Monday, November 29, 2010

A Cambodian Victim at Diamond Bridge Back from Presumed Death


Anonymous said...

This is an organised sabotage by Hun Sen Government against Thai plans for a concert in Phnom Penh on the resumption of friendships between Phnom Penh and Bangkok. The concert is promised by Abbhisith himself to perform in December 2010.

Vietnamese Government never likes the Thai Government to interfere with business in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

The innocent Cambodians are the victims of the political ambitions of Vietnam and Thailand in Cambodia. History is always telling us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

KOS PICH Own by HUN SEN and Family under the name Canadia Bank Mr. SEA

Just like TELA GAS Station all over Cambodia which own by BUN RANY HUN SEN under different name.

Anonymous said...


Good work hun sen and cpp.. and thank you for SOK SIPHANA, SARIN DENORA and PHAY Siphan for your lip services to support your master in Hanoi

AND KOS PICH Own by HUN SEN and Family under the name Canadia Bank Mr. SEA

Just like TELA GAS Station all over Cambodia which own by BUN RANY HUN SEN under different name.

87 of our vietnamese brothers and sisters die there but the cambodia government did not report this... but are understand to do what it take for US to control this sutpid country call CAMBODIA

Anonymous said...

ជានិច្ចកាលខ្ញុំតែងតែលឺឆ្កែសម្តេចពីរក្បាលនៅCTN and Bayorn TV. អួតសសើរ​ពី​សម្តេចដែលមាន​បញ្ញាញាណក្នុងការ​រៀបចំដឹកនាំប្រទេសសូម្បីតែនៅពេលដែលប៉ូលីសចាប់បាន​ក្តឹបចោរមួយ​ក៏គេមិន​ភ្លេចសសើរពីចំណាត់ការដ៏មាន​ប្រសិទ្ធិភាពក្រោមការដឹកនាំចង្អុលទិសរបស់លោកទូចណារត់ដែលអនុវត្តតាមបទបញ្ជាដ៏ខ្ពង់ខ្ពស់ប្រកបដោយបញ្ញាញាណរបស់សម្តេចអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីដែកជោហ៊ុនសែន។​ប៉ុន្តែពេលមាន​ឧបត្តិហេតុកើតឡើងប៉លីសនិងទាហានរបស់សម្តេចជួយសង្គ្រោះជនរងគ្រោះដោយសែងដូច​ជ្រូកបោះដាក់ក្នុងឡានទាហានពួកគេបែជាភ្លេចអត្ថាធិប្បាយដែលប៉ូលីសនិងទាហានទាំងនោះអនុវត្តទៅតាមបទបញ្ជាដ៏ខ្ពង់ខ្ពស់ប្រកបដោយបញ្ញាញាណរបស់សម្តេចអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីដែកជោហ៊ុនសែន។​ជារឿយៗសម្តេចតែងតែទទួលស្គាល់ពីសមិទ្ធិផលទាំងឡាយដែលសម្តេចនិង​អាមីអាថោងបាន​អនុវត្តកន្លងមកចុះហេតុ​អ្វីសមិទ្ធិផលមួយនេះសម្តេចនិយាយយករួចខ្លួនដូច្នេះ?