Monday, November 15, 2010

Sam Rainsy’s Open Letter to Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung, Prime Minister of Vietnam on the Occasion of His Visit to Cambodia


14 November 2010

Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung
Prime Minister
Of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Mr. Prime Minister,

As an elected representative of the Khmer people and the leader of Cambodia’s second largest political party, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to you on the occasion of your official visit to Cambodia starting on 15 November 2010.

I wish, but am already convinced, that your historical visit will help improve even further the already excellent relations between Cambodia and Vietnam as it will help resolve any remaining problems between our two countries.

One of the problems among those to be resolved in an entirely satisfactory manner for both the Cambodian and the Vietnamese peoples so as to clear all possible misunderstanding and frustration, is the border issue.

Following a border incident in Svay Rieng province on 25 October 2009 when I uprooted a few wooden poles planted on the rice field of a Cambodian farmer without her consent, there had been no reaction whatsoever from any Cambodian official or authority. The first public reaction actually came ten days later from you in person, Mr. Prime Minister.

On 4 November 2009, the Voice of Vietnam reported, “Regarding acts and statements made by Sam Rainsy, President of the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP), who recently uprooted six temporary poles for Marker 185 between Vietnam’s southern province of Long An and Cambodia’s Svay Rieng province, Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung proposed that the Cambodian government take due measures to deal with Rainsy’s acts of sabotage and not permit similar cases to occur, as they negatively affect the fine relations between the two nations.” Please read the original report from Hanoi at

That border incident and its consequences have been examined by the Inter-Parliamentary Union of which both Vietnam and Cambodia are members. The IPU 6 October 2010 “Resolution on Case No. CMBD/01 – Sam Rainsy – Cambodia” reads, “On 25 October 2009, during a Buddhist Kathen celebration in Svay Rieng province, opposition leader Mr. Sam Rainsy led local villagers and officials from his party in uprooting six wooden temporary posts (border post # 185) marking the country’s border with Vietnam, which has been in a demarcation process for some time; villagers said that the Vietnamese had illegally shifted the posts onto Cambodian soil in their rice fields and that their complaints to the local authorities in this respect had remained unavailing; according to the source, the uprooting of the demarcation posts provoked strong criticism by the Vietnamese authorities, which invited the Cambodian Government to take "due measures" regarding Mr. Sam Rainsy’s "acts of sabotage" (…).”

“Following the verdict [handed down to him], Mr. Sam Rainsy gathered evidence, including an independent expertise, to prove that the temporary border demarcation posts were indeed on Cambodian territory (…). According to the Sam Rainsy Party, the border demarcation posts which remained in the municipality were removed by the Vietnamese authorities in late December 2009/early January 2010 and none of those posts have been put back in place (...). According to information supplied by the source in April 2010, the Government had recognized that the temporary border post # 185, consisting of six wooden poles which Mr. Sam Rainsy pulled out, was not a real and legal border marker and decided officially to dismantle those border posts (…). The Government reportedly itself conceded that the temporary border markers were not on the legal borderline and officially decided to dismantle them.” Please read the full text of the IPU Resolution at

In response to questions from a group of Members of Parliament, Prime Minister Hun Sen officially confirmed in his 8 November 2010 letter to National Assembly President Heng Samrin that the legal status of some of the tentative border posts was more than uncertain: “In the area surrounding the tentative post # 185, in particular posts # 184 to 187 along the border between Cambodia and Vietnam, the joint technical group from the two countries is continuing their study on the actual ground in order to search for material evidence necessary for the determination of the real location of those border posts. Because the joint technical group from the two countries has not planted any border post # 185 yet, the border demarcation work – which is the work of the joint technical group to be conducted after the planting of that post – has not started yet either.” Please read official documents with questions and answers in Khmer at

Therefore the so-called tentative border post # 185 whose uprooting by me drew such a strong reaction from you on 4 November 2009, actually had no legal existence or meaning whatsoever. Prime Minister Hun Sen even denied, in his above-mentioned letter, the mere existence of that border post # 185 which “has not been planted yet.” Therefore, I would be grateful if you would acknowledge that you actually overreacted to my pulling out a few wooden poles in Svay Rieng province and possibly encouraged some unnecessary fallout from that insignificant incident.

That incident has been also examined by the European Parliament. In its “Resolution on Cambodia, in particular the case of Sam Rainsy” unanimously adopted in Strasbourg on 21 October 2010, the European Parliament notes, “The uprooting of six wooden temporary border posts at the Vietnamese-Cambodian border, which is still disputed between the two countries, took place in support of villagers who claimed to be victims of land-grabbing, saying that the Vietnamese had illegally shifted the posts onto Cambodian soil, in their rice fields, and that their complaints to the local authorities had remained unanswered.” Please read the full text of the European Parliament Resolution at

My gesture in Svay Rieng province on 25 October 2009 had a political significance only for me in my capacity as a Member of Parliament defending the interest of the Cambodian people. The European Parliament is right when it considers in its Resolution “Sam Rainsy's gesture to be of a symbolic and clearly political nature" and his conviction as "based on an act of civil disobedience."

I believe in, and will strive for, a genuine and deep friendship between Cambodia and Vietnam based on common interest and mutual respect. Furthermore, as I have told your colleagues in the Vietnamese government during my visit to Hanoi in 2002, I look up to the European Union as a model for regional cooperation and integration in Southeast Asia. More precisely, the reconciliation between France and Germany at the end of World War II should be a source of inspiration for Cambodia and Vietnam. From former enemies, France and Germany have become friends, allies and partners working together for common prosperity. Furthermore, the two countries, with the rest of Europe, are promoting common values related to democracy, human rights, rule of law and good governance, which are keys to the unique success story represented by the European Union.

I wish you a pleasant and fruitful stay in Cambodia.


Sam Rainsy
Member of Parliament


Anonymous said...

Te be a long last and true friendship, vietnam must treat cambodia respectfully and equally as France and Germany treats each other. the current friendship between the two countries is only on the papers. Infact, Vietnam treats cambodia as its colony and a future province of greater Vietnam.

Thes Meas said...

Sam Rainsy you are no longer a member of Cambodians National Assembly, but instead you are a fugitive. So, who care about your open letter?

ជនពាល said...

ខ្ញុំចងដឹងណាស់ថា​ តើលោកសមរង្ស៊ី ស្គាល់អំពីបច្ចេកទេសភូមិសាស្រ្តដែរឬទេ ? សូមជ្រាបថា ខ្មែរនិងយួន មានព្រំដែនជាប់គ្នាជាង១ពាន់គីឡូមែត្រឯណោះ ដូច្នេះការបោះបង្គោលព្រំដែនថ្មីនេះ គឺគ្មាននរណាអាចចៀសវាងបានទេ នូវខ្សែបន្ទាត់ដែលអាចឆៀងងចេញឬឆៀងចូល នោះឡើយ ។ យោងទៅតាមលោកវ៉ាគឹមហុង រឿងដែលពលរដ្ឋជាងពីររយនាក់ដែលបានផ្ដិតមេដៃប្ដឹងមករដ្ឋាភិបាល ទាក់ទងនិងករណីបាត់បង់ដីធ្លី​ដោយសារការបោះបង្គោលព្រំដែននោះ ។ តាមពិតទៅខ្សែបន្ទាត់ថ្មីនោះ បានឆៀងចូលលើដីកសិករខ្មែរយើងតែចំនួន៥មែត្រប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។ តែដោយបានលេសនេះហើយ ទើបមានការញុះញុង ពីគណបក្សប្រឆាំង ដើម្បី ពង្រីកបញ្ហានេះអោយបានកាន់តែធំឡើង ព្រោះថា​ រឿងព្រំដែននេះ វាជរឿងមួយដែលរសើបខ្លាំងណាស់

Anonymous said...

So the so-called Revolutionist acknowledges that only 5 meters of the encroachment has been made into the Khmer farmer's property, right?

Tell me Mr or Madam Revolutionist, what is your standardizing to be accepted as land encroachment in your perception or revolution, I shall say????

And you've demonstrated to us in this forum that 5 meters, I repeat again, 5 meters of encroachment is acceptable by the RCG or Hun Sen or CPP or Sva Kim Hong or the the so-called revolutionist like you???

Judging from the comments and pathetic ideas you have been posting in this forum so far, I do not have a slightest hope to receive any acceptable answer or explanation at all from you.
Let us all see if you have the courage to bring on the debate with me on this issue.

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

don't scare uncle hun like that. if uncle nguyen gave up on him, he may as well turn to uncle wong as a last resort... stop the tease already.

ah "measthes phlaok" is already scared he would be out of his pathetic job...

Anonymous said...

បើគេប្រើប្រព័ន្ធ GPS ដើម្បីវាស់វែង កំហុសចម្ងាយ៥មែត្រ គឺជរឿងធម្មតា !

Anonymous said...

var kim hong, i thought your boss said earlier he would protect cambodian territorial integrity and would die fighting to protect the land even if 1 single millimeter was violated...

oh, i remember now, it was Preah Vihear he was talking about, not the side next to tuol krasaing, to the east.

Anonymous said...

where are jea darah, teah bann, or nhaek boun chhaiy, the military guys, do any of you have any spine to confront the traitorous land sellers?

Anonymous said...


Please don't speak and thinks like a dictator!

you are an ants in this world like anyone else. Don't speak for other like you own this world.

What have you done for anyone or the people of cambodia?

Have you speak against curruptions?
Have you stand up for khmer?

Or speak up against youn, and hanoi ?


Anonymous said...

Even you try to wite to that bastard thief, he never ever take it into account. Forget to pay a courtesy to that bastard thief and rallying Khmer people to hit that bastard head from Cambodia, his is the good way ...........

Anonymous said...

Finally, a convicted criminal Sam Rainsy put his tail between his legs and bows his head to VN Prime Minister. What ashamed!

Anonymous said...

Why Mr. President Sam Rainsy wrote a letter to Youn Prime Minister?

Anonymous said...

This is protocol to deal with a master directly instead with the slave. Mr.Nguyen Tan Dung must reexam the issue otherwise khmer and vietnam will be enemy fore ever. Khmer should practicing defend technic like other country (no need to mention) who successfully protect their country from foreinger control.
Or Sam raingsy can lead a People Power Moment to take back Cambodia from viet slavery.

Anonymous said...

Now gay whore Sam is begging at his enemy? What a looser

Anonymous said...

It is laughable and a shameless act of Sam Rainsy! After has insulted Vietnam very badly on border issue, but finally a convicted criminal Sam Rainsy has no choice but has to put his tail between his legs and sent a nice letter to please VN Prime Minister, aim to get sympathy. Sic If he is genuine belief in deep friendship between Cambodia and Vietnam as his letter, he won't became a fugitive lives in exile at all.

There is no doubt that his letter is the same pattern as Mr. Kong Korm's letter had sent to Samdech Chea Sim, President of the Senate for intervention. When he can't get what he wanted, he will start insult Vietnam as he and his extreme supporters normally do as their daily business.

Why Sam Rainsy is not focus with his complaint against PM Hun Sen in the USA and European Court? Why he needs writing a letter to his bitter enemy (VN) for? Is this mean showing his deadlock or cowardise??

Khmer in Sydney CBD

Anonymous said...

you dreaming...


Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is always a coward no matter what. Will he expect to get anything from Vietnam? I don't think so. Shame Sam Rainsy and SRP supporters.

Anonymous said...

Just like Thai king said...Khmer only good at killing each other. With a very low price. No one is good engoug to run Cambodia. Stupid Khmer head alway thinking and making up shit about each other. This and That!

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy will fail because this policy. Khmer people regret to Sam Rainsy. Sam Rainsy like Hun Sen and Sihanouk.

Failed Sam Rainsy

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy will do whatever it takes to revive his political career in Cambodia. This time he sent a letter to please VN Prime Minister and next time, he will bend his knee and bow his head to the ground and send another letter to apologise to PM Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, please forgive me and be my friend

Sam Gaysy

Anonymous said...

According to Cambodian constitution, no one can remove Mr Sam Rainsy immunity at all. Therefore he is still a legal member of Cambodian parliament until the end this term. My worry about him is that he shouldn't stay in overseas for too long. Someone else can challenge him from inside and then kick him out from their leader and then, he would lost his leadership as a legal leader of the opposition leader.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

All you'll Mother Fuckers who are ass kissing the Viet Cong and who are against Sam Rainsy,,,You all can suck and lick my balls.Dirt cheap low life mother fuckers.

Anonymous said...

good work..


we vietnamese thank you HE Phay Siphan, HE. SOK SIPHANA and SARIN DENORA. for your lip services and manipulated international communities in cambodia

Anonymous said...

The question is HAVE THE CPP confronted the youns, or hanoi? NOPE !

But Mr Sam rainsy did. This a letter of confrontation if some of you morons read it carefully, it will documents and filed accord to the response from Mr Dong Dong.

Anonymous said...

To 10:44 AM

You may be Youn/CPP club. You eat and live by Youn.

So that you don't care khmer land lose to Youn.

Anonymous said...

fuck this guy make Cambodia country trouble all the time, so you motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Sam Rainsy! A sign of a true statesman.

Anonymous said...

let the viet/youn people be aware of their unwanted intrusion into cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

According to Cambodian constitution, no one can remove Mr Sam Rainsy immunity at all. Therefore he is still a legal member of Cambodian parliament until the end this term. My worry about him is that he shouldn't stay in overseas for too long. Someone else can challenge him from inside and then kick him out from their leader and then, he would lost his leadership as a legal leader of the opposition leader.

Areak Prey
2:38 PM



Anonymous said...

Sam is an asskisser

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Those hink Sam Rainsy is no long an MP. In fact, he is still an MP receiving his monthly salary. It is only his immunity that has been stripped.

Anonymous said...

Thes Meas,

You are an idiot and should be ashamed of yourself for having said something without thinking very much.

Sam Rainsy's letter is written very well and quite professioanlly. Go back and read it again and don't just open your mouth without thinking.

People like you who want to be officials in Cambodia are trying to kiss Hun Sen's shit for anything.

If I were Hun Sen, I will allow you to kiss my shit, but give you only shit to eat as you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Khmer should regroup Khmer Thai PARA FIGHT WITH KHMER COMUNIST.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is a tool of Indochina Federation to put Cambodia and Lao under yuon communist yoke.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what Mr. Ransy hope to accomplish with this letter. Personally, I think it's a bad idea to write to Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung. It shows a sign of weakness from Mr. Rainsy part.

Mr. SR claims to have over a million supporters. Why can't he assemble a competent band of advisors to set up and apply a winning strategy for his party?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sam is trying to help Ours Motherland Cambodia. If He didnt love Khmer he would just walk away for good. He alway comeback trying to help what is right. All this BS negative about him is baseless small minded people!

Anonymous said...

Sam Ramsy wanted to delivering the message stright to VC PM himself. Hun Sen dont do shit for Khmer Citizen. He put Khmer second to Vietnam or Chinese. That why so many people Khmer today in Cambodia is so poor and powerless.

Anonymous said...

Government need to buy all the farmland in Kandal Provieance and give it to Cambodian to expand it population. That will keep Youns out.

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំ ចងដឹង ណាស់ថា

បើ ពិត ៥មែត្រ ប៉ុណ្ណោះ

បើ ៥មែត្រ ធម្មតា

មេច យួន វាស់ ឆៀងចូល

2 000 000 មែត្រ * 5 មែត្រ =
10 000 000 មែត្រ

Anonymous said...

If anybody looks for a good debate with អ្នកបដិវត្ត forget it or just ignore him.
He is just a paid CPP dog. They pay him to bark here. Whatever he writes is contradicting to his conscience. It must be tough for him to find a real job.

Anonymous said...

A revolutionist who takes side with traitors of Khmer people should change his pseudonym to something else. The officials of this government have never checked to see if our people's complain about losing their land is relevent or not. Hun Xen send his doggy officials to that place to threat Khmer people to shut up about their loss of land; they never help but harm, hurt, and ruin our people. A revolutionist who is in favor of serving the Youns' interests must be renamed as ah Yuons' lackey!

Anonymous said...

I think some folks still cannot see through a "5 meter squares" means. It means the spot where they dig to plant that big border mark is 5 meter squares, but the area along the border that Yuons steal from Khmer people are hundreds of meter squares.

Anonymous said...

ផ្ញើទៅឲ្យផវដុង វាខ្ចប់ផ្ញើត្រឡប់មកឲ្យសសីហនុ
កុំធ្វើអ្វីឲ្យតែបានធ្វើ វាមិនបានការ នាំឲ្យពួកវាសើចចំអក។ទុកពេលមើលកុនចិន

Anonymous said...

We need more Black dark green Khmer live by the Vietnam boarder. give them $200 a month just to live there and free land.

Anonymous said...

At less Sam is doing somethings about Ours National Security. I dont see Hun Sen doing shit. Just take bribe kickback from company. He just give Vietnam what ever they like.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen 2 Golf course!
Naga Casino!
too many to list.

Anonymous said...

Very great letter. This is a smart diplomacy that I have never seen from Sam Rainsy.

This is a great move...but the reaction from RCG's spokepersons are different...their speechese are good in coloring and labeling Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Why I don't see share linking to facebook.


Anonymous said...

I think this letter is very nice and going to make VC yound think twic. Very nice letter good words for politic

Anonymous said...

Sorry guy ours Military garding the boarder foget about Cambodia. jea darah, teah bann, or nhaek boun chhaiy are too busy beatting on Khmer Monks.

Anonymous said...

sam rainsy or any other khmer want-to-be leader, should write on behalf of khmer people, not just their own self-ambition. i'm sure a majority of khmer people and citizens have similar concern when it comes to khmer territory integrity, lands rights or lands issues with viet/youn, etc, etc...

Anonymous said...


Your suggestion is purely reflect your ignorance and reckless behavior. Your attitude serve nothing but adding more havoc for all Khmer patriots to face with, and carry these burden.
You are responsible as equal to share the act of treason and destruction to our homeland, just like HS and his cronies.

Anonymous said...

I think as I read the letter is seem it represent all of Khmer of speak on behalf of Cambodian people.

Anonymous said...

3:04AM! you stupid fool no one can write or do anything on behalf of all Cambodian in reality! By law and assumption only the King, the Assembly President and the goverment can! BUT not 100%!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

do you motherfucker future lightning would be lightning striked! understand what is OPEN leter! motherfuckers!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You stupid ass cant you read the letter 3:04AM. Your stupid king didnt do shit for Khmer people for the last 40 yrs. If Sam dont do the letter which Khmer person on this earth will stepup. Listen to you! the Assembly President and the goverment can! Where th Fuck did u get that You support Hun Sen and president. This government not going to do shit either about vietnam. you dont know politic just talking shit

Anonymous said...

you can write cambodia history from 1979 till now. who is the chey chetha 2, u can predict? 99 years land concession for vn, after 99 it will be the Kampuchea krom no.2, when u relative live in that area you shall tell them to leave to avoid violation of your f..

Anonymous said...

cpp must pay to vn by any mean because vn gave you the power. to pay through renting angkor wat, civil air line, fishes, land, mining, forest and allowing vn people to live in cambodia, do not disturb them, them will give more birth from 5 to 12 to increase population and to get to the power too. in that time cpp must be away. because every thing on vn hand.