Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Oy Yuon Khet Seima, Sva Sorng Kun Yuon" a Poem in Khmer by Nore Yutt


Anonymous said...

Wonderful poem!

Anonymous said...

ក្រោកឡើងខ្មែរគ្រប់គ្នាដល់ពេលវេលាហើយត្រូវប្រើកាំបិត, ពូថៅ, ដាវ , ខ្វែវ, ផ្គាក់, ព្រួញ, សរ, ច្បូក, លំពែង, ធ្នូ, ដំបង, ព្រនង់, កាំភ្លើង, គ្រាប់បែក, បេសែសិប, បេសែមួយ, មីន, មីនកន្ត្រាក់, មីនបង្កប់, មីនក្លេម័រ, មីនតោន, កាំភ្លើងធំ, កាំភ្លើងត្បាល់, ក្រោកឡើងជាមួយយុទ្ធភ័ណទាំងអស់នេះ បាញ់និងកាប់ក្បាលអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនសងសិក

Anonymous said...

To all Khmers soldiers: it is time for you to wake up and point your weapons to your stupid leader Hun Xin and his CPP crooks, because Hun Shin is serving Youns only. Only you all can change Cambodia but if you don't remember Khmer Krom.

Anonymous said...

My Khmer Compatriots,

The Arm uprising is the best solution for getting rid of Hanoi's puppet Regime of Hun Sen and its cronies as our ancestors had been done in 1835-1840 during the reign of Ang Mey, Té-Ong, and Vinh-té canal. (Kraok kap Yuon ខ្មែរខាងលើ, ខ្មែរខាងក្រោម, ខ្មែរខាងកណ្ដាល ក្រោកឡើងទាំងអស់កាប់យួនយកដីជីដូនជីតា
យើងមកត្រឡប់មកវិញ )

But why we, as their descendants, won't do it again???

Hanoi will eliminate all Khmers by all means, demographic with over 5 millions Viet illegal immigrants, Lands concession from Khmers owners of the country, Yuons depleted all khmer resources, fish stocks, all mineral ores, gas, forests, petroleum, and Gold etc...
I called to Khmer compatriots to rise up with Axes, Swords, Sticks, Knives, Spears, Arrows, and possible grenades, B40-B41 hand Guns, shot guns to riot and kill THEM for your Freedom and liberate your country from the vietnamese yoke.

Anonymous said...

No Vietnamese say Sir Hun Sen is a very respective Hero! and He makes big houses for us to live there in harmony. Please don't be jealous OK! Be peace with us. We are Vietnamese and we are good people. Be peace!

Không có Việt Nam nói rằng Sir Hun Sen là một Hero rất tương ứng! và Ngài làm cho ngôi nhà lớn cho chúng ta sống có hòa hợp. Xin vui lòng không được ghen OK! Được hòa bình với chúng tôi. Chúng tôi là Việt Nam và chúng ta là những người tốt. Hãy hòa bình!

Anonymous said...

We are not much in Cambodia only about five millions of us legally live in Cambodia. We help Cambodia to grow more population. You should thank us. We are Vietnamese we save your live in 1979.

Chúng tôi không có nhiều ở Campuchia chỉ có khoảng năm triệu người trong chúng ta sống hợp pháp tại Campuchia. Chúng tôi giúp Campuchia phát triển dân số nhiều hơn nữa. Bạn nên cảm ơn chúng tôi. Chúng tôi là người Việt Nam chúng ta lưu sống của bạn trong năm 1979.

Anonymous said...

មានក្រុមលោកឈុនយ៉ាសិទ្ធជាគំរូ រួចមកហើយ !!! បើចង់ឆាប់ងាប់ សូមងើបបះបោរ ទៅសាក ល៎មើល ! សូមបងប្អូននៅឯស្រុកខ្មែរ កុំទៅឆ្កួតតាមការញុះញុងនេះអោយសោះ ។ ពួកនេះ វាកំសាកញី វាមិនទៅហ៊ានបះបោរ ខ្លួនឯងទេ វាជម្រុញអ្នកណាដែលល្ងង់អោយទៅងាប់ជំនួស។
មិនស្រួលអាពួកជម្រុញគេជម្រុញឯង អោយងើបឡើង ដើម្បីទៅតស៊ូនិងអាវុធនោះ ប្រហែលសុទ្ធតែជាចារកម្មរបស់ហ៊ុនសេនផងក៏មិនដឹង !ព្រោះថា កាលះទេសះដូចហ៊ុនសែន អចឹង គឺគាត់កាន់តែព្រួយបារម្ភ ព្រោះថាមិនដឹងមុខសញ្ញាសត្រូវរបស់គាត់នៅឯណា ហើយកំពុងធ្វើអី ? ពោលគឺ រូបគាត់នៅខាងភ្លឺ រីឯសត្រូវរបស់គាត់នៅខាងងងិត ដូច្នេះមានពេលខ្លះ គាត់ត្រូវប្រើក្បួន លលកស្រុក ទាក់លលកព្រៃ៕

Anonymous said...

Viet sex like rabbit spread population like mice, she has no family planning, why NGO do not go there to educate Viet not to have more pupulation, why always come to Cambodia to stop Cambodian grow?

Anonymous said...

No worry, I am Khmer general I will put him in jail not to kill him, to kill is too easy, let he live in jail with 50 people in one room and see his face look like?

Anonymous said...

go to hell, ah dog Hun sex Yuon Hanoi

Anonymous said...

We all should curse ah dog Yuon-Hanoi Hun Sen into hell eternity

Anonymous said...

Prime minister Hun Sen! your lost your land and sea again, next time Cambodian border next to your home, Heng Somrin he lost his entire home village to Viet already but dare to say nothing, Chea Sim is too weak to say anything except prepare himself for judgement day, where is our belove king please get out from closet and give a big slap on Hun Sen face and say louder "why you gave my land and sea to Viet and punish my people hasss!"?, His majesty the king you can not stay in closet for too long, Cambodian are waiting for you to do something, you have no wife no kid must not afraid to die, you will be our hero king forever.