Monday, November 29, 2010

US Officials say Cambodia's Debt to US is "an irritant" for Better Relation


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why don't the U.S. ask the Youn to pay the debt too. U.S. has bombs and kills alots of Khmer citizen too they should forgive the debt. Why the U.S. keeps friends with the foes Youn I thought they're the enemies to them.

Anonymous said...

We should not be upset with the US for continuing the loan. What we should be upset with is the administration of Hun Sen which actively participates in corruption and loses hundreds of millions of aid money. If the money was well kept, well spent, then Cambodia would have paid off the US debt by now, plus would have the best infrastructure in South East Asia. So please, Khmer people, blame your leaders rather than the US!

Anonymous said...

Dear friend
Both of the super power countries had been involved in Cambodian war:
US:Vietnam war(US B52 drop million ton of the bomp in Cambodia)
China:Khmer rouge main support.Millions lives had been lost
When US droped million tons of bomps(B52)to kill thousands of Cambodian inocent.
Why don't they pay to repaired the cambodian lifes and their suffering.(Is it because cambodia is the poor or no power country?)

Why chinese they poured billion dollrs into Cambodia be part to repaired they wrong doing in Khmer Rouge regime.They suspen some of the dedpt.

Both of them were involved in Cambodian lives.

I wonder why?.

Anonymous said...

KOS PICH Own by HUN SEN and Family under the name Canadia Bank Mr. SEA

Just like TELA GAS Station all over Cambodia which own by BUN RANY HUN SEN under different name.

Anonymous said...


Good work hun sen and cpp.. and thank you for SOK SIPHANA, SARIN DENORA and PHAY Siphan for your lip services to support your master in Hanoi

AND KOS PICH Own by HUN SEN and Family under the name Canadia Bank Mr. SEA

Just like TELA GAS Station all over Cambodia which own by BUN RANY HUN SEN under different name.

87 of our vietnamese brothers and sisters die there but the cambodia government did not report this... but are understand to do what it take for US to control this sutpid country call CAMBODIA

Anonymous said...


Good work hun sen and cpp.. and thank you for SOK SIPHANA, SARIN DENORA and PHAY Siphan for your lip services to support your master in Hanoi

AND KOS PICH Own by HUN SEN and Family under the name Canadia Bank Mr. SEA

Just like TELA GAS Station all over Cambodia which own by BUN RANY HUN SEN under different name.

87 of our vietnamese brothers and sisters die there but the cambodia government did not report this... but are understand to do what it take for US to control this sutpid country call CAMBODIA

Anonymous said...

123 126 PM
87 of your brothers & sisters vietnam descent, but they were born, live in Cambodia and did not have vietnamese nationality.
They are not illegal immigrants and not stupid like you.

Anonymous said...

The USA citizens
live under the
laws,they respect
and follow the
rules of laws.In USA,no one is over the laws.The
ones who make,or use the laws respect the laws of the land, including the president of America
. The debt that Khmer owed should go the both house representatives to vote.The debt,maybe get good news for Khmer govt,but the USA want Hun Sen govt to change,or correct,or the Human Rights in

Anonymous said...

US officials? look like asian officials to me!