Many countries will ban them to travel into their country. As a citizen of Nation with 2000 years of history, we have to pride ourselves with Respect of all Human Rights and respect of democracy system to avoid being called barbarian again. There are many PhD holders have wondered why in the past our neighbours have called us barbarian? That was because of former leaders have treated our people as slavery. In most civilised Nations, slavery is only existed in Barbarian Nations.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Madame Mu Sokhua for promoting human right and freedom of speeches. I wish her with good health and every success for her effort to fight against all evils,
Areak Prey
I do not understand why people are not supposed to be by happy when Ang San Sukyi is released. Should she ask that her house arrest time continued so that she does not have to face a new potential house arrest if she choose to pursue her political career. Don't you know that she could avoid house arrest the first place (20 years ago)if she agreed to leave Burma. She had the point to rather be house arrested than leaving the country. And she has a point that she will resume her political career. Remember that you can fool some people all the time or all people sometimes, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Now that Burma military dictators have enough shame that they must quit before they are made to quit. Sooner or late it is your turn to quit in Cambodia. Long lives Ang San SuKyi. Long lives Cambodian Nationalist.
It is ashamed to call yourself a revolutionist.
Do you know what a revolution is?
You must be the one from very old shool not knowing the principles of revolution.
Abuse by any mean is a revolution fighting against.And obviously you support abuses or either not understanding the real causes of a revolution.
លោក 5:45 AM
តើមានឥសរក្សជនខ្មែរណាខ្លះ ដែលត្រូវប្រទេសមួយចំនួន ហាមមិនអោយចូល ? ខ្ញុំឃើញ តែពួកមន្រ្តីគ្រាក់ៗទាំងនោះ ចេញចូលអឺរុបនិងអាមេរិក ឡើងសឹកប៉ាស្ព៏រអស់ទៅហើយ ។
ចំណែកអាមេរិកវិញ ដែលខំដើរតួរជាប្រទេស
គោរពសិទ្ធិមនុស្សណាស់ ! តែសុំសួរថា នៅលើលោកយើងនេះ តើប្រទេសណាដែលចូលចិត្តធ្វើសង្រ្គាមជាងគេ ? ចំណែកទស្សនកិច្ចរបសយាយប៉េះហេឡារី នៅក្នុងតំបន់អាស៊ីនោះ គឺជាភារកិច្ចមួយ ចាំបាច់ ដែលអាមេរិកត្រូវតែធ្វើ ទី១៖ មានគោលបំណងរារាំងឥទ្ធិពលចិនដីគោក ។ ទិ២៖ ចង់បង្វែរទស្សនះពលរដ្ឋអាមេរិកាំង អោយងាកសម្លឹងទៅមើល ស្ថានភាពនយោបាយនៅឯប្រទេសកំពុងអភិវឌ្ឍ វិញ ជាពិសេសនៅក្នងតំបន់អាស៊ីប៉ាស៊ីហ្វិកតែម្ដង មែនទេនទៅ ទង្វើនេះ គ្រាន់តែជាលេសមួយ ប៉ុណ្ណោះ នៅពេលដែលប្រជាប្រិយ និងកៅអីរបស់បក្សប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ ត្រូវធ្លាកក់ចុះ ។ ព្រោះថានេះគឺជាទម្លាប់មួយ
ដ៏ចាស់គំរិល ដែលបក្សកាន់អំណាចអាមេរិកាំងតែងតែមានសកម្មភាពយ៉ាងនេះ នៅពេលដែលពួកគេ អសមត្ថភាពដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាសេដ្ឋកិច្ចក្នុងប្រទេសរបស់ខ្លួន ។
ចំណែកម្នាល៎6:50AM វិញ ល្មមគ្រប់គ្រានហើយ ឈប់តាមតិះដៀលខ្ញុំទៀតទៅ ខ្ញុំមិនមែនជាអ្នកស្របទៅតាមគណបក្សណាឡើយ គោលជំហរខ្ញុំនៅទីនេះ គឺចង់និយាយរឿងអ្វីកើតឡើងយ៉ាងជាក់ស្ដែង ខុសហ៊ានថាខុស ត្រូវហ៊ានថាត្រូវ មិនលាក់ពុត ដូចងអ្នកដទៃឡើយ ។ត្រូវចាំថា រហ័សនាម បដិវត្ត គឺជាបដិវត្តមួយ ដែលប្រឆាំងនិងផ្នត់គំនិតចាស់គំរិលរបស់សង្គមខ្មែរបច្ចុប្បន្ន
It is sad that my comment is taken as an insult,and that is NOT a true revolutionist 's view.
I once was part of revolution.My comment was only reflecting my view regarding revolution.
I believe that you can claim a revolutionist based your views against any old thinkings.
Critical thinking is a better form that you should perhaps resort yourself to,and be progressive by guidances ideas by any causes and effects and being realistic.
Once again,being against old thinkings is not a revolution, my friend.
to Mr. អ្នកបដិវត្ត
You seem to like the Chinese foreign policy but dislike the American one.
My advice to you is to read more about the world history.
Let me refresh your memory. In WWII Japan and Germany were the American enemies. When the war ended those 2 countries were ruined and broke.
Do you think without the American helps Japan and Germany could have recovered to where they are today? But with those helps also came human right, democracy…
Without the American the USSR would still be the USSR today.
North and South Korea, the North has sided with China and the South has sided with the US, do you see the difference?
Of course no country foreign policy is perfect, but the American has done more right than wrong to the world.
10:40 AM
So far we have a good debate going on here, so don’t spoil it with your uncivilized comment.
លោក8:56 AM !
សម្ដីរបស់លោក គឺខ្ញុំបានឮ ឡើងសឹកត្រចៀកហើយ ។ មែនទេនទៅ អាឡឺម៉ង ជប៉ុន ទោះបីជាគ្មានការរៀបចំពីអាមេរិក ក្រោយសង្រ្គាមលោកលើកទី២ក្តី ក៏ប្រទេសទាំងពីរនេះ ក៏អាចងើបឡើងវិញ ហើយមានសក្ដានុពលសេដ្ឋកិច្ចដូចសព្វនេះដែរ ព្រោះថាសារជាតិរបស់សាសន៍ទាំងពីរនេះ ជាមនុស្សពូកែខាងវិទ្យាសាស្រ្ត ហើយជាមនុស្សដែលពូកែខិតខំតស៊ូ ពូកែរកឃើញនូវបចេ្ចកវិជ្ជាថ្មីៗជាងគេនៅលើសាកលលោក
ចំណែកអាមេរិកវិញ ដែល មានបានមកដល់សព្វថ្ងៃគឺមានកត្តា៣ យ៉ាង
ទី១ ៖ ករណីភូមិសាស្រ្ត .ព្រោះថាអាមេរិកមិនដែលមានសង្រ្គាម នៅលើទឹកដីខ្លួន ដោយសារថាអាមេរិកជាប្រទេសនៅទីឆ្ងាយ
ដាច់ស្រយាលពីតំបន់វឹកវរ ហើយអាមេរិកសម្បូរទៅដោយរ៉ែធម្មជាតិ។
ទី២៖ គឺក្រោយសង្រ្គាមលោកលើកទី២ គឺ
ប្រទេសអាមេរិក បានស្រូបយកធនធានមនុស្ស ពីគ្រប់ទិសទីនៅក្នុងពិភពលោក ។
ទី៣៖ គឺការកេងចំណេញ ផ្នែកយុទ្ធសាស្រ្ត ជាពិសេសឃោសនាអំពី សិទ្ធិមនុស្ស និងលិទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ ព្រោះថា ចាប់តាំងពីចរន្ធប្រជាធិបតេយ្យនេះបានចាប់កំណើតឡើងមក គឺមានការផ្ទុះសង្គ្រាមច្រើនណាស់ នៅគ្រប់ទីកន្លែង ។ព្រោះថា កាលណាមានសង្រ្គាម គឺប្រទេសទាំងនោះ
ត្រូវការអាវុធ អចឹង អាមេរិកជាប្រទេសផលិត
អវុធយុទ្ធភណ្ឌស្រាប់ ! ដូច្នេះហើយអាមេរិក បានចំណេញពីការលក់អាវុធនេះច្រើនណាស់។ ម្យ៉ាងវិញទៀត សង្រ្គាមលោកលើកទី២
គឺជាសង្រ្គាមដណ្ដើមដែនប្រមាញ់គ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក នៅអាស៊ីមានជប៉ុន នៅអឺរុបមានអលឺម៉ង់ បើកាលណោះ អាមេរិក អត់មានគ្រាប់បែកបរិមានណូទេនោះ សម្លេះ
នៅតំបន់អាស៊ី យើងនឹងមានសំណាងក្លាយ
ទៅជាពលរដ្ឋជប៉ុនអស់ទៅហើយ រីឯខ្មែរយើងក៏មិនបាច់មកវេទនា កាប់សម្លាប់គ្នាដូចពេលកន្លងនេះមកឡើយ ៕
Dear 8:56AM and 11:12AM
I like to share your dispute around which country is right and what cuntry is wrong.
Indeed all fully independent countries are trying their best to develop their country in all fields to benefit their social and their economic development. As I have said many times, social development and economic development should go hand in hand. If you have economic development, you should have good income spread to all the people with good road, good schools, good shoppings, good hospital care, good police, good soldier, good leaders ( free from corruption )speaking with civilised languages etc.. and etc..
Example, The US has been a great power in the pass with full democracy and freedom of economic and politic participattion from all their citizens. Their citizen were very proud to their Nation with plenty of moneys. They have friends everywhere who wanted their dollars. But US has also got bad policy by failing their own allies.
North Korea is very closed to Russia than to China because China is not endorsing family power at all. North Korea was controled by one family like Cambodia of HUn Sen. In the past 15 years China has opened up to the outside world and with their young people whose have came back from their studies in the US, England France, Australia, NZ and whose dared to rebel their old leadership to make China more transparency and also with Mr Ju Rong Ji dared to arrest 500000 corrpted officials.
Areak Prey
11:12 AM
Like I said you need to go back and read the world history.
Without the American helps Japan and Germany would become communist in 1945.
How about North and South Korea, do you agree with me?
I appreciate to have a civilized debate with you.
11:12 AM
If Japan were to win the war, do you know where Cambodian border would be in the West? Battambang, Sisophon and Siem Reap, part of Stung Treng and Kompong Thom would belong to Thailand. The Japs would not give a shit about Cambodia, they rather first deal with Thailand, is that what you want?
And you probably know how the Japs mistreat the Chinese, Pilipino…they are civilized now because American got them strait.
I am sorry to say this, but more you talk the less sense you make.
To 11:12AM.
You are like frogs that live in the lake. If you go the ocean, you will see somethings greater than what you know now.
លទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យក្តី សិទ្ធិមនុស្សក្ដី វាជារឿង
បន្តបន្ទាប់ ដែលនឹងត្រូវកើតមានឡើងជាស្វ័យប្រវត្ត ជាពិសេសនៅពេលណាដែល ប្រទេសមានស្ថិរភាពជាយូរអង្វែង ។ របៀបដឹកនាំ នៅក្នុងប្រទេសនិមួយ គឺវាមិនដូចគ្នាទាំងស្រុងឡើយ ។ ពីតំបន់មួយ ទៅតំបន់មួយ សង្គមមនុស្សរមែងមាន អរិយ្យធម៌ និងវប្បធម៌ខុសៗពីគ្នា ដូច្នេះ ការជ្រាបចូលនៃលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យដែលមានសិទ្ធសេរីភាពក្នុងការបញ្ចេញមតិ ជាអាទិភាពរួមផងនោះ គឺវាអាស្រ័យទៅលើលក្ខណះផ្នត់គំនិតនៃប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ និងស្ថានភាពសង្គមនោះៗ ទៅវិញទេ ។ ឧ៖
អាវហ្កានិស្តង់ និង អៀរ៉ាក់ ដែលសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក បានប្រឹងប្រែងខំកែប្រែ ដោយមានបំណងចង់ចំពាក់ លិទ្ធប្រជាធិបតេយ្យក្នុងប្រទេសទាំងពីរនេះ អោយក្លាយជាប្រទេសគំរូក្នុងតំបន់បូព៌ា តែរហូតមកពេលនេះ វាហាក់ដូចជាទៅពុំរួចសោះឡើយ ។
ដូច្នេះ សិទ្ធសេរីភាព លិទ្ធិប្រជាធិតេយ្យក្ដី គឺវាត្រូវមានទម្រង់ខុសៗគ្នា ពីតំបន់មួយទៅតំបន់មួយ ។ ដូចជាអាជ្ញាធរចិនធ្លាប់តែនិយាយអួតអាងថា
ចិនមាន សិទ្ធសេរីភាព លិទ្ធិប្រជាធិតេយ្យរបស់ចិន ចិនមិនត្រូវការ សិទ្ធសេរីភាព និងលិទ្ធិប្រជាធិតេយ្យពីបស្ចឹមលោកឡើយ ។
សព្វថ្ងៃ ប្រទេសណាក៏ដោយ បើចង់ទៅរកស៊ីជាមួយចិន សូមកុំលើកយកបញ្ហា
democracy and Human right ទៅនិយាយជាមួយចិន ព្រោះអាជ្ញាធរចិននឹងធាក់ចេញពីប្រទេសចិនជាមិនខាន ៕
ចំណែក 11:12 AM ប្រទេសជប៉ុន និងអាលឺម៉ង់
នឹងមានរបបដឹកនាំអ្វីនោះ គឺគ្មាននរណាអាច
ដឹងបានទេ ព្រោះថា អ្វីៗក៏ដោយ គឺសុទ្ធតែមានការវិវត្តទាំងអស់ ។ ឧ៖ គណបក្សប្រជាជន ពីដើមឡើយ ជាបក្សកម្មុយនិស្តសុទ្ធសាធ ស្រាប់តែឥឡូវ
បែរជា បានប្ដូរមនោគមវិជ្ជាទាំងស្រុងទៅវិញ ៕
អ្នកបដិវត្ត ជាសត្វឆ្កែចញ្ចឹមរបស់យួននិងគណះបក្សប្រជាជន
សំរាប់ bark នៅទី blog នេះ!!
អ្នកបដិវត្ត must have gotten kicked in the head by a donkey.
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