Sunday, November 07, 2010

Let's Make an Ass of Dictators Series

By Khmer Democrat, Phnom Penh
Let's Make an Ass of Dictators Series

The military junta in Burma, the best friend and role model of Cambodian People's Party, learning all the tricks of the dictatorial oppressive trade from the best pariah in the world. Cambodians, this is our "leadership" and their friends. It's time that we remove these anachronistic lunatics from further destroying our beloved Cambodia. A BUNCH OF LOONEY-TOONS IN BURMA AND CAMBODIA. God save us!

Myanmar to Vote in Election Controlled by Military
The International Herald Tribune
Nov. 6, 2010

YANGON, Myanmar — This closed and tightly controlled nation is holding its first election in 20 years on Sunday, a process that was expected to cement military rule behind a civilian facade but that opened the door slightly to possible shifts in the dynamics of power.

Though the Constitution guarantees the military a leading role in the state apparatus, this will be the first civilian government in the former Burma since a military coup in 1962. With votes being tabulated locally, it was not known if results would be announced Sunday or later.

The appearance of electoral legitimacy and civilian institutions may make it easier for Myanmar’s neighbors to embrace what has been a pariah, but it was unlikely by itself to ease a policy of isolation and economic sanctions among Western nations.

Voters were electing a 665-member two-chamber national Parliament and 14 regional parliaments. A total of 25 percent of those seats will be reserved for the military. Military officers are to head the key Ministries of Interior, Defense and Border Affairs, and the commander in chief of the armed forces will have power to take control of the country in times of emergency.

The military set high fees for candidacies, censored political statements, controlled the media and barred outside election monitors. Each candidate was given 15 minutes on national television but the censored, pretaped speeches had the feel of confessions at a Stalinist show trial.


Anonymous said...

Dear All media, We know media is the channel to provide educate to peoples. Some new are 80 percent negative, If we represent SRP please use all forum like a friendly and reliable news, We Should avoid the boiler room environment in all media.
Please focus on cold and pleasure not magnet giant of garbage, that will heat up bad temper. We need to feed our viewer brain with Jewel not Garbage. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Thank you, KI media, for your highly important work and for your courage.

I read your site at least 3 times a day.

Anonymous said...

KI media if you could merge news for both parties it perfectly draw more and more viewers to this block. I happy to see KI is the fair, truth, and reliable news provider block. Now I learn that criticizing give more power to our opponent, and viewer may judge us in less humanistic or less gratitude if we over loads too much negative news. We shall always say only the truth or we perish, like you say people will put you in that category.

Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy you over loads with negative please see superior of your opponent not their weakness. If you learn negative you magnetize more and more, more negative. you have to see superior in every human that will fix your brain with the best and you become the best.

Anonymous said...

May I ask Sam rainsy, what benefit and disadvantage if you joint the Go'v?. Only you in power that could kick Youn out,Oh really? or you couldn't work with any one else?. If you joint you will find way to got 100 percent Khmer CPP, SRP, behind you. what do you really want and need Rainsy?.. tell us please.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off you asshole...@5:33 AM, it should be "JOIN", not "JOINT", got it? Until you learn and know how to speak and write properly...don't ask any question, just FUCK OFF, okay ASSHOLE!!!


Anonymous said...

This is the election a la dictatorship. Hun Sen will definitely copy most of the tactics to apply in 2012 election in Cambodia.

It's such a pity many readers have abused this forum by sending irrelevant messages, questions to the topic let alone profanity.
If they cannot help themselves to learn to pay respect to other and too stubborn to show their ugly behavior, what can they achieve apart from destroy themselves further with frustration and rage.

KI just like a big tree with strong branches and lovely green leaves which provide a beautiful shade to all commuters, who try to escape from the very hot summer sun in a vast dry land. Take it or leave it to another very distant trees with dead branches, that's up to individual choice.

Anonymous said...

that is your highly moral SRP. what would you expect people to share with you? tell your boos to reconsider his stand.

Anonymous said...

5:45 you reflect SRP bad picture, You are not good to be with us. you shall not say anything that may disgrace all SRP people.

Anonymous said...

all Sam rainsy associate are poor and garbage behavior, It reflect that Ransy himself is street wild made man. Some of those in KI media spent a lot energy for many years on garbage negative thing. most of you live in garbage I feel pity to your wife. You got well educate in civilize country but your words, your brain and your work are like man just walk 20 meters away from jungle. Rainsy if you win all Khmer suffer.

Anonymous said...


Province of Viet Nam

Nation Religion KING..

1. You idiot khmer have no nation it is all belong to vietnam now.. we run your country and our brothers and sisters are all over your country and in every level of government.

2. You have no religion becuase look at you even your own country to betrayed look at Hun SEn- CPPP we control thme -- how can they have religion becuase soon will be vietnam province

3. KING what KING-- he can not beg us to keep him there-- so he have to bring his mother which she work for our interested with hun sen and cpp.. then his father to beg us for keep him...

what a loser race. you all should dies and wishes you will never born.. better born as vietnamese you might be a little smarter and maybe love your own kind ans country better..


more money from china is good for our vietnamese brothers and sisters
that hold every level of officials in cambodia that control cambodia.. will use this money to further control cambodia... it is us that the king of cambodia to to beg us the viet nam to keep him there.. good work hun we have more money from china..

now we have more money we will build all of you a cage

Anonymous said...

To know who really Viet Minh, Viet Cong, Khmer Viet Minh, Khmer Rouge, CPP are please look at the CPP ring leaders :

CPP leaders and members are:

Heng Samrin ( Khmer Viet Minh, Khmer Rouge and CPP )

Chea Sim ( Khmer Viet Minh , Khmer Rouge and CPP )

Hun Sen ( Khmer Rouge )

Meas Sophea ( Yuuon born in Vietnam serving as Army General in Hun Sen regime )

The leader of these Khmer Viet Minh was Mr. Son Ngoc Minh Since 1950 before Geneva Conference in 1954.

And real master of Mr. Son Ngoc Minh was late Ho Chi Minh.

Note: Son Ngoc Minh left Cambodia after Geneva conference in 1954 to Hanoi, North Vietnam and continue to stay there till 1972 and from there he was sent from Hanoi to Chinese hospital for high blood pressure treatment and died there in the same year 1972.

Don't mistaken Son Ngoc Minh with Son Ngoc Tanh.

The real reason behind this was after Son Ngoc Tanh was arrested Ho Chi Minh took this good opportunity to change name from Achar Mean to Son Ngoc Minh to cheat Khmer Krom and Khmer Kandal that Son Ngoc Minh was the younger brother of Son Ngoc Tanh to gain support from Khmer local.

Under Hun Sen regime they honored Son Ngoc Minh as a father of communism, and Son Ngoc Minh ( Achar Mean ) picture printed on Hun Sen money riels.

So Ho Chi Minh formed Yuon Viet Minh, formed Khmer Viet Minh, Khmer Issarak and CPP.

It all under Ho Chi Minh Indochina Federation .

So CPP ruling Cambodia are Yuon Viet Minh, Khmer Viet Minh , Khmer Rouge.

That why everything CPP do they do for Yuon interest .

Look five illegal Yuon living in Cambodia.

Look former Yuon Viet Minh, Viet Congs solders in Khmer civilian uniforms, in Hun Sen Police , MP and solders uniforms.

Anonymous said...

if rainsy can work on more flexibility with china when his party platform do not compromise democracy and human rights, his party can woo china. it will be breakthrough and it will help country to avoid elephants fighting in cambodia. consider what fuels idealogical, psychological warefare between us and china? who benefit the fighting? all will go to youn, its policy of vietnamization in indochina.

Anonymous said...


Province of Viet Nam

Nation Religion KING..

1. You idiot khmer have no nation it is all belong to vietnam now.. we run your country and our brothers and sisters are all over your country and in every level of government.

2. You have no religion becuase look at you even your own country to betrayed look at Hun SEn- CPPP we control thme -- how can they have religion becuase soon will be vietnam province

3. KING what KING-- he can not beg us to keep him there-- so he have to bring his mother which she work for our interested with hun sen and cpp.. then his father to beg us for keep him...

what a loser race. you all should dies and wishes you will never born.. better born as vietnamese you might be a little smarter and maybe love your own kind ans country better..


more money from china is good for our vietnamese brothers and sisters
that hold every level of officials in cambodia that control cambodia.. will use this money to further control cambodia... it is us that the king of cambodia to to beg us the viet nam to keep him there.. good work hun we have more money from china..

now we have more money we will build all of you a cage

Anonymous said...

May I ask Sam rainsy, what benefit and disadvantage if you joint the Go'v?. Only you in power that could kick Youn out,Oh really? or you couldn't work with any one else?. If you joint you will find way to got 100 percent Khmer CPP, SRP, behind you. what do you really want and need Rainsy?.. tell us please.