Friday, December 24, 2010

Incumbent Political Institution of Cambodia

Note that many Cambodian people see that Hun Sen is smart because he knows how to utilize those thousand advisers around him to lead the country. This perception is absolutely wrong. Hun Sen has no critical thinking to operate and envision the government at all. Yes, Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin have shared the same value "No Critical Thinking in Building Political Institution" at all. They just work according to others' envisioning.
Op-Ed by Khmer Young

As Koun Khmer has clearly simplified the theory and debate of political institution, and his scholarship has articulated in general. Hence, readers can use this profound writing to dig out incumbent Cambodian political institution.

The article has showed us clearly that two alternatives keeping power for autocracratic regime like current Cambodian government are the winning coalition and a large selectorate. According to the theory he quoted in his academic preference, Bueno et al has intentionally concluded that many developing countries which have headed towards democracy finally ended up in autocracy. Cambodia is one of them which is currently carrying a facade of democracy.

  • Judicial system is a mockery institution to back the winning coalition.
  • The opposition party is still very weak and it is not included in political institution of the nation. Evidently, this vibrant political party has been marginalized and discriminated by the ruling government.
  • Election has been carried out by biased committees and unfair of media and budget contribution.
  • Monarchy has been used to legitimize the winning coalition.
  • The assembly is not independent.
  • No democratic countries in this world that has kept one leader for unlimited mandate.
  • No check and balance in Cambodia.
  • Cambodian people are being used as the political tools to bargain power and foreign aids
  • The past trauma and suffering of Cambodian people has been used to weaken them more and worsen the situation.

All these are coinciding with the theory of "Don Dien" used by Vietnamese scholars and leaders to expand their territory hundred years ago. Don Dien simply means "clearing the dense forest in order to set up village and village operating system". Expanding approaches counting from Champa to Prey Norkor, and to current Kampuchea Krom, it has shared these same tactics.

Now, it is Cambodia! After the whitening out of political institution during Khmer Rouge regime, the coming of Vietnamese troops and their experts immediately structured and managed to operate Cambodian political institution. Yes, the Vietnamese leaders tried to catch Sihanouk to stay in power, but Chinese commandos took his away.

The presence of UNTAC in Cambodia didn't help break this installed political institution at all. As the result, until now Cambodian political institution has been only added on to the existing figure to make it stronger and lasting. 98% of former installed leaders within this structure has been remained the same and slightly changed.

According to Thanh, a Vietnamese writer has lamented that Vietnamese people have to struggle against their former powerful enemy, China. All tactics including growing population and swallowing its neighbors is the key objective of all Vietnamese leaders. Cambodia and Lao has been the key target for Vietnamese leadership to expand as well as to absorb in the manner of impostoring in order to hide from China's eagle eyes. Our lesson has been repeated again like during the Khmer Rouge regime. After Ho Chi Minh disengaged from China to independently operate their country and invade Cambodia, Uncle Ho had back-up plan already in hand ie to impostor all their cadres within the Khmer Rouge troops to secretly work within Khmer Rouge groups.

At the moment, Chinese aids and investment has undeniably benefited the installed structure which has employed many impostering leaders. If we closely eye on Ho Namhong, he visited China and makes friend with China at the outside appearance only, internally Ho Namhong has good plan to undermine China.

Ho Namhong is not different from Ieng Sary who many scholars wondered that why Ieng Sary had successfully implored many foreign Khmer scholars to go back home and those were terribly executed. During the returning back and dissolution of Khmer Rouge group, Ieng Sary was the first Khmer Rouge and possibly only one him who got a very good favor from the government. Recent speech of Ho Namhong on threatening to closs UNs headquarter in Cambodia is not simple, and it is not from Hun Sen idea. It is clearly from Ho Namhong who is one among other expert of this impostering structure.

The summary of those two alternatives of keeping autocratic government in power in Cambodia are following:

What are those factors endorsing winning coalition?
1. Cambodian monarchy
2. Cambodian Buddhist Sangha
3. Patron-clientele value embedding within major Cambodian people.

What are those factors endorsing a large selectorate?
1. Commune and village chiefs which are pineapple eyes for government
2. Kleptocratic network
3. Economic monopoly
4. Major representatives in the assembly...etc

Scenario I:
Mr. Va Kimhong is a leading man of drumming border issue to strategically achieve: change Cambodian history in favor of neo-imperialism of Vietnam and to disengage Khmer Kampuchea Krom from Cambodia as well as to test its prowess of new political institution Vietnam has built since 1979.

Scenario II:
Mr. Ho Namhong will lead a successful foreign policy to contaminate all international credentials that can ensure Cambodian sovereignty.

Scenario III:
A bunch of advisers within the government will try to ensure that Monarchy, Buddhism and Ruling Party are binding together strongly.

Note that many Cambodian people see that Hun Sen is smart because he knows how to utilize those thousand advisors around him to lead the country. This perception is absolutely wrong. Hun Sen has no critical thinking to operate and envision the government at all. Yes, Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin have shared the same value "No Critical Thinking in Building Political Institution" at all. They just work according to others' envisioning.

From scenario I to III, we can come up to denounce who are Khmer Traitors exactly.

I would like to conclude my discussion in this week forum now and see you again soon.

With Love!

Khmer Young


Anonymous said...

Prime minister Hun Sen! your lost your land and sea again, next time Cambodian border next to your home, Heng Somrin he lost his entire home village to Viet already but dare to say nothing, Chea Sim is too weak to say anything except prepare himself for judgement day, where is our belove king please get out from closet and give a big slap on Hun Sen face and say louder "why you gave my land and sea to Viet and punish my people hasss!"?, His majesty the king you can not stay in closet for too long, Cambodian are waiting for you to do something, you have no wife no kid must not afraid to die, you will be our hero king forever.

Anonymous said...

We all agree, that Mr. Hun Sen is not a smart person, because he did not have opportunity. But he sacrifices, try the best to rebuild our country.
We contrary missed all smarted Khmer, who always have the feeling, they will do the job better. They just don't show up.

Where are they ?

Of course we have one person, a woman Mrs. Mu Sochua, who still has the courage to show up, sacrifices their life to work for our country and the Khmer people.

Not one man, but we all have to sacrifice for a real peace, freedom and independent of our country.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any of those three leaders as smart because of the way they talk . Hun Sen talks in public just like a country boy who has never been to school .Other two , how much education do they have ? To make it short , those three have been appointed by Vietname and refused to step down after they lost the first election . They were not there by people's choice because their education level is not high enough to be leaders of the country .

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what 4:35 PM wants to say .

Anonymous said...

We wish all Khmer home and abroad a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ( 2011 ).

From Khme love Khmer.

Khmer Leu,Khmer Krom and Khmer Kandal

are all Khmer.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Young,

Thanks for your contribution to the discussion on "Institutions", you just further extend of what Koun Khmer had took the liberty to introduce the topic to us bloggers.

I am wondering is you could add - how Ho Chi min won "American Longest War" - what was his founding principle? What I can recall was that Ho Chi Min - in order to maintain his message properly - all Vietnamese have to know how to read!...There I recall, that young Vietnamese farmers that cannot go to school, they wrote the Vietnamese language on dry mud on buffaloes back to learn how to read! Thus, school building is not require to learn how to read!

Merry Chritmas and Happy New Year to Khmer Young,


Anonymous said...

well, smart people do delegate duties to others who are more articulate, more outspoken, more willing, more brave, intelligent, bright... i'm sure it takes a clever, smart, brilliant individual(s) to do that, really! it's not against the law, you know! advisers are good and necessary due to time time contraint, etc. plus, it takes some personal thinking, evaluation and listening skill and patience as well, you see! it is what it is, the reality! it's called working well with others, ok! hey, for your information, even american president have to consult his advisers before he signs certain legislation into law, you know! i say if it all conform with the law, there is nothing illegal about it, really! get educated already, ok! wake up people!

Anonymous said...

the results speak louder, and it shows! i say good job, mr. hun sen and the cpp! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

All CPP leaders are blind walking,blind thinking,blind leading;all they can do are from Viet.
The Viet govt leads everythings in Cambodia.
Many Khmer travelers from Cambodia
told their friends,their relatives
that Khmer country is Yuon country.
I asked them how come you still vote for Hun Sen?
Yuon voted for him;all voters are ghosts;if some Khmer citizens do not vote for hun Sen,at night the Hun Sen villagers steal rice sacks,and things,or threaten to kill them.

Anonymous said...

stop whining about viet/yuon here, ok! i'm sick and tired of hearing viet/youn this or that all the time! it goes nowhere! don't be stupid by empowering them all the time! most people don't give a rat's ass about viet/youn. they have their own country to worry about, etc! who cares! instead think about how cambodia can do better, really! now go write a book about hour rant about viet/youn congs, etc, ok! i believe there are more to cambodia than your idea of viet/youn this or viet that in cambodia! do reality check for a change, ok! enough already, paranoia thinking should be confined to a mental hospital, not in politics, really! go see a counselor or a psychiatrist, ok! bye bye!

Khmer Young said...


Thanks for your long comment. However, you have intentionally avoided
to answer my question. Surely, it is your accepting the truth of what
I ask you, and your deviating comment is just another attempt of bias
and manipulation.

If I catch your comment seriously, I am not that knowing nothing about
the Khmer Rouge and its regime. I am in Cambodia. I am from Cambodia.
I am a Cambodian farmer who got higher education from both Cambodia
and abroad. I have always used by bed time to express myself on the
internet. Many of my young friends have well been aware of wrong
behavior of current Cambodian government. If this government has done
well, Cambodia can enjoy development more than present day, and our
current government has worked towards a betterment only better than
Khmer Rouge regime. This development and effort is just a political
propaganda like you here. You have always used Khmer Rouge terrible
regime to increase the sense of your biased righteousness and serve
the political propaganda of Vietnam's neoimperialism.

In short, scholars have said Vietnamese population during KR regime
have been killed less than other tribes and Cambodian people. You can
ask Chhang Yuk or go to document centre library.

In short, Vietnam decided to invade Cambodia without consenting from
their boss Russia at all. Not only betraying China and expecting bad
effect from China, Vietnam invaded Cambodia because of their strong
belief in "Don Dien" strategy.

I hope you understand this reality if you are really a NK.



Anonymous said...

it's time for cambodia to look way beyond viet/youn thing! that's so old! i don't give a hoot about viet/youn thing when it comes to cambodia. the reality is cambodia share borders with youn, i think people should learn to live side by side without so much rankling, etc. it goes both way, i guess! khmer should be khmer, youn should be youn or whatever! and leave it that way! stop trying to influence one another because it just create hostile environment and hate, and resentment, etc with khmer people! maybe all people need to wake up and respect each other's sovereignty, rights, and so forth! this is not the dark ages, you know!

Anonymous said...

1:51: AM! do you motherfucker know ah Hun Xen give Khmer land to the fucking Vietnamese! and Ankor Watt profit go to the motherfucker Viet Youn motherfucker?

Ah Youn Viet order ah Kwack Hun Xen choymaray to arrest our monk and sent to the motherfucker son of ah Ho Chiminh! choymaray!

don't you know that motherfuker or you need the lightning strike!

Anonymous said...

I dont know where to begin about politics in Cambodia. It seems to me we are the strangest people on planet earth. We seem to have this wonderous attitude about who we are, but in reality, we are a nobody in the eyes of the International Community. We have not contribute anything to other countries beside helping UN clearing mines in most war torn countries. The reason we behave this unstable manner is that tend to possess this stigma about the Angkor Experience when we have no clue of how Angkor is being built; and all we did was that we happened to have been born in Cambodia where Angkor was something that was errected by our predecessors and it has totally nothing to do with the present Khmer or the new modern Khmer. We need to let this idiocy thought out of our head and forget that we, the present Khmers have anything to do with Angkor. We are living in the present time and WE MUST DO SOMETHING AT THIS PRESENT TIME SO WE TOO WILL HAVE A LEGEND CARVED IN STONE FOR FUTURE GENERATION TO SEE. In addition, since we are apart of the human species we must contribute to society and the world. Therefore, the future is in our hand. We must learn to UNITE and look for ways to better ourselves and our country. I suggest we must begin with the right education and the attitude to accept new challenges for future progress. Furthermore, we must become more aggressive toward changes and advance ourselves in the right direction. Having said that, we must look at several countries as a model so we can begin to compare our progresses accordingly. The ultimate growth of any nations depend on its government to use the natural resources that they possess. These natural resources can be turned into real monies, hence, these monies can be further appropriate to country's infrastructures and military advancement in technology. It does not take a God damnc Phd to figure out how to become a more productive citizen of any country, but it must start with the government. If the government is not a leader or behaves like a leader then you can forget the future of anything. Having said, I like to end this little writing with a bang...FUCK THIS WORLD and I hope we will destroy this world into the infinite. After having read Wikileaks, now I dont believe in any FUCKING GOVERNMENT. And I like to say this to them...BURN IN HELL!!!

I bet HELL upon you.


Anonymous said...

Dear Khmer Young,

You are working so hard and thanks for your dedication of your busy time to this discussion on Institution!

Please don't made any assumption before you have full information either on people or situation! You sound very frustrating - you need to take a break - give yourself credit that you have contribute to rebuild Khmer positively. In addtion give yourself credite to find the truth.

Change take times - decades -there is no short cut! This is fact, otherwise would be like KR regime..we KR resume to killing all intellectual assuming that they were having corrupted brain or so that what they think! And the view of that if you are not with me, you are against me...again, this is very dangerouse assumption!

Koun Khmer and I happen to cross each other path and happen to share similar ideas pertaining to Khmer political situation! I don't know koun Khmer and Koun Khmer does not know me either except that when I propose a topic.. he took the liberty to contribute the issue with his scolarship toward the issue. And it is up to all bloggers to read and come with their own understanding and conclusion. I propose the topic, Koun Khmer contribute his knowledge to make sure that our discussion have the scholarship sources to back up the claim. And so far, Koun Khmer had done a fantastic job in doing so!

Some of our blogger had larmented that this kind of issues can only be discussed in the University classroom...but so far...what Koun Khmer had done is have been provent that all Khmers can participate in this kind of discussion such as you Khmer young, thus, one should not afraid to discussion on any issues that one has in its one mind!

Well, this is long enough for now Khmer young,

Enjoy your holidays!

I remain