Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One Ki-Media Reader Provocative Thought?

Re: CAMBODIA: "Knock, Knock -- Anybody Inside?" by Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth

One reader wrote:

Hi Prof:

Nice work, however we the barefoot, illiterate Khmer peasants would like YOU (who else is better than a PhD and an Ex- Resistance Fighter against Youn invasion) to satisfactorily explain:
1. WHY at the most desperate moment in the history of this unfortunate nation where the Youn ran us up against the wall, there was a proliferation of resistance (MOULINIKA, ANS, FUNCINPEC, KNPLF not including the KR animal) factions trying separately to repel the heavily armed Youn? Why couldn’t they just consolidate as ONE UNIFIED KHMER RESISTANCE?
2. Why YOU of all heroes bailed out of the movement and chose to hide in Guam a (US Territory) to sit back and just criticize your own countrymen and provide lip service instead?

If you can rationalize these puzzles above you have answered your own question, and you are my hero, otherwise come down from your ivory tower and start helping Sam Rainsy, Mu Sochua and SRP (whom you and your buddy Tith Narahnkiri despise so much) pushing hard for freedom and democracy in an orderly and peaceful manner, and help improve the image of the Khmer elite for God’s sake!

May be the democratic, legitimate and peaceful efforts of Sam Rainsy and the SRP have failed to produce instant gratification to satisfy you and your followers, I would like to suggest the following options:

1. Round up all the remnant KR combatants to go and dig up all the cache of AK-47’s and RPG’s and come back to town and start the murder and mayhem?
2. Go and ask the Thai to finance an insurgency in exchange for Battambang and Siemreap?
3. Make SRP members and Khmer activists wear explosive vest?

Take your pick!!!!!!!

Come on Prof! They say that “if you climb a tree, you must climb back down the same damn tree”. At the end of the day what do you know, you and I are just a bunch of beat up and confused refugees to the eyes of the Youn and their puppets, and don’t you forget that.
I feel sorry for this group of Khmer oversea calling themselves Khmer Mchas Srok and such. What Srok?????? Real Khmer are now living on a dugout canoe or on the sidewalk, can you not seeing it???
And what your rhetoric, criticism and lip service is supposed to do for them?????
8:05 AM


Anonymous said...

Fair questions.

The main reason why they could not unite is because each one of our leaders think they know it all; and we, the followers, do not know yet how to manage our leaders. We, the leaders included, have yet to learn how to manage all the egos.

The main reason why the followers, like Dr Peang Meth, bail out and take up writing because the next generations need to know why and how the resistance fails. Hopefully, someone will learn something.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

Your option of getting the SRP leaders to put on explosive vests is a terrific idea. It would at least bring them back to the headlines.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Samnork for raising this suggestion.
Understandably,it is no one fault to have a distance lecture from abroad but at the moment we DO need real action to get our country out of bondage.

Knowledges+ relevant actions= success.

I just hope that intellectuals can come out into reality,that would become practical.

And yes LOBBY with common gaols, and set aside the differences of individual.Then the Unity and sovereinty will come ALIVE.


Anonymous said...

8:05 AM must have been so indignat that now he decided to spit out all his pains. If 8:05 AM is decent enough he must know that Vietnam has invested so much to help and defend Hun Xen. Now that Hun Xen and his cronies have been fully equipped with everthing neccessary, from money to power and plus Hun Xen has thousands of suicidal bodygards who have been paid millions of dollars of national budget each month, how can you pissed off these ex-Khmer resistant fighters by your procative writing. I think you must have been sick at heart over any desperate cause I don't know, ha?

Koun Khmer said...

Reading Dr Peang-Meth’s article, I came away a bit more hopeful. If I am as wise as Dr. Peang-Meth is and as involved as he was with Khmer politics, I probably write what he just wrote. Although I understand and appreciate his advices, I think Khmer democrats are on the right track.

Actually, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I may be wrong about this, but this is what I see. Khmer democrats, myself included, may be seen by observers as unorganized and lack of cohesiveness. The truth is we are. The reason we are this way at this point because we are still in search of a leader or leaders. We are in search of a united vision. This is why observers noticed us scattered all over the place.

That does not mean we will always be this way. We have just witnessed that the old way of doing thing is not effective. Politics as usual gets us very little result. Yes, writing letter, protesting, or debating produces no concrete change especially against the power that is so entrenched in the politics that decisions and or directions only come from the party central committee or permanent members the poly bureau.

While we are waiting for this united vision that can unite us all, we are learning. Because we are young, we are flexible to learn, to adjust, and to adapt. Meanwhile we are also building capacity. How many legitimate graduates do we have? My guess is that not so many. Even if there are educated people out there, we are-again- not organized yet. We will find ways to work together.

Our time will be here. I feel that our brightest future is ahead of us. Once that happened, Dr.Peang-Meth will write a new article. Instead of “Knock, knock—Anybody Inside?” the title will be, “The door of Freedom and Opportunity is open—who wants to come in?” He will see so many competent democrats like he never seen before walking through that door.

Thank you for your advice.

Koun Khmer

Anonymous said...

khmer united makes us all strong! no partisan, please!

ជនពាល said...

សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ ​កុំនឹកស្រម័យអោយសោះ នូវការងើប
បោះបោរប្រឆាំងលោកហ៊ុនសែន ។ ព្រោះថា
ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរមួយចំនួនធំ គឺជាមនុស្សកំសាកញី ម្នាក់ៗ ពូកែតែវោហាប៉ុណ្ណោះ ​តែយកជាសាច់ការអីមិនបានឡើយ ។ សូមជ្រាបថា នៅឯនាយសមុទ្រឯណោះវិញ គេឃើញខ្មែរ
មួយចំនួន ដោយហេតុតែអផ្សុកខ្លាំងពេក បានជាពួកគេ នាំគ្នីគ្នាបង្កើតជាអង្គការនេះ អង្គការនោះ ច្រើនរាប់មិនអស់ ដែលមានគោលដៅ ជួយស្រោចស្រង់ប្រទេស
កម្ពុជាអោយរួចផុតពីអនានិគមយួន តែគួរអោយស្ដាយ ព្រោះថារហូតមកដល់ពេលនេះហើយ គឺដូចជាធ្វើអីមិនចេញសោះឡើយ ។
ម្យ៉ាងទៀត អាម្សៀ8:05 AM ដែលបបួលគេ
បបួលឯង អោយទៅងាប់ ដោយញុះញុង អោយគេប្រើកម្លាំងប្រដាប់អាវុធ អោយទៅវាយផ្ដួលរំលំថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំបច្ចុប្បន្ននោះ គឺដូចជា ចង់យកពងមាន់ទៅជល់និងថ្ម​អចឹង !
ព្រោះថា ខាងលោកហ៊ុនសែនគាត់មិនល្ងង់ទេ គាត់មានចារកម្មគ្រប់ទីកន្លែង សូម្បីតែនៅទីនេះក៏មានដែរ ! ថាមិនត្រូវ ពួកចារកម្មទាំងនេះ កំពុងតែទាក់ម៉ូយ ដោយបន្លំធ្វើជាមានសកម្មភាពប្រឆាំងរដ្ឋាភិបាល ប្រឆាំងយួនជាដើមផងក៏មិនដឹង ? សូមជ្រាបថា ឧបមាថា បើមានកងកម្លាំងប្រឆាំងដោយប្រដាប់អាវុធទាំងនោះ មានវត្តមាននៅក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរ​​ មែននោះ គឺមិនបាន២៤ម៉ោងទេ ពួកគេនឹងមានវាសនាដូចក្រុមលោកឈុនយ៉ាសិទ្ធ ជាមិនខាន ។

Anonymous said...

8:05 AM

You sound reasonable person - but why you're so critical of Dr. Peang-Meth and his friend Dr. Tith? I am sure you are no less intellegent than Dr. Peang-Meth if not more, but the different between you and him is that at least he leave something for the younger Khmer generation to learn something from his experiences. This you have to acknowledge!!

You're seem to be well numerize Khmer events/history - do you care to share with Kaun Khmers of what you have learn in the last 50 years of your life? I am sure that your knowledge would be useful for Khmer younger generation to learn from you.

One advise to you is that - never discount of what you know is useless. And if you still believe that you're Khmer, please share your experiences. This is what I remember Dr. Peang-Meth said - help build the future for Koun Khmers - although you might not live long enough to see what it will turn out, but at least you are content that you children's as well as your children's children will enjoy the fruite of your labor. Can you imganie Varamon VII - if he thought that it was impossible to build Angkor Wat and that he wouldn't live long enough to see it?....think about it 8:05 AM? You understand what I meant? If not let me know - I will clarify it!

Please share your possitive thought on how we Khmer as an individual can contribute to rebuild our mother nation!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for you respond. I greed with you that Khmer are willing to give their life -if there a clear purpose of the life that they have to give for!

In term of helping the opposition such as SRP or HRP...I don't think that they are true leaders. Of course Rainsy manage to master 26 sit at the National Assembly...movinf from 23 to 26 which 15% compare the last mandate in 2003. While the HRP claimed during 2008 that he was going to get 51 sits, but very much, much less, 3 sits. Why Rainsy and HRP get less? They are no less corruption than the incombant govt. I was on the ground - talking to regular people - as to why they would like to vot for HUN SEN - very simple answer - stambility. They are tier of fighting...democracy is not superset political stability for the people - they need to feed their family. They just want to leave them a lone...let the elite fight among themselves...but don't drage the regular people in. I think this exactly the similar to the point that you made. Current khmer know that other party not going to win Sen's regime because of the military and police that he control plus all the provencial governers....

I beleive that Dr. Peang-Meth has a ligitamint point that - we don't have to have a charismatic leader, but we "must have better thinking!"

Ok I feel your pain and thanks for sharing your experiences. Thearatical plus practical experiences - there are a possibility that we could learn to untangle the puzzal dictatorship and turn it into democracy for all...

Anonymous said...

8:05 am - share whatever you want with us...we understand your pain. You are right to be angry...that is why the last sentent of Dr. Peang-Meth that we need better thinking...angry will not get us anywhere...only calm, collect, commit, determination and perservior will get all of us to where we want to go====> that is bring true democracy for our motherland!

Anonymous said...

1:51 PM, is this an other form of manipulation?

You said:
In term of helping the opposition such as SRP or HRP...I don't think that they are true leaders. Of course Rainsy manage to master 26 sit at the National Assembly...movinf from 23 to 26 which 15% compare the last mandate in 2003. While the HRP claimed during 2008 that he was going to get 51 sits, but very much, much less, 3 sits. Why Rainsy and HRP get less? They are no less corruption than the incombant govt. I was on the ground - talking to regular people - as to why they would like to vot for HUN SEN - very simple answer - stambility. They are tier of fighting...democracy is not superset political stability for the people - they need to feed their family. They just want to leave them a lone...let the elite fight among themselves...but don't drage the regular people in. I think this exactly the similar to the point that you made. Current khmer know that other party not going to win Sen's regime because of the military and police that he control plus all the provencial governers....

You failed to mention that the 2008 election was a sham and flaw election.

You also suggest about political stability? where? on the tyrant and oppressive regime?
You have failed again to present the fact about stability and claim it to be a very simple answer, for how long?

Anonymous said...

5:22PM - I said, the people that I talk to in the prvovence - they want political stability (many of them) - this is the true...take whichever way you want. The fax that I get I put it out - it is up to individual to interprete s/he want too.

One does not want to accept the true will dome to repeat the same mistake. I always tell my friends - that if you are serving people, you better listen to the people that you serve.

Pertaining to stability - for the time being, this what people choose to vote for HS because he has guns, tanks, and all police in place. People will vote yes for him - it is not because he work for the interest of the people, but because he has gun. As the lection in 1993 had proved that event the true democrated had won, which it took a lot strenght and currage for the Khmer people to stand up at that time - they did! but what PUNCIPEC had give them...just a few years. On top of that many ministers were enjoying their freedom and all the pretty women, and at the sametime forget to serve the people as well as look down at HS as pagoda's boy - have no education - consider him to be incapable of rulling the country. The ego of these idiot (if I may call these so call democratic leader). No trategiy had been put into place. As you can understand as to why people such as Dr. Peang-Meth leave the resistant!...

now do you understand my point! If not ...

can you give me three points of what does it takes to turn Cambodia to be more democratic country given the current condition!

Anonymous said...

1:51PM! you forget that peace under ah Kwack have no freedome! and when they get your land, floot your house, and break your head that's what you call it peace, motherfucker!

Anonymous said...

10:32 Pm - go back read my statment on 10:15 PM - I am talking about people's fear - that is why they vote for HS - it is not that they love him! Are you ever living under KR? Are you ever living under Veitnam occupation? Are you ever live in refugee Camp?....if you left Cambodia before 1975 - my friend you are clueless and have no understand of what Khmer people had gone through! I am hopeless that you will be in capable of bringing peace for Khmer people...

Pleas don't use "f" word - it is not necessary in this case. I know that you can be civilized. chile out...than come back and tell me what 10:15 pm really say and what you're really understand...my friend again don't assume - you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me"...don't just jump into conclusion without fully read it...

May buddha bless you with a calm mind..

Anonymous said...

"Come on Prof! They say that “if you climb a tree, you must climb back down the same damn tree”."(SIC)!

not true in Cambodia we can claim on the first pamp tree and cone down on the 6 th on the line!