Friday, December 24, 2010

The Viet ambassador meets Viet businesses in Phnom Penh, would the Xmer ambassador dare to meet Khmer Krom in Prey Nokor?

Meeting with Vietnamese businesses in Cambodia held

VOV News (Hanoi)

A meeting with Vietnamese businesses took place in Cambodia on December 23.

Addressing the event, Ngo Anh Dung, Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia, reviewed the achievements and advantages in multifaceted cooperation between the two countries in 2010.

Two-way trade turnover in the first 11 months of 2010 reached over US$1.5 billion. Vietnam’s exports turnover to Cambodia gained US$1.3 billion, up 36 percent compared to the same period last year.

Currently, Vietnamese investments in Cambodia are worth nearly US$570 million, mainly in such fields as rubber planting, industrial crops, aviation, banking, services and tourism.

At the meeting, Vietnamese businesses expressed their hope that in 2011, the two governments will continue to simplify the trade and investment procedures to increase the value of trade exchange to reach US$2 billion.


Anonymous said...

Respont to your comment...I do agreed with you, nation in the world should have two parteis one opposing the other for the benfites of the nation, And you also said I am pro CPP or... ok you are right. I wish to reafirm and make it clear about my conccept, I derict my idea on leadership only. I used to be SRP member and work very close to sam rainsy, now here is the pionts you know and clearly understand that we wast alote of our time, energy and money to support him, I Spend 300 $ in every communt ellection and much mores, Sam rainsy, he is a good talker, he enjioy working alone he not work well with other, he got weak team work, in 1998 to 2008 he got great chance to wine, he did not see that advatage. If you search a bit you will clearly see, Rainsy he lack leadership skile, he not set clear deriction, and his mentality are not tough to push his team and himeself past the breaking piont to victory. Now looke to the future, most peoples in cambodia they are not going to believe or thruth him any more would you happy with leadershipe like Sam rainsy, he is not stricness, less moral, very bossing, careless for his supporter, In fact he try to make himself become priminister of cambodia that he only care about, not khmer. He lead demostration, and stope foreign donation, he try to kill Hun sen 4 times, I allway call hime street wild act, becouse
he is not the man for you and me to support. if you go to cambodia you will find out that many of his supporter, are involve in crimnal act.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

7:43 AM

Did you fall on your head when you woke up this morning? You sure sound like it, either that, you had one too many Whiskey this morning. Go back to sleep, JERK & LIAR!

Anonymous said...

2099 NO MAP!

Anonymous said...

7:43 AM,

Ah slave Viet, only dogs maybe believe your argument. "he try to kill Hun sen 4 times", this argument is really shit, yes opposite Hun Sen try to kill Hun sen 4 times, then is correct, are you Ok slave Youn. Khmer (if he is really Khmer), he must leave Cambodia for living in Hanio, that is better.

Anonymous said...

No, bacause Khmer Kroms don't have balls or nuts

Anonymous said...

Khmer never loves each others is the characteristic Khmer is. If we know how to loves and helps each other we won't become the smallest country in South East Asian thinks about it. Not like ah Youn and Chinese people helps each other alots.

Anonymous said...

Khmer is just the name. Country is pretty much run by the Viet. Viet can do anything, I mean anything they want in Cambodia. Hun Sen is just a piece of sh*t. He can not even touch illigal Viet. However, if you are Khmer, he will buthcer alive if you look at his face. But, why any Khmer want to see his face anyway?

Anonymous said...

Sam Rangsey is not ferfect. During more than three decades for his polictical life, he made some mistakes. Please tell me who's not? Who better than Sam Rangsey to fight Hun Sen? Who will be benefit if you criticize S RS ?

Anonymous said...

Some of Ah Youn mentioned on this Blog. Ah Youn how crazy you are! go back home. Most all of you outside are human being but, inside your mind are animals. You grabbed Champa, Kampuchea Krom now you want to take Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

It is very funny to see how the Vietcong like to talk about these astromonmical numbers in the hundred of million and billions of dollars as if somehow dirt poor Cambodian people will benefit from the Vietcong economic activities in Cambodia! In reality the Vietcong can get anything they want in Cambodia at AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave command! The Vietcong got penny on dollars for Cambodian land and AH Hun Sen lease it to the Vietcong for 99 years!

Dirt poor Cambodian won't be seeing a penny of it! This is such a contraction because the more Vietcong investment and the poorer Cambodian people will become and the more corrupt Cambodia will be!

Just say no to the Vietcong investment and they can take it somewhere else!

Anonymous said...

Prime minister Hun Sen! your lost your land and sea again, next time Cambodian border next to your home, Heng Somrin he lost his entire home village to Viet already but dare to say nothing, Chea Sim is too weak to say anything except prepare himself for judgement day, where is our belove king please get out from closet and give a big slap on Hun Sen face and say louder "why you gave my land and sea to Viet and punish my people hasss!"?, His majesty the king you can not stay in closet for too long, Cambodian are waiting for you to do something, you have no wife no kid must not afraid to die, you will be our hero king forever.

Anonymous said...

did you all know that there's a khmer consulate in prey nokor, use it, if you have to when in prey nokor, etc! god bless.