Friday, November 12, 2010

I would wish to meet him and be his wife again [in a next life]: Ly Kim Seng, Nuon Chea's wife

Ly Kim Seng (R), the wife of accused war criminal Nuon Chea, speaks out about her husband’s legacy (Photo: AFP)
Nuon Chea’s wife defends her husband

Thursday, 11 November 2010
Thet Sambath
The Phnom Penh Post
"I know he had good ideas for the people and wanted them to live in prosperity ... but bad people tried to destroy his policies.”
When did you get married and how did you meet your husband?
I married him in 1957. I met him through the Cambodian communist party, which introduced him to my parents and me. I was shy at the beginning. He came to see me when I was carrying water to irrigate the vegetables. I didn’t say anything to him. I ran away from him and I threw away the buckets.

I saw he was very handsome and he looked like a man who was smart and had a firm stance. For me, I didn’t think of his good looks. I was married to him because of my parents’ agreement, not because of his looks. [My parents] both asked me to marry him and I agreed because I saw he was a good, polite man and he looked like he had leadership character, but at the time I didn’t know he was a high Cambodian communist leader.

How are your current living conditions?
I have had a hard life since I married him. We never had our own house – we rented a house in Phnom Penh from the 1950s until the liberation in 1975 [KI-Media note: Ly Kim Seng was not in the KR so-called liberated zone between 1970 and 1975?]. He always thought of the nation and the people. He sacrificed his whole life for the people, but at the end of it he was accused of genocide and war crimes.

How did you feel when your husband was first accused of these crimes?
I didn’t believe the accusations. I never heard anything about him ordering people killed. He always talked about the people and the nation, and ensuring Cambodia’s independence from Vietnam. What he did in the past was for the people and the nation. He never thought of his children and relatives – he just focused on his work.

What did you do during the Khmer Rouge regime?
I was a cook for Pol Pot, my husband and other Khmer Rouge leaders, and followed Pol Pot into the provinces and zones to cook for him. The work as a cook was very important at that time because there were people trying to kill Pol Pot and my husband with poison. I was responsible for cooking and checking the food to prevent any poisonings. He trusted me and he was worried someone would try to kill him by poisoning. Pol Pot was serious and he was very careful with food. I had to be careful: If he was poisoned, I would be in danger.

What did your husband do under the Khmer Rouge regime? Did you support what he did at that time?
He was president of the National Assembly, but I didn’t know exactly what he was doing at that time. The Khmer Rouge leaders had their principles of not telling anyone anything and I had a principle of not asking him, even though I was his wife. I never asked him a question about his work and leadership.

Even though I was a wife of a top leader, I didn’t have a car during 1975-79. I just rode a bicycle to work in Phnom Penh. I had no bodyguards and car to accompany me to any place, and I didn’t use my husband’s role to oppress other people. My husband didn’t want family members to get involved in his work and use his role to influence other people. His policy was that all people must be equal.

I can’t say whether I supported his work. I know he had good ideas for the people and wanted them to live in prosperity, with equal amounts of food, rice and clothes. But bad people tried to destroy his policies.

Were any of your relatives killed under the regime?
More than 18 of my relatives died or were killed under the Khmer Rouge regime, including aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. Traitors killed them and my husband didn’t know about this. My husband’s relatives were killed at that time, too. As far as I know, 40 of his relatives died or were killed.

How is your family situation at the moment? Have you had any difficulties since your husband was arrested?
Even before he was detained I had no money and he didn’t have any money for me and our children. But when he was detained at the ECCC, the burden on me and the children worsened. I have no money to pay taxis to come to Phnom Penh. I receive some money from my children for a trip once a month: I wish to come to see him frequently, but the budget is an obstacle for me.

He received many millions of dollars from Khmer Rouge cadres during the 1990s and I asked him to keep a million dollars, but he said no. He sent all the money to Pol Pot and the rest of the money he gave to soldiers and people for weapons and food. Many people and relatives want to meet with him but the court officials refuse them. The court should start the trial as soon as possible in order to let his relatives see him.

What is your view on the Khmer Rouge tribunal?
They will not give my husband justice and release him. They want him to stay in prison and to die in prison. They have had that purpose for a long time and now it is time for them to do whatever they want.

How do you expect the ECCC to rule in your husband’s case?
I have no hope about the court’s decision because the trial is like revenge. I don’t see the court releasing him, and they will try to find him guilty and to imprison him.

Today, former Khmer Rouge leaders are rich and have become high officials in the government. What do you think of them?
They are lucky. What they have today is from the work of my husband and other leaders. They should thank my husband and other Khmer Rouge leaders for trying to educate farmers to get them to work in the party and government in the past. Now they have roles in government. If there was no revolution at that time, they would have no chance like today.

What did your husband tell you when you met him in prison?
He asked me to take care of myself and not to visit him frequently because I don’t have enough money. He told me that if he is found not guilty, he would go to the pagoda and become a monk until the end of his life. Now he reads books about Buddhism and feels released. I almost couldn’t walk out from that place. Even though I left his cell, my feeling is there with him.

If there is a next life, would you wish to be his wife again?
Yes, I would. I would wish to meet him and be his wife again. He is a good man. In his whole life, he never betrayed me with any other girl. He just focused on his work for the party and the people.


Anonymous said...

The Khmer Rouge simply didn't have the intelligence capacity to run a country. Same for the current khmer leader.

Anonymous said...

Nuon Chea is really a dangerous dump, listen to what he said and you will be convinced..

Anonymous said...

They are all deers in the head light. It's f*cking Angkar Leu and the communist system that drove the entire nation to one another.

Anonymous said...

heng him case close.

Anonymous said...

They are all deers in the head light. It's the f*cking Angkar Leu and the communist system that drove the entire nation to kill one another.

Anonymous said...

Why Yuon hate Pol Pot more than the Khmer victims hate Pol Pot?

Anonymous said...

because Pol Pot wouldn't let them rule Cambodia. There were two Communist leaders during that time. One was Communist China and the other was Communist Vietnam ( back by the former soviet union). Two words that got countless people killed during pol pot " the KGB and CIA ". If you were being accused, you were dead meat. hello, did anyone have a lawyer during that time?

Anonymous said...

Toward the end of 1976 and 1977 were the nasty years of all. It was the killing machine time. One by one people got taking out from their town or village.

Chruy Mateas near Thmor Kol, there were big truck and big truck loaded with Kong Chalat or group of young working people were taking out only to be slaughtered. Their reason: betrayal. The former Battambang governor Sek Sam Iet was trying to rescue some of his surviving colleges thru thai and Cambodian border. Mission failed. Those hundreds and perhaps thousands of those young people were accused of being behind it. Their leader , a young man of his early twenty killed the head of the Khmer Rouge and then killed himself. None in Thailand or anyone out side Cambodia knew about it.

Anonymous said...

This guy fucking stupid asshole motherfucker and you son bitch you fucking dump ass killed your fucking own people motherfucker. You fucking like the Khmer opposition in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

The Sam Rainsey Party does not kill. You must be out of your God damm mind. They only bring out the truth to Cambodian people. So that they can make the right decision in 2013. What's wrong with that? Don't want them to bring out the ugly stuff, don't do it.

Anonymous said...

9:38 pm - thanks for sharing this information. My sister was in some part of the area that you mention...she was talking about it, but didn't want to continue the conversation - it was too painful...

Thanks to know that other people know and now begaining to come out to share....hopefully all of us Khmers will health each other through know that what we know it real, that it is not our mind that going crazy....

May Buddha bless each and everyone of us..

Anonymous said...

Yuons don't hate Pol Pot at all,
Yuons love and thank Pol Pot,
Pol Pot and companies killed Khmers for Yuons
and put Cambodia into a dish waiting for Yuons in 1979...
Why CPP doesn't allow Khmer rouge court doest its job !

Anonymous said...

according to his wife, noun chea and other KR leaders may have had good ideas on how to run cambodia, but they all failed terribly in their policy. i think they were blinded and too self-absorbed and failed to see the world as a big planet and only think of themselves and how they can offer help to cambodia. they all failed beyond credible recognition with their crazy, backward policy. i hope cambodia will learn and move one from there!

Anonymous said...

My head is spinning and nauseated to hear his wife's comment.

He didn't know the whole Phnom Penh City was f@#*ing...dammed ghost town when he got into the City. Knock, knock Hello!!!something was going wrong here. He must be one of the dumbnest, blindness,deaf/sloppy, and pathetic KR leaders with IQ 35 or below. I wandered why Cambodia ended up this rotten way....

Anonymous said...

How Noun Chea, Kiev Samphan , Eng Sary and his wife ran the country without proper communication is beyond anyone imagination. Hello, having a radio is a crime in Cambodia during their reign of terror. There was no communication. No radio. No TV and what so ever. If a person died by whatever mean. So what? Nothing is going to happen. No one is really going to know, except those few killers and their group. Everything was quiet. Everything was well. Bet none of those leaders couldn't even step out from their compound to really know what happened around them either. Angkar Phneak Manos or Angkar with pineapple eyes. So everyone is afraid of everyone. None trust anybody. Noun Chea and Kiev Samphan must have seen his former friends Hu Nim and Hu Youn were killed right before their eyes. These two dead bodies must have sent super artic chill straight down to their spines. That the power of Angkar Leu. Also why million bucks didn't mean a thing to The Noun Cheas either? That was also the power of Angkar Leu of Communist System.

Anonymous said...

They were a band of dumps..

Anonymous said...

Whoever Nuon Chea is, good hearted or bad hearted person toward Cambodia, he cannot deny his mistake to lead the country that way.
Now, he have to know that he is a tool for Yourns to swallow Cambodia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

None can expect to walk free. Tough sh.t for them for taking big title.

Anonymous said...

"Why Yuon hate Pol Pot more than the Khmer victims hate Pol Pot?

8:32 PM"(sic!)




Anonymous said...

នួនជា​សមតែចងជើង អូសឲ្យរត់តាមសេះ
ទើបយើងបានស្រាលចិត្ត នឹងអំពើអាក្រក់របស់គាត់។

Anonymous said...

9:18 PM,

I knew that true story.

His name was Mit Da, an ex-student on Law school in Phnom Penh.

He grabbed AK-47 and ammunition from a Yothea in Veal Trea, Thmor Kol. He shot mit Som, the leader of KR who did run this commune.
He drove a Honda to Thmor Kol, took Mit Som,s pregnant wife, tied her up on a house column, pourred gasoline and burnt her alive.

Ah Moul SamBat with scotters, and about 200 KR yothea cornered Mit Da inside the former Cinema.

About a dozen of KR were shhot deat by Mit Da.

They took 4 days and 3 nights to locate Mit Da in the bathroom and shhot him and killed him with a B-40.

After that everybody who did know Mit Da were arrested by the truck load and killed en masse, including a lot of my ex-students from Eap KHut and Net Yang, mostly
in Korng Cholat in Veal TRea.

Anonymous said...

It happens and only in Cambodia can a mass murder like that goes on undetected and unpunished. Now imagine the great fear of the families that were left behind during this lawless regime. Those young people were collected from just about any village in Battambang. The super artic chill then went thru every vein and spine of their parents and relatives. They too were on the black list of death. Will the UN let it repeat anywhere else in the world from now on? Thanks 7:58am for knowing the same story.


Anonymous said...

THese people are goodbut they made seriously mistaken to allowed Khmer yiak-Mign killed most the inocents Khmer people including their own regym. They have a verry good plane smarter then read and corrupted all their planes untill the fall of the Power.

Anonymous said...

what were these stupid leaders thinking when they allowed killing of khmer people and citizens during their rule? are they that stupid? the court should not let them get away so easily; they should be held responsible for under their watch from 1975 to 1979! cambodia and cambodian people suffered worst than animals during that time! nobody can ever forget!

Anonymous said...

9:18pm & 7:58am - thank you for your informative posts. we need more of your posts on this blog.

Anonymous said...

7:58 AM, continued:

Due to my break time of 10 minutes, I did not have enough time to correct my mispellings.

By the order of Ah Moul SamBat, Kanak PhumPheak Peayop Toeus,

500 to 600 korng chalat in Veal Trea had been rounded up, and killed.
KR yothea walked behing tied-up girls, stepped on their Cheay SamLoy to make them nake, raped, then killed.

I was woorried for those very young aged ex-students, some 15 to 20 yo, got killed by not knowing what they had been done wrong to the Angkar Ah Khmer Krohorm.

In 1985 I did compose a series of poems about this Mit DA's event in Veal TRea, Thmor Kol. I do still have the original that I never had a chance to publish it.


Anonymous said...

The Khmer Rouge leaders are:

1- Coward and very irresponsible to admit their mistakes and wrong doing

2- Arrogant and over confident with their knowledge and ability

3- Stubborn with their views and worldviews although almost 2 million lives were perished under their regime

4- weak and lacked of leadership skills. They underestimated Youn who have always been their enemies within. This had cost their heroic actions which can only be preached with the poor peasants and some Khmer individuals who have limited knowledge and understanding about all facts and history.

5- Most of all, they have been nothing else but the fools who are made to be the political chest pawns to cop with deceitful and betrayal, especially are easy to be exploited by Vietnam, Sihanouk and Hun Sen.

6- They are still very stubborn to acknowledge their mistakes and would take them to their grave just for the sake of their selfishness and to put their pride before the benefit of Khmer nation and people.

7- Look at I Chhean and Ieng Vuth (Ieng Sary's son) who enjoy the autonomy governance in Pailin and keep on destroying our resources and environment.

Please Kaun Khmer, if you do really care about our people and nation, be very serious to examine these points and analyze them further. In this respect we can at least find a closure for this dark and bitter history of Cambodian genocide.

The trial is the very last chance for them to show their courage and genuine patriotism. They could prove themselves to Khmer people by willing to admit their mistakes, without being force to confess like what they did to many innocent people.

in doing so, I will sincerely accept this as an apology and willing to FORGIVE but not FORGET the legacy of the year zero. I do believe that many Khmer people would want the same as I do, so we will be able to move on with a reasonable closure of this bitter chapter in the recent Cambodian History.

Anonymous said...

Put these few criminals behind bar isn't enough. Case 003 & 004 must be on.