Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Former Dey Krahorm resident called on removal of Hun Xen from power

"I am bringing my complaint to the International community, to all human rights organizations, please issue your report to take Samdach Hun Xen out of power. I am very mad. I don't want to live any more. If somebody calls me a traitor of the nation, or accuses me of talking illegally, arrest me! Do whatever you want with me! I don't want to live anymore" - Dul Chantha, evicted Dey Krahorm resident

Former residents of Phnom Penh's Dey Krahorm community gathered at the site where they were evicted two years ago Monday. Residents say they continue to live in inadequate relocation sites far from the city and its services. (Photo: by Heng Reaksmey)
Ousted Residents of Dey Krahorm Rally at Old Site

Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh Monday, 24 January 2011
“Right now I’m living in the new location site worse than an animal."
About 300 former residents of a Phnom Penh squatter community who were evicted two years ago Monday, gathered at their former neighborhood to call for a change in government.

The residents of the neighborhood, known as Dey Krahorm, called for Prime Minister Hun Sen to step down from power, claiming they had been forcefully evicted and moved to inadequate relocation sites.

The demonstrators said in a statement that on Jan. 24, 2009, 144 house owners and their families had been “violently and cruelly” evicted by Phnom Penh security forces and 500 paid employees of the 7NG developer, which laid claim to the site.

Those families were “forced to accept” housing in Damnak Troyeung village, Choam Chao commune, Dangkor district, but many have had to come back to Phnom Penh to seek work, the statement said.

“This is because the relocation site is far away from employment, they cannot afford to connect to electricity, there is no access to public services, [the site is] far away from school for their children, [has] no clean water system, no drainage system and no safety and security,” the statement said.

Another 400 families are now living “under ragged tarpaulins” near Udong mountain, where “many children are infected with viruses,” due to a lack of clean water, health center, food and sanitation, the statement said.

Prolonged dissatisfaction with the conditions have angered many residents.

Stop allowing him to have power,” former resident Dul Chantha, 53, said of Hun Sen on Monday. “Because when he’s in this position, the poor people are going toward death. I’m not afraid to say that, because I’m fed up the Cambodian government, which became a nightmare on Jan. 24, 2009.”

“Right now I’m living in the new location site worse than an animal,” he said.

Government spokesman Phay Siphan said only an election can change the prime minister.

“What the people are calling for is an abuse of democracy in Cambodia,” he said. “People may have received this idea from others, calling for the step down in power. They should rethink what the government does and continue their work right now.”


Anonymous said...

របស់មេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា ទាំងយប់ ទាំងថ្ងៃ មានដូចជា ៖
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម,
សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប,
វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
និយាយហើយនិយាយទៀតដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ទូទាំងពិភពលោក។
អោយពួកវាស្អុយឈ្មោះ ស្អុយត្រកូលរាប់ម៉ឺនសែន ឆ្នាំ...!

Anonymous said...

Good for starting Mrs.Dul Chantha,Cambodian people the Tunesian good sample for you.

Anonymous said...

ក្រោកឡើងខ្មែរគ្រប់គ្នាដល់ពេលវេលាហើយត្រូវប្រើកាំបិត, ពូថៅ, ដាវ , ខ្វែវ, ផ្គាក់, ព្រួញ, សរ, ច្បូក,លំពែង,ធ្នូ,ដំបង,
ព្រនង់, កាំភ្លើង, គ្រាប់បែក, បេសែសិប, បេសែមួយ, មីន, មីនកន្ត្រាក់, មីនបង្កប់, មីនក្លេម័រ, មីនតោន, កាំភ្លើងធំ, កាំភ្លើងត្បាល់, ក្រោកឡើងជាមួយយុទ្ធភ័ណទាំងអស់នេះ បាញ់និងកាប់ក្បាលអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនសងសិកអោយខ្មែរ

Anonymous said...

យើងខ្មែរទូទាំងប្រទេស ត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាក្រោកឡើងបះ
ធ្វើមហាបាតុកម្ម ឬកុប្បកុម្ម វ៉ៃបណ្តេញពួកអាឆ្កែ
កញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម,
សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប,
វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
វ៉ៃបណ្តេញឱ្យពួកវាដួលរលំរត់ទៅចៅហ្វាយរបស់វានៅ ហាណូយ ដែលជាប្រទេសម៉ែ ឪទី២របស់ពួកវា។

យើងខ្មែរទូទាំងប្រទេស យកប្រទេសទុយនេហ្ស៊ី ជាគំរូ...!


Anonymous said...

I'm urges all the Khmer that lives in Cambodian please stand up and united to oust this useless regimes out from power. This fucking regimes they don't cares for our own people all they cares about is these power and money and include ah Vietcong killers mother fuckers. If your keeps allows this stupidest regimes doing this to your.You'll have shits left to lives and eats.

Anonymous said...

You knew that what Hoon is going to do with you. He will not anything against you, Dul Chantha in openly. But be careful, he will send gang to shot you down in the dark. Then he will you have dispute with others. This is the trick he use to kill whoever oppose him.

Anonymous said...

This is what you all want. you voted for me. you deserve to this faith. I have the rights to evict you.

Anonymous said...

IK, please post this article on first page everyday. Cambodian like to listen this voice everyday. Time for Cambodian wake up....... altogether will win.

Anonymous said...

Why do you and your relatives give Kos Trol, sea and lands to Vietnam? Why? and Why?

Why do you and all of your relatives involve alot of murder cases in Cambodia? Why? Why?

Why do you murder cambodian K5,1997events and so on and so on with lost count? Why?

If you are so good why do you and your families murder cambodians? Why? and Why?

If you are so good why do about 90%cambodians are so poor but you and your relatives are billionair and millinor? Why? Why?

Why do you try to kill people from telling the true? Why? Why?

What is the difference from Khmer Rough and you, Sir?

If you are so good Why do you block KI from cambodians?

Don't you and your families scare of hell for ethernity?

When you die can you bring all of your power and money with you?

Dr. Hun Sen and Dr. Big ass lady and his belove Dr. Hun Manet Please don't put us in jail or kill us for this! We want to live like you and your families do!

Khmers victim of 1997

Anonymous said...

It is time to come together and fight for what we want, we don't want to live like an animal. Wake up Khmer people, only the traitors, his family and his gangs are getting richer and richer while million of Cambodian are very poor don't even have a place to live or food to eat. You rather doing nothing and die or fight for a better chance of living condition.

The traitors only wory about his power and money he doesn't care about the Cambodian, million youns every where in srok khmer he did not say anything soon they will be in the parliament house and they will control every thing.

The traitors is afraid of youn and will do anything for youn. everything in srok khmer is for sale for 99 years. If you are poor the traitors will evict you from your land and sell it to the rich or his gangs to his family.

The traitors are slave to youn, the traitors are and will as youn say..

Hun Sen = traitor = slave to youn = k5 murderer = sold Cmbodia for foriegner for 99 years = Cambodian pubblic enemy number one

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@8:36 pm
អ្នកមានអារម្មណ៏យ៉ាងម៉េចបើអ្នកត្រូវគេដេញ? ម៉េចក៏ដើរចោតគណបក្សប្រឆាំង? គណបក្សប្រឆាំងមិនចាំបាច់ទៅញុះញង់រាស្រ្តទេ រាស្រ្តដឹងដោយខ្លួនគាត់ហើយ។ បើជម្លៀសក៏ជម្លៀសទៅ ម៉េចក៏មិនជួយផ្គត់ផ្គង់កាត់ឲ្យសមរម្យផង? ឲ្យគាត់រស់នៅពិបាកជាងស្លាប់ចឹងដដែលនោះ? ចឹងគេហៅថាគិតគូរពីប្រជាពលរដ្ឋដែលឬ?

Anonymous said...

Its time for Axial of Evil HoonXen, and Hanoi to get out like the french just left Tunisia.

Anonymous said...

We are vietnam ,we will be a great vietnam soon ,we already control laos and cambodia ,we already put our people and our agents every where in cambodia even in government and in CPP,in 1979,we work hard ,we send our suicide commando to phnom penh to catch samdat sihanouk,we need him stay with us before we push pol pot to the forest ,but ,we still lucky,because now samdat sihanouk come to support us by himself,so we have every thing now ,we have samdat sihanouk in our left hand and hun sen in our right hand,we strong enough now ,china just a tiger wake up from sickness and china use to lost a battle at our north vietnam,we will be a great vietnam soon,long life our great vietnam........

Anonymous said...

Yes how smart our leader,can control laos and cambodia,what we eat?

Anonymous said...

Where those monks get the robe! From Vietname?

Anonymous said...

Smart asses Vietnamese! sooner your
dirty acts against weak nations like Cambodia and Lao will be destroyed.

Anonymous said...

8:36pm អានេះខ្មែរខ្លែងខ្លាយ វាសប្បាយណាស់
លើដំដក់ទឹកភ្នែកខ្មែរ វាយកដីខ្មែរបាន មកនៅពេញស្រុកខ្មែរ វាចេះសរសេរខ្មែរ វាចង់ឱ្យខ្មែរស្លាប់ អស់​ វាសម្លាប់ខ្មែរតាំងតែពីវៀតកុង រហូតមកដល់សព្វថ្ងៃមិនអស់ចិត្តទៀត ហើយនៅតាមឍឺដងទៀត ឯងសម្លាប់យ៉ាងណាក៏មិនអស់ដែរ ចាំមើលទៅគង់
មានពេលវិញទេ ។

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen regime will never be changed, only people can change it, just don't vote for him.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen Regime can not change but can be changed by people power! 10:15PM!

Anonymous said...

they are note people, they are just a tools was used by politiciant. they believed everythings form their leader preaching. men when they was hypnotized they became a beast they will risk their life match to war , to kille other and to destruct everythings that go agaist their will.
Thai are not a civilized people at all, we Khmer used to be like that durring pol pot strugle for power, we believed in pol pot sodier who picked chilys and left money on that chily branch. eventhough Pol pot rocket droped everyday near airpot, but we stile jiont hundred of demonstration in Phnom Phen against Gen.Lonol. do not repeated past experience. Mike

Anonymous said...

phay siphan is deaf and blind. he better find a place for himself before cambodian people start to evict him along with monkeys boss.

Anonymous said...

Stand up Khmer people in Cambodia and changed for your children. We as a foreigner can not kill or changed for you. You must do it for youself than we will come and help cleaned the mess.

Anonymous said...

Can you become martyr.

Anonymous said...

1:24AM! when the right timr come!

Anonymous said...

11:23! Hu Xen gorverment can not BE changed ! it only can be demolished! and trashed away!

Just like Sadam and thugs!

Anonymous said...







kon kmeng naek srae

Anonymous said...

they are calling from gov't for better provision for the displaced people and community, etc... gov't must provide all for the people who are in need like this. get the right people to talk to gov't so they can listen and hear your pains and suffering, make sure it's real, not some lie or dishonesty, etc, ok! violence like egypt or tunisia is only the last resort, and who in their right mind wanted to go that direction! exhaust all talks, compromise, negotiation, etc, first. the key is to get the right people to represent you in a lawful manner, some one is better educated, well off, someone who can understand your pain and suffering, etc, ok! be smart about it!