Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chea Xim's waning popularity: See who still sucks up to him?

The Phnom Penh Post Khmer edition only shows this single suck up ad for Chea Xim by Nong Savuth, an advisor to Chea Xim

DAP-news also posted this single suck up ad by Nao Thuok, the government delegate and director of the fisheries department.

Sorry, men, you are revering the wrong boss:
His days are numbered and so are yours!

Our condolences to you all...


Anonymous said...

Chea Sim is a Khmer Viet Minh.

All other Khmer Viet Minh are formed by Yuon Viet Minh.

Now those Viet Minh are running Cambodia under name of CPP.

Anonymous said...

He's native of Phum Ming Maing, Srok Prey Chhor, Kampong Cham.

He cannot read, but looks backward (Arn BanhChras ) of any any written article.

Pourk Ah AmBaeng AnDaet KanhCheas Yuon.

Anonymous said...

Ah Chea Xim: this is my wish to you." May you go to hell of the end of your 79th.You were a Khmer Viet Minh.You became Khmer Viet minh since 1949. How come you forget you are Khmer? After being dead,Khmer people will pee on you. I am 18 years old;I called you ah because you are Yuon slave.I should respect you because you are older than me 61 years.Ah evil Chea Xim eats my shit.

cpp........nonprohanoi.......pp said...

AH kan chazz nish chit chol run-dau heay....

Next Ah Hun Sen AND Mi kan chazz bunnrunny too.

Ah heng samrin kor doch knea ..

Your NExt 6'0' under is waiting for you ah svay bai-neak.


Anonymous said...

Chea Xim is old. He should go to HELL
to become an evil leader.

Anonymous said...

When He Die ?

Anonymous said...

AH kan chazz nish chit chol run-dau heay....

Next Ah Hun Sen AND Mi kan chazz bunnrunny too.

Ah heng samrin kor doch knea ..

Your NExt 6'0' under is waiting for you ah svay bai-neak.



Anonymous said...

Most Khmers I think are so very hateful to See Pi Pee, but why Ah Hoon Zin is still Khmers stupid leader for the last three decades?

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VIET NAM... let our brothers and sisters who hold all level of officials cambodian government position to take full control of this useless country and make it into our new viet nam provinces. LONG LIVE VIET NAM..Thank to HUN SEN for doing a good work to take more money from china..

thank also to His Excellency SOK Sihpana, Phay Siphan and Sarin Denora for their lip services and manipulates international communities for our vietnam interest.

Anonymous said...

ah sva muoy nis chit dol pel slab hoy.

This monkey guy will be closed to his death.

Anonymous said...

that is mean, man!