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Residents from the Boeung Trabek lake area hold photographs of Prime Minister Hun Sen and his wife Bun Rany during a protest against the digging of a canal yesterday morning. (Photo by: Pha Lina) |
May Titthara
The Phnom Penh Post
RESIDENTS of the capital’s Boeung Trabek lakeside gathered in front of Prime Minister Hun Sen’s house yesterday before returning home and burning tyres near the lake to protest the alleged loss of their farmland to a drainage project.
Oen Sothon, a village representative from Chamkarmon district’s Phsar Doeum Thkov commune, said yesterday that 153 families had lost access to their farmland after 50 police officers set up a blockade in the area to protect the project.
“They are encroaching on the land where we’ve planted our crops,” Oen Sothon said.
Khut Khunvicheth, who also claimed to have been blocked from his land, said the blockade had been set up without consultation with residents affected by the move. Many in the area are concerned that the land will be given to a private company rather than being used for the drainage project, he added.
But Chamkarmon district governor Lo Yuy said those affected would be free to replant their crops upon the conclusion of the project, adding that the land in question was state land.
“We are doing this to serve the public interest,” he said. “If I fill the lake with sand and keep the land titles for government officials, please let lightning strike me.”
In a related case, 500 families from Phsar Doeum Thkov were ordered in September to dismantle their homes to make way for the project – which is set to refurbish the area’s existing sewer system and reduce flooding – though the deadline for their eviction passed without incident.
The people wasting money printing Hun Sen and his wife posters for the protest.
I am realy in doubt why Khmer people are still honouring this dictator and his wife? It is them wo have hurt, harmed, and destroyed their lives.
some people just show their ingorance and stupidity by holding the pic of hun sen and bun rany . they are too stupid to know that hun sen is the one who let that happen .
That is why I said some Khmers are soooo stupid and dumb, they still don't know who Ah Hun Sen is. Ah Hun Sen is serving only Youns not Khmers.
Pourquoi ces gens aiment montrer ces photos, je crois parce qu'il veulent montrer les photos des chefs voleurs des biens publics (et privés aussi bien sûr).
Why these people like to show these pictures, I think because they want to show photos of the robbers chiefs of public property (and private also of course)
នេះ មិនដឹងថា ហ៊ុនសែននឹងប៊ុន រ៉ានី ជាមនុស្សបង្ក
បង្កើតរឿងទេ ខំយករូប ពួកខ្មោច ពួកបីសាចទាំងនោះមកកាន់តវ៉ា។
farmland in the city, it got to go! people with political agenda are tricky and deceptive! i don't buy into it, ok!
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម, សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប, វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
Sen and Rany's picture are being use by the poor in hope that the police wouldn't shot them while they protest!
If the police dare to kill a person holding Hun's picture - which will equate to hating Mr. Sen. Khmer getting clever:~) Go on hold another milllion pictures of these two people...you will be save!
I ask you a question. If they hold these pictures is the problems going to be solved? No! It will not. So, why you have to give him and her a credit. I still don't get it!!
If the polices shoot them what is going to happen? They will face criminal court, local or international)
People are afraid to die, but they are already death.
“If you do not afraid to die you may survive, but if you afraid to die you will be death for sure”
Why khmer people in Boeng Kak call help from Hun Sen it is Hun Sen himself creat the problem at Beong Kak.All the company pay the money to Hun Sen and Hun Sen give the permission to them ,so why the khmer people call Hun Sen for help . why the police can beat the khmer people ,because Hun Sen close the eye close the ear and lt them do everything .If you want one SARONG befor election you will be suffer 5 years ,we have to know our dear khmer people.
12:45 AM
Only stupid people think that way . If you protest against the government , whatever you hold in your hand can't protect you from getting beaten up or even shot . How many times have you heard of people getting beaten up by the police when the yprotest in front of Hun Sen's house ? Most of them got Hun Sen's pic in their hands .
Because of such ignorance and stupidity that is why the crooks got to do what they have been doing to them and the country - selling out Cambodia, piece by piece. How pathetic!
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន SADAM ហ៊ុន សែន, SOY សំ រិន, SICK ស៊ីម, សុខ អាន, ហោ 5ហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប, SVA គិម ហុង, BLACK ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
ពួកអានេះវានៅតែលក់ម៉ែវាទៀតទេ ។
ភាគច្រើនពួកគេមនុស្សល្ងង់ខ្លៅ,អវិជ្ជា មកពីគណៈបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា និងពួកសំណល់ខ្មែរក្រហមទេតើ ?
You dumb and stupid commenters above use your brain that give by your mother and don't be stupid!
And ah Kwack picture is not the subject here!
Want to know why go ask UN why theylegimated ah excommunist to run Cambodia! Hun Xen and Shihanouk were official in Ah Pol Pot regim!
The pictures of PM Hun SEn and his wife prove that they are the one who sold land to invaders of all form,rich, powerful and viet.
That is the reason why they use their pictures, because the victims of landgrabbing are at their door step already.
"12:45 AM
Only stupid people think that way . If you protest against the government , whatever you hold in your hand can't protect you from getting beaten up or even shot . How many times have you heard of people getting beaten up by the police when the yprotest in front of Hun Sen's house ? Most of them got Hun Sen's pic in their hands .
2:43 AM"
To 2:43 am - this is 12:45 am!
First question, have you been to Cambodia lately? Second, do you know the Khmer poor mentality? - Third, the fact is well taken. If they get shot - they will die, no matter what! But for the poor people, they do not have anything to protect them. Khmer people still believe in anything as long as they can feel that it could protect their life( such as pie of secret wood, or simple wooden buddha status). In this case, they believe that by holding the picture of HS and his wife could deter the police from shooting them, thus they will do that!! Yes, you can call them stupit or anything else...it boiling down to stay a live. My father use to tell me that the death cope is very sting and float on the river - and if you going to drown - wouldn't you crape hold of that death cope?
Now goes figure 2:43 - when you life are at stake - you will do anything to servive. I am sure that you have done the samething is you are in the same situation as them! Try to understand the problem from their point of view, rather than the point of view that you want to impose upon them to believe!
Namaste my fellows bloggers
I that is why Khmer still suffered. They can believe anything they wanted to, but the outcome is getting from believed and act.
When they believe to hold a Sen piture for protesting, they will get a Sen to sell Cambodia.
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន SADAM ហ៊ុន សែន, ស៊យ សំ រិន, ឈឺ ស៊ីម, ទុក្ខ អាន, ហោ ៥ហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប, ស្វា គិម ហុង, ខ្មៅ ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
ពួកអានេះវានៅតែលក់ម៉ែវាទៀតទេ ។
ភាគច្រើនពួកគេមនុស្សល្ងង់ខ្លៅ,អវិជ្ជា មកពីគណៈបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា និងពួកសំណល់ខ្មែរក្រហមទេតើ ?
នេះ មិនដឹងថា ហ៊ុនសែននឹងប៊ុន រ៉ានី ជាមនុស្សបង្ក
បង្កើតរឿងទេ ខំយករូប ពួកខ្មោច ពួកបីសាចទាំងនោះមកកាន់តវ៉ា
stop holding their pictures
4:50AM and 5:11AM,
What font did you use? I can not read your comments!
KI does not support your fonts!
3:47 AM
I think you are just like those stupid people who like to hold Hun Sen's picture when they protest against the developing comanies . Hun Sen sold your land to those developing companies , what make you think that Hun Sen will help you ? Use your head 3:47 AM .
3:47 AM .
This is Khmer Ga
I have been in similar situation but I prayed Buddha for help . If I was one of those people who have been evicted by the government , I don't think I can stand there and hold the picture of the guy who runs the government and hoping that he will help because it makes no sense . Why do I think it makes no sense ? Because he is the one who sold your land to the developing compnies and he is not going to give the money back and ask the developing companies to give back your land.
Does what I say make sense to you 3:47 AM ?
i am just passing by and reading 3:47 am and this is what i think about him . he talks like he is a smart guy but if you read the whole comment , he is not that smart and his english is so terrible . take my advice 3:47 am , you will look better if you are being who you are instead of being someone you are not.
Those pictures are for prevented from melee. No foul, No harm, No blood. "BATONSBRAWL"
To all bloggers that share this blog - this is 3:47 am, thanks for all your comments. But what I see is that most of you are talking about this from what you want Khmer people to be.
In economics, There is two statements - a positive statements vs. norminative statements 1) a positive statements - discribe the world as it is; while 2)norminative statement - attempt to precribe how the world should be. Thus, all of you above are trying to discribe what the people in Cambodia should be doing! While I (3:47 am)just make a positive statement - which mean I am just discribing what is the Khmer people are doing in Cambodia! Thus, you're all can say whatever the Cambodian people should be doing or what you would have done, but the true is that Khmer people believe that Sen and his wife pictures could help them somehow! That is their logic....
Go - read introduction to economics - you might be able to learn something news for a change!
Now I try to understand! You just want to protect the citizens who are manipulated and wrong educated by Yourn’s regime. Right?
Khmer oversea can express and say what they want to express their ideas,but in Cambodia,they can't say or express nothings.
Only Khmer abroad could help them;how to help them?They need your help.Go out to protest is the main things.
9:52 am,
this is 7:52 am - you are correct! I am feeling sorry for Khmer people, they are defendless. There is no proper court system for them to fild complain! This is the way they know how to get their voice a cross! If these protest do not hold Mr. Sen and his wife pictures, the police might think that they are supporting the opposition party, they might get bit up faster than if they would not. They hold this just like something to protect them, it is not necessary that they respect or worship Mr. Sen and his wife.
If you ever talk to those protestors - you will understand why they hold these picture.
In addition, I would like to request to all of you who share this blog, please stop calling people (any people)"stupid". It just show that you are not respecting yourself by using these kind of language.
This is to 5:56 am - you don't know me for sure, so don't assume. Please know yourself first before you claim to know me! Because I don't know you and I wouldn't associate with people who assume without fact...Get something for as an evidence that you know me! And if you get it rights...I will take you out to lunch, and I will pay for your lunch - how about that. It is as an incentive to you. And if you are good looking and might be educate enough...who know...I might make you into my significant other(s)....ha..ha
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