Monday, December 06, 2010

Common Reactions after Traumatic Event

By Khmer Democrat, Phnom Penh
Understanding Trauma in Cambodia Series

Know thyself. - Plato

[click on to enlarge image for reading]

Understanding Trauma in Cambodia (Symptoms Tree)

Diagram of the Brain

How Does Trauma Effect the Brain?

Understanding Trauma in Cambodia Handbook, conceived and edited by Ms. Theary C. Seng, written by German psycho-therapist Dr. Matthias Witzel, translated by Ms. Yim Sotheary and Ms. Om Chariya, funded by the German Development Service (DED).


ជនពាល said...

ជាមួយពេលវេលា ការបាក់ស្មាតីទាំងឡាយ នឹងរលាយសាបសូនជាស្វ័យប្រវត្ត ។ មួយវិញទៀត​ នៅកម្ពុជាយើង ឧប្បទ្ធវហេតុ ដែលបានកើតឡើងកន្លងមកនេះ គឺ nothing បើប្រៀបធៀប ទៅលើកមុនៗនោះ ។ មែននទេនទៅ សង្គមនិមួយៗ ដែលវាសុខស្រួលពេក
ទើបពួកគេអាចដឹងថា ជីវិតមនុស្សយើង វាមានតម្លៃដល់កំរិតណា ? លើសពីនេះទៅទៀត ការលត់ដំស្មារតី វាជាមេរៀនមួយផ្នែកសំខាន់ណាស់ សម្រាប់មនុស្សគ្រប់វណ្ណះស្រទាប់ ត្រូវមានបទពិសោធ ។ ព្រោះថា ទៅថ្ងៃក្រោយ បទពិសោធនេះ វាអាចធ្វើអោយមនុស្សយើងមានស្មារតីរឹងមាំ ចេះតស៊ូ ពុះពារឆ្លងកាត់ឧបសគ្គទាំងឡាយ
ដែលតែងតែកើតមានឡើងជាយថាហេតុ ។
ដូចជាទាហានអចឹង ទាហានដែលគ្មានបទពិសោធ នៅពេលដែល
ត្រូវខ្មាំងសត្រូវលោមព័ទ្ធបាញ់ឆ្មក់ជាលើកដំបូង ពួកគេមួយភាគធំ គឺទាន់ដៃទាន់ជើង រកតែធ្វើអីមិនកើតទាល់តែសោះ រីឯចំណែកទាហានចាស់ៗ ដែលជាអ្នកមានបទពិសោធ គឺពួកគេ នឹងមានស្មារតីរឹងមាំដូចធម្មតា ហើយអាចចាប់កាំភ្លើងយកមកបាញ់តបត ទៅលើខ្មាំងសត្រូវវិញបានយ៉ាងងាយ ៕

Anonymous said...

Understandig Trauma in Cambodia.
Did/do Khmer citizens have this?
Yes, they sure did.
Under Khmer Rouge,Pol Pot,they were so scared to death;every minutes they breathed,Khmer people always thought,someone will them away and kill them.This extreme has had until today.Even they live in the third the ghost fear still come to see them one for a while.
how about Khmer residing in cambodia? Are they afraid of Hun Sen and Hun Sen officials?
Khmer inside the country are so nervous ,so frustrated,and so sad with their daily lives.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who visits Cambodia see that the Cambodians are a very traumatized people - look at the symptoms of trauma and compare with the reality in society! For example, the high rate of domestic violence.

The first step toward healing is understanding and acknowledgment. So, thank you, KI Media, for this very helpful resource.

Anonymous said...

these are Hun Sen and his gange behavior that is why youn took our land. your Hun sen should step down your behavior is very bad. according to these step unalizes and your behavior now a day are the same. step down Hun kwack sen let some body else do the job.