By A. Gaffar Peang-Meth
No regime can stand without the people's support.

Would any responsible government allow such huge crowds on a narrow bridge without crowd control?
As Cambodians in the country and abroad asked why, and where the responsibility lies, they mourned the dead. Long-serving Premier Hun Sen told the nation -- with "crocodile tears," say Khmer analysts -- the stampede was a lesson learned; no official would lose his job. It was also announced the government would provide the equivalent of $12,000 in compensation to the families of each person who was killed -- to hide the guilt, some say.
Many called for those with some responsibility for the government's failure to resign, but such entreaties fell on deaf ears.
My column, "Do complaints serve a purpose?" was dissected by some Khmer bloggers in the West Coast. "They do," some argued. But then what? I quoted a Chinese saying, "Talk doesn't cook rice."
And so, we are, again, complaining, denouncing, pointing fingers, calling for justice -- even more passionately than before.
Yet, what have these verbal demands produced? The straw leviathan with shaky wooden legs stays strong. The irony is, he stays strong and rules ruthlessly because the most powerful force that can run him out of town -- the people -- isn't yet convinced how those who might replace him would better serve the people's interests. Democrats have not convinced them they can succeed in fighting for their rights and freedom.
The leviathan is strong because democrats are weak and in disarray.
Only thing to fear
If one wakes up every morning, saying to oneself one cannot succeed, then of course one will fail. An anonymous Khmer blogger who commented on my column last week said positive thinking is beyond the capacity of the sick and the poor. He seemed to condemn the sick and the poor to a perpetual sickbed and eternal poverty -- an encouragement to the leviathan's oppression.
Failure is human and people fail; but it's not the end of the world. Success is not irreversible either. Recall Winston Churchill's words, "It's the courage to continue that counts."
So decide what you want, make a strong commitment to achieve it and act resolutely to reach that goal. Actions open doors to many options. Theodore Roosevelt advised, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Fear of the leviathan? The Germans say "Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is."
Edward Yashinsky, a Yiddish poet who survived the Holocaust, wrote: "Fear not your enemies, for they can only kill you; fear not your friends, for they can only betray you. Fear only the indifferent, who permit the killers and the betrayers to walk safely on the earth."
But leave the last words to Franklin D. Roosevelt, chiseled on stones in the Roosevelt memorial in the nation's capital: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
Do something
My political activism dates back to my college years. When I did my doctorate in Ann Arbor, Mich., I supported the Khmer Republic because Vietnamese troops occupied Khmer territory, used as a springboard in the Vietnam War against the Americans and their allies, and because of my attachment to democracy, individual rights, freedom and the rule of law -- which I wanted to see flourish on my native soil. I have not wavered from these ideals.
In 1980-1989, I served in the nationalist Khmer resistance because of Hanoi's military occupation of Cambodia and what I wanted to see established in Cambodia.
The physical battles to improve life for the people of Cambodia must continue. With my brain and my pen, I contribute what I can.
I liked German-born American physicist Albert Einstein's words: "The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
I did. Now, others need to do something. Complaints serve a purpose. Actions make things happen.
Freedom can be won
Khmers can win their rights and freedom.
One immediate task is for Khmers to unite around a carefully designed grand strategy to liberate Cambodia from dictatorship and install a regime of the people, for the people, and by the people. Recall Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's urging that Khmer democrats unite behind a comprehensive political program, rather than behind a political figure.
Khmers need to strengthen independent social groups and institutions -- families, schools, non-government groups. People are empowered when they find collective support to achieve a goal.
Khmers must build the people's self-confidence, resistance skills and determination to liberate themselves, and create a powerful, internal resistance determined and willing to endure oppression to deny the tyrants the people's obedience, submission and cooperation, which they need.
No regime can stand without the people's support.
A. Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D., is retired from the University of Guam. Write him at
Can everyone imagine if the two million goers where to protest at the moment in time. History would have change for the better for Cambodia.
I think Mr. Gaffer made a good point on that number. Just wonder two million in the capitol. What would the Government do?????
I agree. The non-CPP forces must first make them a viable alternative.
Kuoy Pichet
One thing that I learn from Khmer people is that, they are too afraid to lost what they got right now. Why? becourse every bodies just got out from poor (POL POT)and now they got cars, houses, drinks, karaoke, sexes and so on....And the low income or non income persons are too afraid to talk to this group of people who got the benifits from current corrupted government. What KI needs to do is create another web site with Khmer language they we can share more trues about current PP office.
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម, សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប, វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
Dr. Gaffer,
I always like reading your article. In your near future article, could you provide your opinion regarding Cambodian current border issues, especially with the East neighbour. Every country around the world, its citizen has the right to protect his/her country. Their governments will honour those sacrifice their lives for their country as a hero. However, Cambodian government has done the opposite (with the East neighbour) by trying to scare people who want to protect the country. What would your opinion about this issue and what would you recommend for Cambodian people to do?
Dear Dr. Peang-Meth,
Yes, I agree with you that people must be "unite" in order to fight and make oppressors to fall! But my question is "how" can people be unite if they don't have trust? People lost their trust and hope long time a goes. For now, trust is something that Khmer people don't have very much! They try one time in 1993 election as you well know. Hun managed to become co-prime minister and was able to get the coup d'etate in 1997 and kick Prince Ranariddh out of the country! than the election 1998, Funcinpec get 40 plus sits, people still have some hope for Funcinpec to represent them, but as of now, your former party as well as Funcinpec party have been totally distroyed. As an election 2013 coming, the CPP is trying to keep Rainsy out of the country...and bring back Ranariddh. Mr. Sen has been use similar tactick to destroy political party one after anothers...Thus, how could people trust the opposition party if they know that sooner or later, Mr. Sen can break them apart again?
So my question is not as to why people are not unite, because I kind of know that answer more or less. I am more interest as to the "How" question - how can people get united - by who, for what and by when? Is it possible in the near 2013?
Thanks for your time,
Koun Khmer:)
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