Tuesday, November 16, 2010

“Cambodia has been lucky to have such a good friend like Vietnam”: Siha-who? King of where? Did he kowtow Dung also? [Puns are INTENDED]

Cambodian leaders spotlight friendship with Vietnam

VOV News (Hanoi)

Traditional relations, comprehensive cooperation and good neighbourliness topped all meetings between Cambodian top leaders and Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung in Phnom Penh on November 15.

Dung was warmly welcomed by King Norodom Sihamoni on his official visit to Cambodia, who emphasised that “Cambodia has been lucky to have such a good friend like Vietnam”.

The King expressed aspiration to gear bilateral relations to a new dimension in the interest of the two countries’ prosperity.

He concluded by asking the Vietnamese Government leader to convey best regards from his father Norodom Sihanouk to Secretary General of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nong Duc Manh, State President Nguyen Minh Triet and other leaders of Vietnam.

In his meeting with Senate President Chea Sim, Dung highlighted traditional relations between the two countries. He emphasised that in the current context, efforts to strengthen solidarity, traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries play an important role in the development cause of each and every nation as well as contribute to peace, stability, cooperation and development in Southeast Asia and the world as a whole.

His view was shared by the Cambodian Senate leader, who congratulated Vietnam for their achievements, saying he considered them as Cambodia’s own.

Chea Sim also valued cooperation between the two countries’ border provinces, saying the two Governments should speed up the border demarcation and border marker planting to meet the deadline in 2012.

“The Cambodian people engrave in their hearts the sacrifice of lives and blood by Vietnamese volunteers in their noble international mission during Cambodia’s struggle against the genocidal regime as well as in their national reconstruction and development,” Chea Sim concluded.

In the other meeting with National Assembly President Heng Samrin of Cambodia, Dung expressed satisfaction at the recent fine development of legislative bodies’ relations as shown in their mutual support in regional and international forums.

The Vietnamese leader thanked the Cambodian National Assembly and its President personally for strongly backing Vietnam in its capacity as President of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)-2010.

For his part, Heng Samrin praised Vietnam for successfully calling the AIPA-2010 meeting and the 17th ASEAN Summit. He emphasised that Vietnam’s image has been constantly improving in the regional and international arenas.

In the afternoon of the day, Prime Minister Dung paid floral tributes to Cambodian fallen soldiers at the Monument of Independence and Vietnamese martyrs at the Monument of Vietnamese Volunteers . He visited the Phnom Penh office of the Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia, a joint-venture with Vietnam, and the Vietnamese Embassy.

Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia and his wife held a party in honour of Vietnamese Prime Minister Dung, his wife and his entourage.


Anonymous said...

Wow! cambodian leaders seem to worship DUNG = faeces,stool,shit.

Anonymous said...

Khmers lost some lands to Youns and Siems before because at that time, Khmers were a little stupid, right now if Khmers are still stupid and dumb, Khmers will be homeless and live under Youns control.

Anonymous said...

Khmer is always stupid, youre right, hahaha

Anonymous said...

fuck ah youn fucking bot nuoc son ah fuckiing youn motherfucker your fucking race will be elimated from this earth fucker

Anonymous said...

Vietcong is good for Sihanouk and Polpot.

Anonymous said...

Pourk Ah S'vas See PEE PEE,

Arn AkSor noeung Th'ngas,MoeulBanhChras choeung.

Ah Chh'kaeKh'nhom Yuon Hue Khom Proeung Aon Lit See Ach Chaor Yuon,
Pourk Ah Khboth Cheat Khmer.

TH'ngaoOnSa Pourk Ah Aeng Kan Tae Khet MokChit NasHoeuy, Min Yu Te.

Anonymous said...

Look at ah midget monkey CPP they were so scares of ah Youn mother fuckers. Ah joymaray ass sucker it fucking been over 30 yrs still not enough idiots how long you wanna to suck ah Youn dick your mother fuckers.

Anonymous said...

i like the decorated flowers....nice yellow star...lol!

Anonymous said...

kar douy mer ah sihamoni. Ah joy ma ray nis. Ah nis min man khmer te. Lucky kar douy mer vear ei os dei ponneng heuy ort dang teat. Ah nis min khos pi ah chey jetha te. Go to hell soon ah sdech of nowhere kingdom. Ort jes kmas ke kour kmas kloun eng phorng koun mi joy ma ray monich, mi sdech mer full of tricky. Ah sihanouk ah eng see ur fucking son ort. Perhaps ur son has no girl to fuck with, n always fuck himself all the time that is y he is so dull king to say the Khmer is so lucky to have such good friend like Vietnam. Good friend kar douy mer vear ei, ah Youn is the thief, vear louch yor dei khmer os ponneng heuy ah sdech mok nis nov pleur teat. Ah pleur sdech mok, tex teat vear yor taing vaing ah eng teat kor ah eng ort dang kloun dea!!!! Ah eng ngab tov jeat khmer taing moul will put ur name as a traitor king!

Anonymous said...

We should not upset or angry with Vietnamese. In fact, we should upset and angry with the animal Sihamony.

Anonymous said...

ka douy mer ah mok chea xim. Ah joy maray, noble international mission ah joy maray ei? it was an invasion ah pleur! ah puppet youn! 2011 is waiting for ah eng in hell. B ready to see all ur family members being hanged like Saddam!

Illegal Vietnames..... in PP said...

Gee. the ding dung dunk come again? What for? We don't want to see the Ding Doong Dung's face any more. Go back to Viet Hoi...stop steping in Khmer land any more.

Yish a nish.... mouk Crash doch a ah Hun Sen dae. Tae a Ding DOONg Dunk still have Viet-Hoi in the world map.

We should summon Viet-Hoi to court for corrupt world peace.

Illegal Vietnames..... in PP

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VIET NAM... let our brothers and sisters who hold all level of officials cambodian government position to take full control of this useless country and make it into our new viet nam provinces. LONG LIVE VIET NAM..Thank to HUN SEN for doing a good work to take more money from china..

thank also to His Excellency SOK Sihpana, Phay Siphan and Sarin Denora for their lip services and manipulates international communities for our vietnam interest.

Anonymous said...

Hang samrin, shake hand with his master begged him for a place to be buried whit his father,Mather and his grandfather. in his home town when he died .But NGUYEN TAN DUNG said,i have to talk to SVAR KIM HONG, first.Be cause he was in charged border line.and i don't know.leave me alone.

Anonymous said...

ehe, muk ah heng xam rin doch krun chanh lolea kbal.

hey, ah heng xam rin face looks have cerebral malaria.

Anonymous said...

Khmer are shithead people. They only know how to boast and complaining. They will continue bark at the Viet till end of khmer race. What a bunch of pathetic loser. No wonder Thai are so degraded of khmer.

Anonymous said...

Sihamony meant to say he is lucky to be pumped as a living puppet for Hun Sen and Youn.

What can he does beside this pathetic king's figure?
Imagine if he has to return to France as I believe he hold dual citizenship, what theater to hire him for his rusty ballet dancing skill, and at this age?
If he's being honest not to still any Khmer resources with him, I doubt he can find money to pay for rent... let alone caring on his life style. And does French people have any care factors???? NOoooooo

Anonymous said...

he tell his boss that my birth place lost is ok but do not lost my seat in parliament. dear boss you can do everything here or give any instruction for us to follow.

Anonymous said...

to avoid conflicting with thailand you tell cpp leaders to rent or give some land on the west near thailand border to youn, and youn will protect all border conflict for cam.

Anonymous said...

I am the boss of the three of you, monkeys.

Anonymous said...

KI, keep stirring hatred among your people. Your very good at dividing Khmer. To think about it, I think you're "a-ka-toap." diaper...that's why u don't want Khmer people to live in peace.

By the way, your article title doesn't make sense. Shouldn't change the title at all if you don't know how to re-word it.

Anonymous said...

before: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
currently: Nam Banh, Nambolao

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

long live viet nam

Anonymous said...

I guess more youn more hooker to play with.

Anonymous said...

I can see one day...Hun Sen family and friend will be broke and hang to be killed in fronth of every Khmer to see. They were this ugly people belong

Anonymous said...

10:39 AM,
Khmer people are not stupid. The ones who are stupid are the Khmer leaders. You look at the neighboring countries' leaders to see if they are stupid, dumb, traitorous as Khmer leaders are. They leaders are patriotic enough to serve their countries and people while ours have hurt, harmed, and ruined their people enlessly. This is 21st century; the century that brings forth more advanced education, thoughts, technological ideas and all kinds of tools and equipments some of which are either useful or harmful to human beings. Will moral value go hand in hand with all these I just mentioned? Perhaps not. If you are old enough to reflect you memories back to the old-day (the 50 or 60's) way of Khmer life, you will see how terrible our moral value has changed for all these 30 years. Why has it changed so much? Look at the qualities and characters of the rulig figures; what have you seen? They should conduct theselves as role models, right? Do they? Why can't they? They haven't been taught to behave in such respectable way as you and me want to see, even some of them obtain some PhD degrees. These honorary deceptive titles won't help them to bring up moral value at all.

Anonymous said...

correction: endlessly; ruling

Anonymous said...

Don't worry guys! King Sihamoni is NOT like his father. This king actually cares about his people - Khmer and country and definitely more sincere and genuine than his father ever was. Plus he has a lot of connection with governments all over the world. He is only playing the game with those guys, Dung and Saddam Hun Sen. One day soon, everything will come to light and backfire on those evil and corrupt traitor! Oh yea.. I hate that Heng Samrin guy.. he's another Yuon slave.. just look at his face.

Long Live Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

I think during that time the 80's no one do anything about ours country to many lazy khmer or kings just sit there. Hun Sen is tired of being poor and hungry. Now Hun Sen get wealthy and wanted to keep the country to himself. Khmer people never get involved who;s they voted for... EX Pot Pol boys and will alway be Khmer Rouge

Anonymous said...

We need to do something quick in the next 5 yrs or Cambodian will be another communist or socialist country.

Anonymous said...

11:49! ARE YOU GAY?

Anonymous said...

ហ្អែងគឹតមើលអាសែន អាស៊ីម អាសំរែ ពីដើមហ្អែងក្ររហាម មានតែខោមួយចង្កេះ តំរេះវិជ្ជាសូន្យ ឥឡូវឯងមានស្មីនឹងសេដ្ឋី
ពិភពលោក អំណាចធំជាងស្តេចផែនដីដែល
ឯងចង់បានវាសនាដូចអាសុវណ្ណ អាចាន់ស៊ីឫ?។
ធ្វើតាមអញបង្គាប់ទៅ ឯងនឹងនៅទីនេះរហូត
ដល់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរមកអា កឯងនោះទើបឯង
ចុះបាន។ ឮទេអាស្វាទាំងបី អ្វីដែលអញចង់បាន
កណ្តាប់អញស្មោះ។ឮទេអាកញ្ជះដាច់ថ្លៃ។ប្រជារាស្រ្តខ្មែរតាំងពីស្តេចរហូតដល់អ្នកស្រែអញបំបាក់បានទាំងអស់ ទំរាំវាងើបមកវឹញបាននោះវាយឹត

Anonymous said...

We are not so lucky to have sissy kind. he properly GAY........but love viet boys

Kulen Monorom said...

Your Majesty Samdech Ta former King Norodom Sihanouk,

Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen,

Thank you for your both kindness and understanding.
What we need is prevention methods, not to let this type of accident happen again in the future.

It also makes me very worried to see so much alcohol allowed to enter or be produced in our beloved Kingdom of Cambodia? What about “ YA BA “ and other types of DRUGS from Thailand and Vietnam?

Can His Majesty Samdech Ta and Samdech Hun Sen stop all sorts of drugs coming to Cambodia? The accident may not be related to drugs and alcohol but just some thing that I could not sleep peacefully from now on to the future, in the names sake of true Khmer citizen.

Can Samdech Hun Sen kindly ask all 5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants to peacefully return to Vietnam, so Koh Pich will not be too crowded more and more every day, every month and every year to come.
All Vietnamese illegal immigrants can easily come in and settle inside Cambodia even though they already have their own country Vietnam.

When Cambodia is too crowded, definitely we Khmer people can not go to settle inside Vietnam, can we?
Please Vietnamese, you said you came to rescue us from Pol Pot, and you don’t want to return home, it is not right according to 23rd October 1991 Paris Peace Agreement, can all of you go back to your country now.

Vietnamese illegal immigrants, you see because 5 million of you are inside Cambodia, it makes us too crowded and we wasted our lives at Koh Pich without good reasons.

Your Vietnamese Communism expansionist mind in Cambodia, is to give an excuse to China mainland to occupy your Spratly Islands, Parcel Islands, the whole of your Eastern sea border and perhaps the Northern border sooner or later.

5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants in Cambodia, please go back home to defend your country from Chinese mighty economic invasion.

May I pray to God and the Lord Jesus Christ that those who have lost loved one will be comforted.

My condolences to all the victim's family.


Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer's son)