Monday, November 15, 2010

PM [Hoon Xhen] responds to opposition border claims

Monday, 15 November 2010
Meas Sokchea
The Phnom Penh Post

PRIME Minister Hun Sen has rejected opposition claims that Vietnam has encroached on Cambodian territory, saying farmers along the border have not lost any land.

In a letter dated November 8 in response to questions from Sam Rainsy Party lawmakers, Hun Sen said the process of demarcation was ongoing and depended on bilateral agreement.

There are not any farmers who have lost their farmland, so the question raised is accusatory without basis,” Hun Sen said, adding that the motive behind the SRP allegations was “to attack the government for political benefit and to cause enmity between both countries, Cambodia and Vietnam”.

One border post in particular – number 185 – has yet to be officially placed, so both Cambodian and Vietnamese farmers can work the land, Hun Sen said.

SRP head Sam Rainsy has been sentenced to a total of 12 years in jail in connection with claims that Vietnam has encroached into parts of Svay Rieng province near post 185. He is currently living in self-exile.

Hun Sen’s comments come just ahead of a visit from Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, who arrives today for several regional meetings.

Sam Rainsy said the fact that post 185 had not been officially placed vindicated his original claims. “This is a recognition that the land belongs to the Cambodian farmers”, he said by phone from Paris.

The opposition leader also demanded that the government issue land titles to two villagers who received one-year jail terms in connection with his border protest, saying he would return to face his jail term if this condition was met.

It depends on the Cambodian government – if they want to get hold of me, give the land deeds to the farmers”, he said. “I am prepared to go back to Cambodia any time.”

Cambodian People’s Party lawmaker Cheam Yeap said the SRP’s trivial claims made Cambodia look foolish.

Vietnam “must think we have brain problems when issues like this are raised”, he said.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is a tool of Indochina Federation.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ah kbotcheat! irresponsible! Ignorance!

Anonymous said...

Yuons steal Khmer lands,
Khmers lost land,
Hun Sen jails Khmers,
Hun Sen is Khmer ???

Anonymous said...

Stupid Hun Sen. You blind or what. Look at boat people in Tonle Sap and Kandal county, a bounch of Youns People living there just taking over the land and lake. behind Olympic Studium. Nothing but Youns with no paper.

Anonymous said...

When we speak up against invaders, you said we have brain problem. But when you kneed down to the invaders, do you have healthy brain? You are a brain washed person and born to serve Yuon.

Anonymous said...

If all of you here said that, please give petition to US president to kick all khmers in the US out the same way you want Hun Sen to kick all Yuon out of Cambodia. Especially, kick all of this insane KI-Media member back to Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is so great and wonderful LOL. Keep voting for stupid people and we'll see where the country is head! LOL

Stupido AHole.

Anonymous said...

I dont like this VC people. They need to get out of Khmer. Not good for the country, make them pay high taxes. CCP are afraid of them. I dont see any Government taking over Youns land in Khmer. VC are better citizen than Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

What Hun Sen going to do now arrested some poor farmer and blame it on someone so Hun Sen can satify or please the Dog eater VC.

Anonymous said...

if the experts aren't competitive, who can the people trust and look to? wake up already, cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Kill the dog eater.

Anonymous said...

អាណត្តិនេះ​ បងែសន​ បងរិន បង​ស៊ីម លេងបងប្អូនត្រឹមប៉ុន្នេះ។ អាណត្តិក្រោយ បើបងប្អូនបោះឆ្នោតឲ្យគាត់ទៀតគាត់នឹងលេងមួយគ្របចាស់ដៃជាងនេះបន្តិចទៀត។​ ខ្ញុំគួរឲ្យអាណិតបងៗមួយចំនួនដែលខំស្រែកយំ ហៅរកបងសែនអើយជួយកូនចៅផង គេបូមខ្សាច់លប់ផ្ទះកុនចៅហើយ ខ្ញុំសួរថា ហ៊ុនសែនជួយស្អីបងប្អូន បើគាតើជាអ្នកធ្វើទៅហើយនោះ? ពួកអ្នកទិញ ជួលដីអស់ហ្នឹងសុទ្ធតែជាបក្សពួកគាត់ទេ បើគាត់ជួយបងប្អូនគាត់មិនក្បត់គ្នាគាត់? គាត់សុខចិត្តក្បត់បងប្អូនដែលជាអ្នកបោះឆ្នោតគាំទ្រគាតាត់វិញ ព្រោះបងប្អូនថោកជាង ពួកក្រុមហ៊ុន យ៉ាងខ្លាំងដល់ពេលឃោសនាបោះឆ្នោតលើកក្រោយចំណាយតែប៊ីចេងមួយកញ្ចប់​ សារ៉ុងមួយហើយ តែពួកក្រុមហ៊ុនវិញវាឲ្យហ៊ុនសែនច្រើនណាស់ក្នុងមួយឆ្នាំៗនោះ។​ អីចឹងទេ ហ៊ុនសែនសុខចិត្តខាតឬសុខចិត្តចំណេញ? កុំភ្លេចថាគាត់អង្វរបងប្អូន គាត់ជួយបងប្អូនតែពេលគាត់ត្រូវការសន្លឹកឆ្នោតទេ ដល់ពេលគាត់រាប់សន្លឹកឆ្នោតរួចហើយគាត់ទៅជួយគ្នាគាត់ឯណោះទេ៕