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Seng Kunakar: Arrested and sent to court for printing and distributing article posted on KI-Media |
I would appreciate it if you could post my dedication to Mr. Seng Kunakar for daring to share the truth with his co-workers.
Thank you very much!
P from Long Bich
"Your suffering is my agony!" - P
Chey Chumneas (Victory) - by Khmer Artists from 1970-1975
Chey Chumneas (Victory) - by Khmer Artists from 1970-1975
Victory comes from arms but also from cleverness, from courage, from correct discipline. You must know your enemy, but most of all you should know yourself well and you must struggle for our nation to survive...
Bek Bak Koeu Parachey (Disunity is defeat) - by Khmer Artist from 1970-75
Click here to download this song (MP3)
Don't be fooled by the enemy who said that they truly love us...
Navany Koeu Khnhom (Navany, that's me) - by Yus Ouklarang (singer of Cyclo)
Click here to download this song (MP3)
Lav Leuk - by Chhun Vanna (song from the 80s)
The original version was interpreted by Sin Sisamouth
Click here to download this song (MP3)
You guy didn't told the trust
,all of your arguments are false , and exaggerated in order to blame Government .
Mr. P,
You are back!
And as usual with good songs.
Thank you.
Anet Khmer
12:19 PM,
Can you please elaborate in details the TRUTH about what Hoa K Hong meant about 1983, 1985 and 2005 treaties???? And what is the TRUTH about the new map? Since this new map invcolve Cambodia and Vietnam only, will the Thais agree to recognize this new map also??? Or, will the Thai demand a new map too???
I can see KI you are smart and gentle and I clearly see you have strong believe in your commitment to help Khmer. News (media) are more destructive than Nuk, People will risk their life macth to war if you make them believe in some things. Now I can see, you may not try to take advantag from Khmers, now You see yourself MR.Rainsy was outragoust and get himself deeper, deeper, and deeper in spread out negatives concept. most of his MP, SRP member and follower hundred thousand of them listen and learn from hime, they believe him, Why can't you and me instruct him to preach people positvely, have you know any westerner win ellection by Criticing. it giant gosh if we criticise or jealous or hatreat, anger attitud, its a loser attitud, Now you know, aren't you?
12:41 PM,
just go to sleep if you don't want to read about loser attitude, silly.
i think P had inadvertenly misspelled the name of the city.
it should be Long BEACH.
thanks for sharing.
Welcome back GP-LB and thank you very much for your beautiful songs, especially Lav Loeuk, it's one of my favorite.
It's hard to be happy when we know many of our compatriots are suffering, including Seng Kunakar who is facing the kangaroo court sentencing.
Keep smiling, although our mood is dark and gloomy, holding fear four those victim's safety, but we must carry on with what we are doing and believing.
It's a time bomb for the tyranny regime, this will only aggravate the situation and push for a new reform. They can take away temporarily our people's freedom but they cannot take their courage, dignity and wisdom away from the defiant body and spirit. Justice will prevail, it's only a matter of time,please hanging there my beloved innocent Khmer people.
Yeay Tep
ដើម្បីសុវត្តិភាព បងប្អូនខ្មែរដែលរស់នៅក្នុងប្រទេស គួរណាស់តែចៀសវាង មួយរយះពេលសិន ដោយកុំមកសប្បាយក្នុង គេហទំព័រ KI media មួយនេះទៀតឡើយ ។ ព្រោះថា
រដ្ឋាភិបាល កំពុងតែក្រពុលមុខយ៉ាងខ្លាំង ជាមួយ ក្រុម KI media នេះ ។ មួយវិញទៀត ទោះបីជាបងប្អូនខំតស៊ូប្រឆាំងនិង
សកម្មភាពរបស់គណកម្មការព្រំដែនយ៉ាងណាក្ដី គឺមិនអាចយកឈ្នះ ពួកគេឡើយ ។
ព្រោះពួកគេ ជាស្ថាប័ណមួយដែលទទួលស្គាល់ និងអនុម័តយល់ព្រមដោយរដ្ឋសភា។ យោងទៅតាមលោកវ៉ាគឹមហុង រដ្ឋាភិបាល មិនដែលបានចេញប័ណ្ណកម្មសិទ្ធដីធ្លី ទៅអោយពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ដែលរស់នៅក្នុងតំបន់ដែលគ្មានខ្សែបន្ទាត់ព្រំប្រទល់ជាក់លាក់នោះឡើយ ។ លោកមានប្រសាសន៍ទៀតថា ផែនទីថ្មីនេះ គឺបានដកស្រង់ចេញមកពីផែនទីចាស់តាំងពីជំនាន់បារាំងទាំងស្រុង ដែលជាផែនទី មួយបានទទួលស្គាល់ដោយអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ ។ វាខុសគ្នា ដោយគ្រាន់តែផែនទីថ្មីនេះ វាមានខ្សែបន្ទាតព្រំដែនរហូតដល់ខ្នាត១/៥០០០០ ឯណោះ ។ ដូច្នេះ ខ្សែបន្ទាត់ ដែលមានភាពលំអិតយ៉ាងនេះ វាតែងតែមានការឆៀងចេញ ឬឆៀងចូល ទៅវិញទៅមកជាយថាហេតុ ។ សូមជ្រាបថា
ខណ្ឌរបងក្ដី ភ្លឺស្រែក្ដី ភស្តុតាងទាំងនេះ គេមិនអាចសម្គាល់ថាជាព្រំប្រទល់បានឡើយ ។ ព្រោះថា ខ្សែបន្ទាត់ដែលមានខ្នាតលំអិតយ៉ាងនេះ គឺគេមិនបានគូសទៅតាម ខណ្ឌរបង ឬ ភ្លឺស្រែ គុម្ពឬស្សី ឬ ដើមត្នោត ដែលពលរដ្ឋក្បែរនោះ តែងតែបានសម្គាល់ថាជា ព្រំប្រទល់នោះឡើយ ។ គឺគេសម្គាល់វា ដោយ ផ្អែកទៅលើផែនទីខ្នាត១/៥០០០០ ដោយទូទាត់តាមប្រព័ន្ធ GPS ជាដើម ៕
Dear Kunakar,
We are in the same situation, just different geography and institution we are fighting with.
Please stay strong, focus and believing in yourself. Just remember there are many people who support justice will join hands to fight for your freedom and others.
Keep smiling and shining through your courage and good judgement.
A fan of Julian Assange, Wilkileak team
I wonder why this thug "Jon Piel" has time to post comments here and use his scared tactic to discourage Khmer people.
Hmmm! may be he is switching his career from doing criminal work to be an assistant of the Spoke Person for CPP in order to get more pay with less effort to make money. He couldn't be bothered to change his name from Jon Piel to Ek Oddom to conceal the past at least. But hey, with the CPP they are the bunch of thugs who run a country, why should he waste any time to do that.
បងប្អូនអើយជួយជាសាកសីផង ដំរីឆ្គួតនេះវាជាន់ប្រជាជនស្លូតត្រង់ទៀតហើយ សុំឲ្យអង្ការទាំងអស់ជួយមើលផង ។
Svar Kimhong plan is successful! Bravo Svar Kimhong....
But one arrested and thousand will wake up...
Bravo KI!
Ok GP-LB, thanks for posting these beautiful songs:~)
Yeay Tep...ah...you do wonder again!
On behalf of all bloggers - thanks for sharing!
Our heart go out to all Koun khmers that are fighting for freedom, and justic for our motherland!
i love these songs, they all have good meanings to encourage us to think about loving our country and our khmer people, etc... god bless cambodia and all khmer people and citizens.
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