Friday, November 12, 2010

So you wanna marry Heng Soy? (TBIF)

In case, you are interested, Heng Soy has 3 other identical twins, please take your pick from below:

By the way, Heng Soy's sister is also available for marriage, her name is Geminoid-F (What do you expect when her brother's name is Heng Soy?). Here she is:


(Thanks Buddha It's Friday!)


Anonymous said...

Hello Heng Soy! Are you related to SAMDACH . Heng Samrin? Here I give you a new name SAMDACH Heng Sen or Sen Heng from now on you no longer Soy O .K?

Anonymous said...

Heng Soy will be soy forever, smart ass. You talk like a genuis, why don't you take over Han San's job and run Cambodia for the good of Cambodians? Do you have a real job other than a dog for Sam Rainsy?

BTW, I like your sister, can she perform BJ?

Anonymous said...

"Heng Soy" is perhaps a pseudonym meaning "lucky unlucky", I guess.

Anonymous said...

He's the adopted son of Heng Samrin who sucks Xacrava's ass!

Anonymous said...

Nice to disover that Heng Soy have all these brothers - I will marry them all...cost no rice and free entertanment?...what more can you ask for from Heng Soy!...

These would be an ideal men for modern Khmer women...the most important this Heng is that he doesn't talk, but soy...has nothing else...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Heng soy,it is nice robot. We have to open our mind (think out of the box)to see the marvel of the world through windows view. the world are beautiful and abundant of wish man and women, they all want to build our community in high integrity, intellect, and energy positively way. If you kept look at people superior, you now Know and learn from them it obviously it benefit on both. Our civilized wold build base on people avoid negative image. why you buy Porch car, it is to avoid negative image, now you can clearly see yourself.....feed mind with jewel or magnetize giant garbage it will keep coming more and more until we perish. thanks

Anonymous said...

How many SOY are there? One is enough. Whoever marries you will be soy