Wednesday, January 19, 2011

CACJE Invitations for Everett, Washington, USA


Anonymous said...

I've neve seen a khmer monk put up hands like that. Looks like he's hungry for pussy.

Anonymous said...

9:55 AM you are looks like hungry for pusy too.


Mr. Ha

Anonymous said...

អា​ងាប់​ 9:55 AM វានឹកតែពឺរឿង​ pussy​​


Anonymous said...

9:55 ur mother'spussy being fucked by hun sen's cock in sid eok?

Anonymous said...

The New generation,our New leader!
not Ho Chuminh,Not Communist Sihanouk and Mao,

Anonymous said...

Wow! All you can eat (Buffet) including Steak and Lobsters cost only $18.99. Why should pay $20 to attend the meeting and listen the liers?

Anonymous said...

Wow! One of these guys is Hun Sen's Advisor (rank equal Minister). Stop cheatting Khmer!

Anonymous said...

better than youn's dog hun sen's dick suckers!