Friday, January 14, 2011

Good Morning Freedom in Cambodia!

Friday, January 14, 2011
Anonymous KI-Media Reader

I live in Phnom Penh, each morning before I left home for work my wife reminded me: don't talk politic, don't criticize government officials, do your work and come back home.

She will probably collapse by fear at once if I tell her that I read KI Media or listen to Radio Free Asia. Yes good morning freedom in Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

nobody in cambodia should have to live in fear, you know! sounds like there are still a lot of work to be done in our beloved country. may god bless and guide our beautiful country in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

rop ah mouy neng ey kor pler mles oy ke yuk me sor chak mort ban...pler mlerng mlerng kert mok tver ey ha...min tov ngorb tov...ter nov srok khmer mean nak nar pler douch ah mouy neng...

ជនពាល said...

សូមជ្រាប នៅកម្ពុជា អ្នកណាក៏ដោយ គឺម្នាក់ៗ មានសិទ្ធគ្រប់គ្រាន់ ក្នុងការ
ទិតៀនរដ្ឋាភិបាល ! តែមិនមានសិទ្ធ និយាយបំផ្លើសការពិតឡើយ ។ បើនិយាយ បំផ្លើសការពិត​ គឺជាប់ពាកព័ន្ធ និងបទបរិហាកេរ្កិ៍ ។ មួយវិញ ទៀត វិទ្យុ អាស៊ីសេរី VAO និង RFI គឺមានគេស្ដាប់រាប់លាននាក់ឯណោះ !

Anonymous said...

Reading news at KI-Media website and listening news to Free Asia it doesn't mean you are against advices by the wife. But meaning that you are not a passive citizen. You might gain your political knowledge related to Cambodia's.

Not all said and published in KI Media and Free Asia are true and best. Sometime you can realise that what KI is sometime good in provoking issues.

Anonymous said...

Reading news at KI-Media website and listening news to Free Asia it doesn't mean you are against advices by the wife. But meaning that you are not a passive citizen. You might gain your political knowledge related to Cambodia's.

Not all said and published in KI Media and Free Asia are true and best. Sometime you can realise that what KI is sometime good in provoking issues.

Anonymous said...

can see, hear, but can't talk...

or you would be sue...yes, you can only talk good thing about hun sen and his associaTES

Anonymous said...

To ជនពាល, the CPP’s ass kisser, you said:
“សូមជ្រាប នៅកម្ពុជា អ្នកណាក៏ដោយ គឺម្នាក់ៗ
មានសិទ្ធគ្រប់គ្រាន់ ក្នុងការទិតៀនរដ្ឋាភិបាល !
តែមិនមានសិទ្ធ និយាយបំផ្លើសការពិតឡើយ ។”

How about Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin allow the Viet to move the borders posts into Cambodia?
They should be called “traitors” because that is the truth no និយាយបំផ្លើសការពិតឡើយ ។ But you will be thrown in prison if you dare to call them traitors.

Anonymous said...

It is so true that Cambodia become a country that rule by the traitors and dictator who tell people what to do and say. Corruption become a tradition even students learn to bribe their teacher just to get to uni.

No one can criticize the traitors about anything not even mention about the youn every where in srok Khmer.

30th years in power makes him, his family and his friends(gangs) become millionaires and billionaires and turn Cambodia into the country for sales. From so call land concession for 99 years, Beng Kok, Kos Pich, Kos Pos, Phnom Borko, Angkor Wat etc... for 99 years.. not to mention the destruction of Tonle Sap and the Deforestation of the rain forest.

This how they make their money. And yet he afraid that someone call him a traitor.

Why should he be ashamed when he make all the money from the all the above mention.

Shame on you traitors, Shame on you Khmer public enemy number one.

Traitors you are nothing but just a bunch of thieves.

Soon youn take you away when they took over Cambodia. youn's children are now in uni and some may be already in politic and in parliament house already and when they in charge there won't they will destroy khmer.

You traitors whan will you wake up?? and leave Cambodia to someone who can save her..

Anonymous said...

Hello! Ah Chun Peal
Did you khow what is the real Democracy?
What is the real power of court system in Cambodia?
And what is the real Media system in Cambodia?
Spean TEP

Anonymous said...

12:41 PM
this guy is just another Hun Sen's ass kisser.

12:51 PM totally agree with you, why don't we talk about millions of youns in srok Khmer??? Why don't we talk about the the Youn border???

Can the CCP talk about the million of youns in srok Khmer and the youn border or at least trying to make some commons about it rather then just focus only the Thai border??

Can Spean Tep make common about this since he seem to know alot about Cambodia law ???

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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ជនពាល said...

12:51 PM
អ្នកដែលហ៊ានវិនិច្ឆ័យថា ការបង្គោលព្រំដែន ខ្មែរយួន បានធ្វើអោយភាគី ខ្មែរយើងខាតបាត់បង់ដីធ្លីនោះ តើពូកលោកមានអី មកសំអាង់​ ? ឬមួយសំអាង់​ទៅ លើភ្លឺស្រែ គុម្ភឬស្សី ចំការពោត ដើមត្នោត ។ល។ នោះមែនឬ ?
សូមជ្រាបថា ខ្សែបន្ទាត់ដែលនៅក្នុងផែនទីជាផ្លូវការ ដែលកម្ពុជាយើងបានតម្កល់ទុក នៅឯទីស្នាក់ការអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិនោះ គឺ ខ្សែបន្ទាត់ផ្លូវការ​ វាមិនប្រាកដជារត់នៅចំពីលើអ្វីដែល
ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរពីបីនាក់ បានចំណាំថា ជាព្រំដែនខ្មែរនោះទេ ៕

Anonymous said...

do not call anyone traitors careful they will arrest you and sent to prey sar.

Anonymous said...

no matter what race you're,if you love your birthplace SROK KHMER you must read ki everyday b/cause ki news much better than communist youn's dog propaganda.

Hunsen is a traitor

Anonymous said...

នៅខ្មែរ ប្រជាជនមានសេរីភាពនិងសិទ្ធីបរិបូរណ៍ក្នុងការនិយាយទិតៀនកែប្រែរដ្ឋាភិបាលនៅក្នុងគុកព្រៃសរ៕

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately only a few people in Cambodia can access to internet. I can see a few people made comment on KI because others people can not access to KI or afraid of jail by crooked man.

Anonymous said...

That's is life in must thanks to your wife.

Anonymous said...

ha ar-hun sen did your wife pussy swollence like her face ? can you answer me ? if you don't you are a chicken pak pak pak

Anonymous said...

ar-hun sen ar-KHBORTCHEAT the laser gun ready to blow your brain

Anonymous said...

ar-hun sen ar-KHBORTCHEAT

Anonymous said...

ar-hun sen ar-KHBORTCHEAT

Anonymous said...

ar-hun sen ar-KHBORTCHEAT

Anonymous said...

ar-hun sen ar-KHBORTCHEAT

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Khmer A Communist state and slave to Youn! when is the coup going to happen. Any real Khmer in Cambodia?


Anonymous said...

It is so true that people have to remind others not to talk about politic in Cambodia for safety reason. I hear this all the time every time I go to Cambodia. My family always reminds me to stay out of politics or go to polical gatherings or events.I do believe that freedom of expression and critics about government is oppressed and could cause dangers and unfortunate events to those who involved and their families.