Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mu Sochua talks about the film "Relight"


Anonymous said...

Congratulation Lok Srey Domnang Reastr (Member of Parliament)Mu Sochua,

You are an icon for all Khmer people, especially women who very appreciate, and are very grateful to your dedication and hard work to fight for their rights. You stand strong, tall, though never back down to submit with the act of oppression and tyrant. Your struggle has earned you a well deserve reputation and credential. I admire your tireless and constant effort to achieve so many goals, whilst taking many complex issues at the local and to abroad for support and finding resolution. It seems painstaking slow, but you have proven to beat many challenges with great dignity, thus have been recognized by all, national and international level.
You are a hero to many people in the world not just in Cambodia, and still a humble individual who just keep doing the work what you believe in.
You are more than a hero to me, "YOU ARE A WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE".
May you be bestowed with all the blessing that every human being are praying for.

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Yeay Tep.

Cambodian women need more of you to help them out, as most of them are not strong enough and rely on men and let men control them.

Rasy Sao, a Cambodian man lives in New Zealand, is a control freak owning 3 women in Christchurch. These women are not living in poverty or poor conditions, for goodness sake, they are living off the New Zealand welfare systems called Domestic Purpose Benefit (for mothers with children).

This type of women need to listen to you and to see you, and should feel ashame of themselves.

Some think he is charming, I say he has no moral and dignity; he should be ashame of himself just like the women.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well man have more than one wife it because of the women who's allow it. If he got new wife well just leave him then it will be one wife.

Anonymous said...

Congratulate Mrs:Mu Sok Hour!!!
You are the strongest khmer woman!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you,Mu Sochua!You are such a Khmer woman heroine in this new world.May all gods bless you!