Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Licadho and KI-Media earn the ire of gov't mouthpiece Tith Sothea

Gov’t official reacts to Licadho’s statement [in KI-Media and Seng Kunakar’s case]

21 Dec. 2010
Kampuchea Thmei
Translated from Khmer by Soch

One government official reacted to the critical statement issued by Licadho regarding the sentence delivered to the security chief of the WFP who was accused of distributing leaflets insulting the government leaders.

Seng Kunakar, the security chief for the WFP warehouse, was sentenced to 6 months in jail and fined 1 million riels (~$250) by the Phnom Penh municipal court after he was charged with criminal incitation as stipulated in Articles 494 and 495 of the new criminal code because he allegedly distributed leaflets wrongly insulting government leaders. Following the court decision in the morning of 19 December 2010, Licadho issued a statement claiming that the rushed court hearing is an attack on freedom of expression in Cambodia, and that it worsens the freedom of expression in Cambodia.

Tith Sothea, a government advisor and mouthpiece of the Press and Quick Reaction Unit (PQRU) of the Council of Ministers, said that if Mrs. Pun Chiv Kek’s Licadho organization believes that the court decision on Seng Kunakar is a restriction on freedoms, then this is tantamount to raising a wrong issue because all decisions made by the court were done to guarantee political stability and social order, and that it was done to avoid disorder.

Tith Sothea added that the freedom of expression should be done under the law, therefore, if there is any legal measure taken, then it is correct. He claimed that everything that was raised in Licadho’s statement, is merely the views of a puny NGO only, and that it was not the opinion of the entire people at all.

Tith Sothea declared that the court is an independent institution [KI-Media note: Now we know that you are lying, Mr. Tith Sothea] that has the right to take legal measures on anybody who commit a crime, and that this court decision is a warning to anybody who do no respect the law.

It should be noted that, recently, the KI-Media website published pictures of the government leaders and insulted them, this website can be considered ignorant and they are not professional reporters at all.

Later on, Seng Kunakar printed this article and redistributed them, that was why he was arrested and sent to court for sentencing.

Tith Sothea said that the accusation [made by KI-Media] is wrong and false, and it is a complete twisting on the current government leaders who are famous heroes who lead the country toward peace, development, true respect of the constitution, therefore what KI-Media raised was done because of this website is drunk with its subservience to the opposition party policy, and it is done to confuse the national and international opinion. Therefore, [since KI-Media is at fault,] the measure taken against Seng Kunakar is not a restriction on freedom of expression, it was in fact an application of the law [sic!].


Anonymous said...

Tith Sothea(related to Tith Narankiri?!)insulted NGO then citizens intelligence.He thinks people do not know how their land lost to Yuon and yet their gov't punished them for raising the matter and voicing out their condemnation of the gov't.

RGC is a puny government misrepresenting the entire people interest and protection.

Tith Sothea needs to see thing from other end of the prism.

Anonymous said...

Tith Sothea is stupid as always . You have to be stupid like him to be able to do that job . He is stupid because he thinks he can lie and no one will know about it .I am sorry Tith Sothea , I am not a SRP supporter like you might think but , everytime I hear your re-action I can't stop asking myself , does this guy think people are stupid ?

Anonymous said...

ah chhkae tit xothea ey nis tro tae kdo ah hun xen doembey amnach ning luy. ah chhkuot muoy ning min deung konn chav ah na hoey rean sot krou ba acha na prodav vea aoy lngung lngi lngeu baeb ning.

Anonymous said...

Sir Hun Sen và Var Kimhong Sir là người Việt Nam! Họ là những anh hùng thực cho người Việt Nam. Chúng tôi là người Việt Nam tôn trọng ông ấy rất nhiều mà họ đang thực sự yêu nước của Việt Nam. Ông sẽ làm gì để xây dựng Việt Nam là một nơi tốt hơn và quốc gia lớn hơn. Cảm ơn bạn ông Hun Sen và ông Va Kimhong bạn là người tốt nhất của tốt nhất chúng ta không bao giờ quên bạn ở tất cả trong trái tim của chúng tôi! Long sống Sir Hun Sen Và Sir Var Kimhong! Chúng tôi là Việt Nam luôn luôn hỗ trợ và sao lưu bạn.

Anonymous said...

ក្រុមជ្រុលនិយម KI-MEDIA និង ជនអគតិមួយ
ជន និង ថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំ។ ពីព្រោះប្រជាជនខ្មែរស្គាល់
របបប៉ុល ពតទីពីរមកវិញព្រោះតែការច្រណែន

Anonymous said...

It's not the matter of all CPP or opposition members in disagreement or envies but it's about the KHMER country and its people future sake that's pressured to be under the corruptive system of men like Tith Sothea and his bosses in CPP.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is behind KI-Media. The goal of Sam Rainsy is to show only bad things about the ruling party and bad things going in Cambodia, so he can be eventually Prime Minister of Cambodia.

However, with his attitude and his KI-Media and Khmer Intelligence News, he has 0 chance to be Prime Minister.

MP Mu Sochua and MP Son Chhay should leave SRP for a better party or even create a better party that has chances to be the ruling party. Otherwise, Sam Rainsy should apply democracy so their team members vote for their leader. I am sure people will vote for MP Mu Sochua or MP Son Chhay.

Anonymous said...

Chúng tôi như Campuchia và chúng tôi tình yêu để có nó càng sớm càng tốt.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy có hại cho Campuchia. Sir Hun Sen là tốt nhất cho Campuchia. Chúng tôi yêu ông rất nhiều.

Anonymous said...

Nhân dân Campuchia, hãy lắng nghe tôi, nếu bạn muốn có việc làm trong mười năm tiếp theo, bạn phải học nói tiếng Việt và tiếng Việt. nếu không bạn sẽ không có việc làm ở tất cả.

Anonymous said...

long live vietnam

good work hun sen and cpp

Anonymous said...

Lâu dài sống là Việt nam! Lâu dài sống Vietname! Người mất là căm-pu-chia!.

Anonymous said...

Do ma motherfuckers!

Anonymous said...

Ye! KI you can delete my commen if you thing is not proper!\

But what can I not to call ah Kwack Hun Xen and tugs: MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!

Tit Sothea is a small guy who do as ah Kwack order. Do we need to vaste our time with him or just curse the CPP of the three monkies policy?

Anonymous said...

You motherfuckers! CPP thing like a fucking communist!

Political stability my behind!

Lightning strike you soon motherfuckers!

Anonymous said...

ខុសឆ្គង ។ ពួកមានអំណាចមានសិទ្ធិ
គេចង់នយាយថាម៉េចក៏បានដែរ ។
បិសាចណារាំលេងក៏បាន ចង់និយាយថាជ្រូកជាដំរីក៏បាន
ស្រុកខ្មែរក៏បាន គឺជាពួកស្វាមិន
ស្គាល់ព្រនង់ ។ បើពួកវាជាខ្មែរគួរ
មុខខ្លួនឯងផងទៅ តើវាគួរឬមិនគួរ។

Anonymous said...

If some Khmer oversea have relatives in Cambodia,after they coming back,they were afraid of telling some other people.
A lot of travelers when they told evil things about Hun Sen govt.
The CPP govt could not hide,criticized from Khmer abroad ; even if they did not get news from KI Media, they could get news around the world about Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

ទិតសាធា ទាសណ្ឋឹត ព្រុសមិនបានយក​ក្បាលទៅគឹតទេ..

Anonymous said...

At Tith Sothea is ah Kteuy ot tos. The information is produced by the KI Media and that innocent is just a reader and he passed it around for his people to read and decide. What about you, ah pler Tith Sothea? Kone mee joy mray niss veuy. YOO yoo tuv lop mane mong ah joy mai. You read the information produced by KI Media as well so how come your ugly black azz is not in jail yet, fool. Jom mane mong ah le ker niss veuy. If you ah Tith Sothea ah ugly faggot does not think that the information is true then prove KI Media wrong, ah pler. In fact ah YUON cops came to stop the SRP delegation deep within the Khmer territory, but ah YUONs said that they have always occupied that area since 1995. What the f*ck is 1995???? Where the YUONs there during the King Father's Regime, the Lon Nol Regime, or the Khmer Rouge regime? F*ck you ah Tith Sothea, in fact ah Svar KimgHong even said that ONLY after border posts are planted that the said area would be belong to Cambodia. What the f*ck is that? It has been Cambodia's territory since the French era and King Sihanouk era, and Lon Nol era, and Pol Pot's era.

So what are you going to say to that ah Tith Sothea ah pler merl min jear. I wonder what kind of job can you besides being a parrot for ah HUN Kwack, fool. Remember ah Hun Kwack said that he would defend Cambodia and will never cede even a milimeter of land to the any neighbors. Well asshole, look at the Khmer territory occupied since 1995, fool. That is the Khmer territory, so go kick them flatazzed YOUNs out of there. Man you are so low, ah Tith Sothea, you need to punch your face a million times, fool. Lol