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Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at http://sacrava.blogspot.com) |
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Sacrava's Political Cartoon: Sdech Krom Preah
Dying royalist party,
Political Cartoon,
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Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at http://sacrava.blogspot.com) |
Common... if you are True Khmer, please learn to love each other, you can also advise the Prince on his weakness and strength. No one knows it all, don't follow HS and trash the good ones.
Sam Rainsy - the GOOD
Rannaridh - The BAD
Hun Sen - the ugly
These three men can be learned from all of you, joint forces and hold it till them all lead to the majority acceptable leadership.
Khmer of Kosh Pich...........PP
His royal highness RRidh does not know that KPP=CPP is still a socialistic republicanist party after 1993 election.
FUNK+GRUNK= Sihanoukians
មើលរណ្ណារិទ្ធ មុខធំគូថស្វិត
ទេ! មិនមែនស្វិតទេ គឺ៖ មុខធំគូថរលួយ
La Farce! suite
Note à ceux qui ont faussé l'histoire comme il en est de leur habitude:
Le FUNCINPEC a commencé son embryon sous les labeurs du général IN TAM, l'adjoint-amiral KONG Siloah, CHEA Plon, TOAN Chhay depuis 1981 sous le nom de Armée Sihanouhiste jusqu'en 83 avant que la place ne fut contestée par SAR Norodom Ranariddh qui dès lors occupa la délégation ainsi transférée par Samdech Norodom Sihanouk.
Une conférence extraordinaire à Pyong Yang (en Corée du Nord) avait alors décidé d'une nouvelle appellation (FUNCINPEC) et dont sa délégation en commandant suprême par SAR Norodom Ranariddh comme président de FUNCINPEC. On remarquait la présence du Prince Sisowath Thomico, membre du comité de décision et transformation de l'ANS (armée nationale de Sihanouk).
IN Tam, CHEA Plon, sont repartis en France puis aux Etats-Unis; KONG Siloah fut attrapé de maladie et décéda pour une cause incertaine de provocation extérieure.
why my King look like that oh my good.
De nos jours, les dirigeants ne pensent qu' elur retraite. Pour ceci, ils veulent bien avoir le pouvoir après ils resteront sans rien faire. Crevez vous quand vous voulez! Je n'a plus besoin de tes votes.
Désespérant. Etre libéral civilisé c'est bien ça. Même si la nation crève. Bande de fainéants!
welcome back dick hidder. u can follow your dummy daddy king. useless for khmer pple. king family should move to north korea.
Ah Nhi wants want to come back into political arena, for what??? this kind of animal is trying to bring Cambodia to hell with his Papa King Kong. People feel nausea when talking about this Chamkout prince.He is useless, coward, and very corrupted to bone, why people need him.
Khmer of Kosh Pich...........PP
7:33 AM
You are rights - until those people walk in orther's shoes than they would know how hard it is! I would like to quote Dr. Peang-Meth, he said something in his article that the dog continue to bark, and ox card continue to go forward. This is very true, whether we like or dislike the Hun's regime...all of us can continue to bark and Hun's regime still continue to go forward - with or without any of us in comment in this ki media blog!
The question is - what each of us can do to contribute to the possitive change of building our nation! Don't forget the impact you could have - just like the small rock throw into a big lake! If there enough small wave and beable to pick up the criticle mass - it can chang! Yes, it can - and this is I believe!
So don't keep on complaining as to why Ranariddh can't do this or can't do that - which I strongly agreed that politic is not a laughing matter - any decision one make will effect millions of people whether pol pot, HS, or Ranariddh...actually, I give some credit to Prince Ranariddh that after all these humiliation from every coners of the nation and is still willing to come back and stood to recieve all these negativity from everybody! Don't think that he just come for personal gain...be can OK enough the way he live now - no doubt!
In addition, if one believe that we could turn Prince Ranariddh as a possitive agent for change in Cambodia - we should rally behind him..the reason I said this is because he have enough of human capital in political and displomatic field enough to contribute to Cambodian national building!!!
I hope other can contribute more on this matter....2013 national election is not too far, but still give all of us two years period to decide...how we could us prince ranariddh as a possitive agent of change, otherwise Mr. Hun Sen will use him.?????? Either we use him, or Hun Sen will use him...
how we could us prince ranariddh as a possitive agent of change, otherwise Mr. Hun Sen will use him.?????? Either we use him, or Hun Sen will use him...
Do we need to use Him ?
Will Hun Xen use Him ?
Ranariddh is not a second hand prostitute but a 3rd hand or 4th hand ?
Tuk min chamnenh dork chenh kar minkhat. That's all I can say to this dickhead.
There is no third chance for you.
Many young khmer can rebuild the country without you.
If he fails so bad like this how can he mak Phalla satisfy?
The duck head just can't live without money and power.
Ha Ha!!! NBC=NBOON Chhhhayyyyyy aurait trompé encore une nième fois les royalistes observant son actuel fun-funcinpec stagné et stagnant! Il aurait bien aimé que son ex-prince doubly "ousted" [succesly by PPC & funcinpec) revienne en position de "ousted" ou reprise de marchandise.
Ce ne va pas mon général! Rien que pour payer la pression,vous avez vendu l'enseigne. Vous oubliez que vous aviez traité les autres comme traites.
Allez GO on, General! Le pont Chrut Changva est juste là,sinon allez à Toul Krâsaing vous faire avaler par les "croco".Je vous ai vu à Surin,tout "aminci" lors de vos périples entre Uddong et Thmar Pourk puis Surin.
Vous ne pouvez point maîtriser la corruption généralisée par votre Patron HUN SEN;mais regardant vos dépenses c'est comme de l'Eclair par rapport aux maîtres,aux instituteurs,aux ouvriers.Vous êtes un PPC den-bas de l'échelle.
Arrêtez ce commenter et votre Convoitise pour revenir ou racheter.Nous sommes tous,en tant patriotes-overseas,on ne vous aime plus.Ni Séreikosal.Pourtant KHAN Savoeun et HUN Phoeun restent de bons généraux.
Oseriez-vous que IN Tam,Kong Siloah,TOAN Chhay sont vos prédécesseurs.Sinon,vous n'êtes que le "bébé-crocodile".C'est exactement la théorie de LY Thuc et Ly Lay Sréng pour bien vivre au quotidien.Mon général, à votyre place, j'arrête là et ferai des activités humanitaires pour vos homme qui sont invalides à vie.
SKP aurait faussé ses ambitions plus saines, en revenant en avec NBC!Le seul qui lui reste c'est le général KHANN Savoeun & HUN Phoeung!!!!!
NBC se fait trop sentir la gale! Oyez Oyer mon peuple. Réveillez-vous et reprenez droits et pouvoir du peuple. Ne vous faîtes plus vous amenre par le nez et aux batons.
Bun Chhay n'est même pas au courant que HUN Sen l'envoyait chier ailleurs afin de garder le restant de ses primes promises au general Chhay pour son PPC Party.
Allez vous faire pendre mon général. Les morst des 5-6 juillet 97 vous en veulent toujours!
How come the dead Krom Preah supporters and the ghost walking Osh Riddh(no power) prince,they did know who will support this stupid guy?
Do Khmer people still love Monarchy?The monarchy is over.Khmer citizens will chase them the fatms or escape to abroad.
Do they know or hear about the Nepal kingdom? Where do the monarchy go? Go to be farmers.
The Khmer mnnarchy families are so dumb?
Who killed the monarchy prestige or privilege? The Osh Riddh father.Your greedy to be a kind of Khmer leader is over.
លោកមិនត្រូវធ្វើជាអ្នកនយោបាយទៀតទេ។បើពុំនោះទេប្រជាជនខ្មែរនឹងមើលងាយលោកជាក់ជាមិនខានឡើយ។គ្រាន់តែអាបក្សប្រជាជន ហុន សែន អំណាចជាន់មេឃពលរដ្ធខ្មែរជេរគ្មានអាណិតផងចុះទម្រាំលោកជាក្រុមខ្សែស្រឡាយជាស្តេចទៀតនោះ។បើចង់ទុកកេរ្ត៍ឈ្មោះជាកូនស្តេចមានឈ្មោះល្បីសូមកុំចូលជាអ្នកនយោបាយអី
សង្គមរាជវង្ស (បទកាកគតិ)
សង្គមរាជា ធ្លាក់ចុះគ្រាំគ្រា វេទនារកគ្មាន
តាំងពីចិតសិប កាលយួនឈ្លានពាន ដោយព្រោះតែដាន
ទង្វើស្តេចខ្លះ ។
រាស្ត្រលែងគោរព ព្រោះគេធុញថប់ នឹងឈ្លើងកន្លះ
តោងគ្មានទីដៅ ឲ្យតែប្រទះ ទោះបាំងសម្រះ
ក៏លោតោងដែរ ។
ស្តេចល្មោភអំណាច កញ្ជ្រោកបោកបាច លូនចូលធ្វើឆ្កែ
ព្រុះឲ្យចិនយួន ពង្វក់រាស្ត្រខ្មែរ ឲ្យក្រោកហូរហែរ
ច្បាំងនឹងជាតិឯង ។
អង្គស្តេចល្ងង់ខ្លៅ ក្រហមឆ្អិនឆ្អៅ ហោះហើរដូចផ្សែង
ដឹងថាក្រហម មិនស៊ីខ្សែឯង តែនៅខែងរ៉ែង
តាងស្តេចគេទៀត ។
ធ្វើបានប៉ុន្មាន កាប់ជ្រក់ដាក់ចាន នយោបាយភ្លាត់ស្នៀត
ជាប់គុកជាប់កល វិលវល់អស់ស្នៀត ចូលឆាកម្តងទៀត
នឹកថាប្រសើ ។
ម្តងនេះលោកខ្លាំង ចាកស្រុកបារាំង ពាំយកបញ្ញើរ
ចុះពីយន្តហោះ នាំខ្មែររៀនធ្វើ អោបរឹតថ្នាក់លើ
អស់លោកមន្ត្រី ។
ជម្ពឹតថ្ពាល់គ្នា ទំលាប់ប្រជា ទុកចោលធ្វើហី
រើសយកផងគេ អួតដាក់មន្ត្រី ថាស្តេចរៀនពី
ប្រទេសខាងលិច ។
ឡើងបានប៉ុន្មាន ជិតស្ងួតបាតចាន រុញកូនទាំងធ្មេច
អោនអោបបាទជើង ពួកចាំពន្លិច តែងតាំងសម្តេច
កូនធម៌បងធម៌ ។
ស្តេចកើតឥតខ្សែ គិតថាងាយដែរ ទាញយកមកត
តែផ្ទុយពីចិត្ត ស្តេចបាក់ជំហរ បន្តង៉ក់ង
ដូចដើមម្តងទៀត ។
បោះឆ្នោត៩៣ អាណិតរាស្ត្រក្រៃ អត់បាយហើយឆ្លៀត
ស៊ូរងទឹកភ្លៀង ព្រោះចង់ជួយជាតិ បោះឆ្នោតថ្វាយស្តេច
ក្រែងបានសុខសាន្ត ។
ឆ្នោតឈ្នះប្រាកដ អ៊ុនតាក់សន្មត ជនក្បត់រុករាន
ពួកឆ្កួតលីលា បែកចិត្តសាមាន ប៉ងបែងមូលដ្ឋាន
ជារដ្ឋស្វយ័ត ។
ស្តេចវល់គំនិត ព្រោះចង់បានស្ថិត ជាប្រមុខជាតិ
ធ្វើការសំរួល រៀបចំវិវាទ បង្កើតខ្មីឃ្មាត
របបចំរុះ ។
របបចម្លែក អំណាចបែងចែក ក្បាលពីរដូចពស់
លូនបានប៉ន្មាន បង្កើតជម្លោះ ហ៊ុនសែនវាយឃ្មោះ
ថ្ងៃ៧កក្កដា ។
រាស្ត្រខ្មែរបន្ទោស ថាជាកំហុស ស្តេចឪសាវា
ជំហរមិននឹង យើងផ្ញើសង្ខារ លូនចូលធ្វើលា
ឲ្យពួកស្វាជិះ ។
ថ្ងៃទី ២៥ ធ្នូ ១៩៩៨
*The Point is...How his CANON can fire or shot more young Pictures Girls>>>???.
*His need MEIM YING SHINN from China or Korea to shot more young Girls... Man!!!!!!
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