Friday, November 26, 2010

Yo... Operatta Operetta King, where are you when your nation is in pain?

Has the Cambodian King disappeared?


Anonymous said...

The King was busy at the gay club!

Anonymous said...

when the king die?

Anonymous said...

He is busy to count his moneys ( 10 millions per year ). He used to be an unemployed in France living in a small appartment. Now, he has everything because of his mother know how to work with Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is familiar with ghosts
Analysis: By 10 p.m. the night of the stampede, there were too many people. Far too many people.

November 23, 2010
By Terry McCoy
Special to GlobalPost

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Cambodia is a country of ghosts and superstition. Don’t go out at night, they say in the countryside — ghosts. Always live with other people, others say — ghosts. Did you hear the crying last night in the quiet? Ghosts.

Every year in my high school classes in provincial Cambodia I ask my students to rank their greatest fears, and ghosts, despite nagging concerns for HIV, cancer and leeches, always creeps to the top of the list. At first I found this amusing. Now, I get it……..
My comment:

November 23, 2010
Dear readers,
Relating to this unpredictable tragedy at the last day of Water Festival this year, I recall that one day, King Father recommended turning Tuol Sleng into the prayer place for the death of those people for national reconciliation and especially for the spirit of those deaths.
King Father‘s suggestion was turned down. The RGC should seriously reconsider King Father’s recommendation. It is not too late to turn TUOL SLENG into a peaceful memory rather than to a memory of vengeance or anger. Turn down all relating banners. Burn up all relating books. Otherwise it will be happened by another unexpected and the worst tragedy.
The spirits of all Patriotic Kings including King Cheywarreman VII, and millions of patriotic Khmers such as Lok Ta Kheang Moeung, Preah Neang Chek Preah Neang Cham, Krala Hom Kong, Oknha SON KUY, Preah Ang Dang Kal, ect.. have been everywhere inside the territory of Khmer Empire (from KK to…….)
They see all of us; but we don’t see them. You believe it or not are up to the individual Khmer including the leaders of every departments, including Justice department, congress, and Senate of Royal Government of Cambodia.
Be faithful to all Cambodian people of all walks of life!


Kulen Monorom said...

Your Majesty Samdech Ta former King Norodom Sihanouk,

Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen,

Thank you for your both kindness and understanding.
What we need is prevention methods, not to let this type of accident happen again in the future.

It also makes me very worried to see so much alcohol allowed to enter or be produced in our beloved Kingdom of Cambodia? What about “ YA BA “ and other types of DRUGS from Thailand and Vietnam?

Can His Majesty Samdech Ta and Samdech Hun Sen stop all sorts of drugs coming to Cambodia? The accident may not be related to drugs and alcohol but just some thing that I could not sleep peacefully from now on to the future, in the names sake of true Khmer citizen.

Can Samdech Hun Sen kindly ask all 5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants to peacefully return to Vietnam, so Koh Pich will not be too crowded more and more every day, every month and every year to come.
All Vietnamese illegal immigrants can easily come in and settle inside Cambodia even though they already have their own country Vietnam.

When Cambodia is too crowded, definitely we Khmer people can not go to settle inside Vietnam, can we?
Please Vietnamese, you said you came to rescue us from Pol Pot, and you don’t want to return home, it is not right according to 23rd October 1991 Paris Peace Agreement, can all of you go back to your country now.

Vietnamese illegal immigrants, you see because 5 million of you are inside Cambodia, it makes us too crowded and we wasted our lives at Koh Pich without good reasons.

Your Vietnamese Communism expansionist mind in Cambodia, is to give an excuse to China mainland to occupy your Spratly Islands, Parcel Islands, the whole of your Eastern sea border and perhaps the Northern border sooner or later.

5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants in Cambodia, please go back home to defend your country from Chinese mighty economic invasion.

May I pray to God and the Lord Jesus Christ that those who have lost loved one will be comforted.

My condolences to all the victim's family.


Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

What does the term "Operatta King" mean? I had to look up the term "operatta" myself. On the first read, I had to use my background knowledge about the King - an actor, dancer in movies and opera. Then I make the connection with the word "opera" and now I understand KI's implication of the current Cambodia's King, that is he is just an opera king with no power whatsoever. In this light, the King of Cambodia has not been TOLD or ORDERED to come forth to share the grieves of his beloved departed people and their families yet. Not yet, the king's strings are not yet pulled because the King has to be always "politically and technically" correct at all times. Lol.

Where is King Father in all of this, King Father needs to come out and FIRE Hun Sen and his police commissioner and the Phnom Penh governor right now. After more than 30 years in power and in leadership, this is what happened. Talking about incompetence throughout the entire governance process. They all should be fired from their posts immediately.

Anonymous said...

when the Koh Pich Island tragedy the King Sihamoni is licking pussy Srey Yuon.

Anonymous said...

One day Thanksgiving will be made a National Holiday in Cambodia celebrated by youn(Vietnamese)in Cambodia for giving the land, country, and sea to Vietnam!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anything got to do with the pain and suffering of our people, this bloody king don't care.

Anonymous said...

Sihamoni is the King of Nobody. Sihamoni is no Khmer King, because our Khmer People live in destitute while brainless Sihamoni is hiding in his golden palace. Sihamoni's Kingdom is his palace, and outside that is stranger to him.

In Khmer saying, "Sihamoni's existence on earth is waste of Khmer rice!"

KHMER Angkor.

Anonymous said...

you don't work for Sam Rainsy party,
you don't work for CPP,
you don't work for yourself,
you work for nobody,
Khmer Angkor, you're a dump.

Anonymous said...

Mr. KULEN MONOROM ! you are very very very crazy ? Why you thank Ah NORODOM SIHANOUK and Ah HUN SEN ?
Ah NORODOM SIHANOUK and Ah HUN SEN the both are criminals and the TRAITOIRS of KHMER NATION.


Anonymous said...

cambodia KING disappeared because he was busy checking CAMBODIA AND VIET NAM border with his father.He noted farmers has been complained to him over and over again about losing thire farm land to viet nam ,but he afraid to a lone.He need PA PA to go with him.

Anonymous said...

to "5:02 AM"

where is the proof that Sihamoni was visiting the Cambodia-Vietnam border?Did Sihamoni have the gut to disobey Hun Sen for visiting the border without his permission? I doubt it very much.

Anonymous said...

No Doubt. KI-Media is a monarchy hater..and a Khmer king insulting expert. You should die and rest in hell.

Anonymous said...

That is sharmfull for the Khmer king. During our Khmer blood death he don't appear in the public to show royal condolence to Khmer people, only PM HUn Sen. Is he really as our Father?

Anonymous said...

We want Sihamoni to step down from the throne and go back to your dancing career in czeck.

Anonymous said...

While the country in Chaos; this nominated King was busy playing vietnamese pussy and getting lay.

Anonymous said...

Where is the king, where is Sam Rainsy?

King is gay, Sam Rainsy is...

Anonymous said...

It seems that a lot of people here want the ghost of Lon Nol back. Because was not corrupt!!!

Anonymous said...

he is a good king as he is working for us the viet nam,,


Anonymous said...

You want to know where is he? The tramp is so much upset about he fate, so that he is barking from every corner of the world, but Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Dear All,
I wish that everyone make use of KI-Media forum in the right way.
I personally don't want to read too much of accusation and impolite wording to anyone. Don't you think you are old enough to be the model for the younger generations. Is it the western way or the Cambodian way? I don't care, but I don't think it's good for me, my generaion, and my younger generation.

Why can't we criticise each other constructively?

Thank KI-Media again for being here, and I hope everyone will contribute to sustain credibility of the blogs.

KI Fan

Anonymous said...

Where is Xam Rainsy, busy whinning about losing election last time?

Anonymous said...

What King Sihanouk told the press about the relationship between Sihamoni and the women?

"The women are like sisters for him only".

Well said!

But it is not important if the king is gay or not. He has no real power, because Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy, like the British Queen he only represents but not rules the country.

It is up to the Cambodians if they want a king or not.

It is also up to the Cambodians if they want a One-Party-Dictatorship or not.

But uneducated people let themselfes getting influenced by TV propaganda very easily.

Not only in Cambodia...

Anonymous said...

What ever you can say.

Khmer kings have history of Killing their own people. That is the reason why he disappeared from the media and public.

Anonymous said...

He did not die. He just did not want to up stage Hun Sen or be responsible for it. Cold heart? May be. Smart? Absolutely. He probably said to him self, you know better that there will be 2 millions people coming to the city, why isn't a better plan to to handle it? Call the American Embassy in Phnom Pehn now to get help! or your head is rolling!, but the graceful King is probably bite his tongue until he bleeds. He cann't really do anything!

Anonymous said...

That is too bad to be King that cann't even come out to visit his people in the hospital or anything.

Anonymous said...

This King Kong is so unpopular because he cares too much about his people .

James said...

Please listen to the wise words of KI Fan.

The comments on this website give it a negative reputation.

You can criticize without insults and you can talk without swearing.

It is better to make a dignified comment than to bring down the reputation of this website.

Anonymous said...

Dear bloggers,

Now you can understand there wasn't a king came out to show his mounning to his people because he is under control of Hun Sen. It is only if HS allow him to come out than he comes out.

He is suffering too, but what can he say to his Khmer children. The king is capable to take care himself without depend on govt. money. He doesn't need power - but he came back because his parents want him too. His smiling face and inside - he is very painful. Difficult job indeed! He is only a man like us beside the title. Be pitty him.

he is willing to stay and suffer with all Khmer people. This is good enough.

I am suffering with all Koun Khmers

Anonymous said...

Khmer King Sihamouni could not show up at Koh Pich after the tragedy , he has to follow Hun Sen instructions what to and what not to do.

Anonymous said...

the king in the banana kingdom

he dont even pray for these peoples.. he dont even do anything to these dead peoples .. because Hun Sen order him to stay at his palace..

Anonymous said...

ម្សិលមិញ ខ្ញុំបានទៅគោរពវិញ្ញាណខន្ធបងប្អូនរួមជាតិដែលបានស្លាប់នៅស្ពានពេជ្រនោះ​ នាវេលាម៉ោង ៥ ល្ងាចជាងហើយ៕

ប៉ូលីសម្នាក់ដែលប្រចាំការទីនោះ បានត្អូញត្អែរប្រាប់ខ្ញុំថា គេចាត់ឲ្យពួកខ្ញុំមកយាមទីនេះ តាំងពីម៉ោង ៤ ព្រឹក រហូតដល់ថ្មើនេះហើយ មិនទាន់មានកំលាំងមកជំនួសផង។


បើយើងគឹតមួយភ្លែតដូចជាតូចទេ។ តែបើគឹតឲ្យសព្វ ឃើញថា របៀបចាត់ចែងការងាររបស់កំលាំងសមត្ថកិច្ចយើងអន់ពេកណាស់។ នេះហើយជាបុព្ធហេតុមួយ ដែលបណ្តាលឲ្យជនរួមជាតិស្លាប់យ៉ងច្រើនបែបនេះ ដោយគ្មានអ្នកទទួលខុសឡើយ មានតែអ្នកទទួលត្រូវ។

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much money is paid to maintain the kingdom each year? Is it worth it to have the king if he does nothing for the average Cambodians? Like everything else money has to be well spent... How much respect do they deserve from the average Cambodians when average Cambodians needs them he is not to be found? The King must be brave enough to stand up for the average Cambodian people. If he can't do that we should not pay him to be there.

Anonymous said...

United among all of Khmer is very important.

Knowing our enemy who really is also important.

Our enemy is Ho Chi Minh Indochina Federation.

We must be united. We cannot fight among ourselves as Khmers and Khmers. This is the only one theory of winning against the enemies from west and east.

Do not blame King. The vast majority of Khmers in Cambodia highly respect King. That is the fact. King Sihamoni has been highly respected by international leaders from around the world. That is the fact, too. King Sihamoni is far and far better than Thai king in every aspect. He is straight and firm. No one around can manipulate him. This king is different from other king.

Sam Rainsy Party is too far to the right. This party should be moderate or more liberal. This is the way toward unity and winning for the KHMER EMPIRE.

No one is perfect. But must be one is a better leader who is able to unite the vast majority of khmers?
Who is a better ?

Anonymous said...

សូមឲ្យវត្ថុស័កសិទ្ធិក្នុងលោកប្រល័យពួកសត្វតិរិច្ឆានដែរប្រមាថដល់ព្រះមហាក្សត្រជាទីគោរពសក្ការៈនៃខ្ញុំ និងប្រមុខរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាល ក៏ដូចជាប្រទេសខ្ញុំ ឲ្យពួកតិរិច្ឆានទាំងនោះរលាយ ស្លាប់គ្មានសល់សាកសព គ្មានដីកប់មួយពូជរបស់វា ។