Monday, January 03, 2011

More border gates to open [from Vietnam] to Cambodia

Mon, Jan 03, 2011
Viet Nam News/Asia News Network

CAN THO - Viet Nam and Cambodia have agreed to open four more border gates for road transport between the two countries in 2011.

The new border gates that will open next year are: Xa Mat -Trapeing (Tay Ninh and Kampong Cham provinces); Le Thanh - Oyadav (Gia Lai and Andong Pich - Ratanakiri provinces); Hoa Lu - Trapeang Sre (Binh Phuoc and Snoul-Kratie provinces); and Bu Prang - O Raaing (Dak Nong and Mundulkiri provinces).

The new border gates will bring the number of entry points for road transport between Cambodia and Viet Nam from three to seven, according to figures released at a meeting to review the implementation of the agreement on Road Transport between the two countries held in the Mekong city of Can Tho on Monday.

The three border gates currently under operation for road transport between the two countries are: Moc Bai - Bavet (Tay Ninh and Svay Rieng provinces); Tinh Bien-Phnom Den (An Giang and Takeo provinces); and Xa Xia - Prek Chak (Kien Giang, Lork and Kam Pot provinces).

In 2010, Vietnamese and Cambodian authorities granted 205 licenses to 32 transportation companies, mainly dealing in passenger transport, for cross-border services between the two countries.

These companies, mainly running services from HCM City, Tra Vinh, An Giang and Can Tho to Cambodia, operate 185 coaches for passengers and 20 trucks for cargo transport.

Vietnamese experts said at the meeting that there is much greater potential for cargo transportation between the two countries. They said high customs fees and goods transport taxes in Cambodia were to blame for the limited growth so far.

The bilateral agreement on Road Transport was signed by the governments of Cambodia and Viet Nam in 1998.


Anonymous said...

i think it is ok to do business with neighboring countries, however, make sure cambodia imposed good custom taxes, enforce our own law so people don't abuse cambodia and our system, etc... hey, this is a new era for cambodia, thing changed; it's all about business now, well at least with this kind of open border transportation, etc... this is something that inevitably happening more and more as cambodia move forward to compete, opening up our country to the world, etc... the key thing is to put good rule of law into our new system, this way, our people don't have worry about losing khmer lands, territories, etc, to neighboring countries like say during the dark ages, etc. yes, the rule of law is the key, here, i.e. taxes law, immigration law, international law, etc..., you know!

Anonymous said...

help educate the country, instead of using old, outdated poltical paranoia, etc... keep up with the changing economy, world, education, etc. that's all. yes, travel and see the world for it is a big planet and the only one in our solar system that sustains life, so, do our part to take good care of our planet, country, interest, etc, by way of rule of law. that's the new way and smart, cleverly way as well. think about it. there are more to cambodia than you and i, really! and life do go on with or without evil people on this planet, you know! it's ok to reform our self, our country, our law, our gov't system, etc... they say the some adjustment is good to survive on this earth. don't be too heard on yourself, care for all and all will care for you as well.

ជនពាល said...

ទាំងនេះ​គឺជាដំណឹងល្អមួយ សម្រាប់ប្រទេស​ខ្មែរ
និងយួន ។ មែនទេនទៅ បើសិនជាកម្ពុជាយើង និងប្រទេសយួន គ្មានព្រំប្រទល់នោះ គឺរិតតែប្រសើរ ។​ ដោយ សង្ឃឹមថានៅថ្អៃមុខ ពលរដ្ឋទាំងពីរប្រទេស នឹងឈប់ឈ្លោះគ្នា ឈប់មានការរើសអើងគ្នា
ហើយនឹងធ្វើអោយការផ្ដោះប្ដូរជំនួញជួញដូរ ទាំងឡាយ មានភាពងាយស្រួលជាទីបំផុត ។

Anonymous said...

It has been known for century that Cambodia is the rice basket for the Vietnamese! It is natural that Vietnam with huge population and have limited natural resources would want to do business with Cambodia!

This is the question of necessity for the Vietnamese survival at the expense of dirt poor Cambodian people freedom, liberty, and the right of basic human right! AH HUN SEN has no say in all of this except to along with the Vietcong government! Tell of me of any Cambodian people who have done business with the Vietnamese and become well off or rich than the Vietnamese? None!

It is the lack of law & order and the rule & regulation that make the Vietnamese expansion possible by manipulation Cambodian corrupted Vietcong slave government system!

Anonymous said...

that's correct, historically, at least! so make a difference now by changing that old, useless way in cambodia! you're right smart people usually see the advantage when they spot one, so, why not learn and change! yes, it's called life and survival of it, for sure! wake up, people! stop being a frog! instead be a snake that eats the frog, ok!

Anonymous said...

Stupid Hun Sen CCP...they need to in crises. Thai cross over the boarder get arrested. then the VC come by the Thousand...No one said anything!

Anonymous said...

-we need mental toughness to be eficiency leader.
-leader should have higher standard.
- he should be capable inlfuent people positively by demostrate himself willing to serve. Must let people know he is there for them so that people will listen and work hard for his command.
- Leader must be strickness and discipline.
He must make it clear betweent punishment and rewards.
Mr. sam rainsy don't have that quality. Mr Sam rainsy,he is very kind, and a significant selfe importance over service, he tend to be peac relax and easy and interest in comfort complacence zone, this will only attract weaker, weaker, and wearker people. he Mr. Sam rainsy is very, very, and very weakness leader. he must prepared to change, yes he must chang himselfe first that the first step to be winner characteristice. sorry if it means to insult you, but every body needs feed back.

Anonymous said...

I agreed wi my friend 12:28 AM

Because the "Border" made us khmer and our Vietnamese' brothers and Sisters waged war on each other for many centuries.

No border is better for both country or all merge into ONE.
The Great Vietnam in the future!

Anonymous said...

let the VC pay taxes on imports and limit theirs Visa stay at 15 day. Stupid CCP government should know that....

Anonymous said...

pretty soon they will control all the lands border easy for them to crossed over millions of them,they give nothing except using political agenda to get us cambodia,thai,hated each other.[viet-are dangerous one]

Anonymous said...

ល្អណាស់អាជនពាល បើខ្មែរនឹងយួនគ្មានព្រុំដែនទេនោះ វារឹតតែ
ប្រសើរ​ ហើយវាប្រសើរជាងនេះទៅទៀតបើ
ខ្មែរនឹងយួនមានជាតិសាសន៏តែមួយ។អស្ចារ្យណាស់អាជនពាល ដល់ពេលនោះយួននឹងខ្មែរឈប់
ពុំខាន​ ហើយអាយួនជាអ្នកទទួលខុសត្រូវក្នុង

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

siem like to abuse cambodia and youn like to come live in cambodia illegally because they both tasted cambodia since during the dark era, thus they think they can just do it again and again to cambodia. so, as a result khmer people do not like both of them, period! khmer refugees during the aftermath of the KR can testify siem's abuse, while youn's occupation and control of mekong delta and koh tral also testify they stole from cambodia as well. so, both of these greedy neighbors can never be loved by khmer people. it would take a miracle for that to happened, really!

Anonymous said...

May I request that KI-Media posting any article relating to Kampuchea Krom region in the future, please try to use the original Khmer name such as Can Tho is Prek Rerksay in Khmer.

Anonymous said...

អារឿងវានៅត្រង់យួនតើ។នៅស្រុកយួន យួនមិនបណ្ដោយឲ្យខ្មែរ រស់នៅដោយសេរីទេកុំឆ្កួត។យួនគេមិនឆ្កួតដូចខ្មែរទេ។

Anonymous said...

អាជនពាលប្រហែលជាយួនយៀកកុង យួនខាងជើង
យួនហាណូយ ដែលចេះខ្មែរច្បាស់ ហើយពួននៅក្នុង
ស្រុកខ្មែរចាំធ្វើឱ្យខ្មែរកើតចលាចល , វឹកវរ , ច្របូកច្របល់ និងបង្កជំលោះរវាងខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរឱ្យកាប់សម្លាប់គ្នាទៅវិញ
បើវាជាខ្មែរវិញ ។

Anonymous said...

អាជនពាលប្រហែលជាយួនយៀកកុង យួនខាងជើង
យួនហាណូយ ដែលចេះខ្មែរច្បាស់ ហើយពួននៅក្នុង
ស្រុកខ្មែរចាំធ្វើឱ្យខ្មែរកើតចលាចល , វឹកវរ , ច្របូកច្របល់ និងបង្កជំលោះរវាងខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរឱ្យកាប់សម្លាប់គ្នាទៅវិញ
ទៅមក ដើម្បីវាងាយស្រួលប្លន់យកដីខ្មែរនៅអនាគត។
ពេលនោះ សូម្បីតែម៉ែវាងាប់ក៍គ្មានដីកប់ខ្មោចម៉ែវាផង
បើវាជាខ្មែរវិញ ។

Anonymous said...

អាជនពាលប្រហែលជាយួនយៀកកុង យួនខាងជើង
យួនហាណូយ ដែលចេះខ្មែរច្បាស់ ហើយពួននៅក្នុង
ស្រុកខ្មែរចាំធ្វើឱ្យខ្មែរកើតចលាចល , វឹកវរ , ច្របូកច្របល់ និងបង្កជំលោះរវាងខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរឱ្យកាប់សម្លាប់គ្នាទៅវិញ
ទៅមក ដើម្បីវាងាយស្រួលប្លន់យកដីខ្មែរនៅអនាគត។
ពេលនោះ សូម្បីតែម៉ែវាងាប់ក៍គ្មានដីកប់ខ្មោចម៉ែវាផង
បើវាជាខ្មែរវិញ ។

Anonymous said...

ជិតដល់ថ្ងៃពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន វានាំគ្នាគោរពបូជា ថ្ងៃ
"៧ មករា ជាថ្ងៃកំណើតទី២របស់ពួកវា" វានិងខំប្រឹងរក្សាទុកមិត្ដភាពម៉ឺនម៉ឺនម៉ឺនឆ្នាំនេះ
ទាល់តែអស់ទឹកដី ជាតិខ្មែរ ទើបវាឈប់...!

ជនពាល said...

នែ! ម្នាល​ 5:02 AM
បើដឹងថាជនពាលជាយួនយៀកកុង ហើយមានចេតនាចង់បង្ក ចលាចល អោយ ច្របូកច្របល់ និងបង្កជម្លោះ រវាងខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរឱ្យកាប់សម្លាប់គ្នានោះ !បើដឹងអចឹងហើយ មេចក៏ពួកម្នាលឯង
​ចាំតែឈ្នានិសជាមួយ​ខ្មែរគ្នាឯងធ្វើអី !
ឃើញតែ​ ម៉ាង៉ៃៗ ចោទថាអានេះ ក្បត់ជាតិ ចោទអានោះក្បត់ជាតិ ។​ សព្វៗទៅ ពួកជ្រុលនិយម មួយចំនួនដែលមានវត្តមាននៅ
ទីនេះ គឺសុទ្ធតែជាពពួកមនុស្ស ដែលមានសារជាតិ ដូចពួកខ្មែរក្រហមប៉ុលពត អចឹង ។ មនុស្សដែលមានផ្នត់គំនិត ដោយក្នុងអារម្មណ៍ បានគិតថា អ្នកនេះ ឬ​អ្នកនោះ ជាជនក្បត់ជាតិ ពពួកមនុស្សរបៀបនេះ គឺជាពពួកមនុស្សដែល ពោរពេញទៅដោយគ្រោះថ្នាក់ សម្រាប់សង្គម !
នៅក្នុងលោកយើងនេះ មិនថាសាសន៍ណាឡើយ គឺអ្នកទាំងនោះ តែងតែមានគោលបំណង់ដូចៗ គ្នាទាំងអស់ គឺ៖ ពួកគេចង់បានសង្គមមួយដែលមានសុខសន្តិភាពជានិរន្ឌរ។ ជួនកាល បើសម្លឹងមើលពីជ្រុងមួយផ្សេងទៀត
ការបដិបតិ្តដើម្បីស្វែងរកសុខសន្តិភាព សម្រាប់ប្រទេសជាតិខ្លួន គឺហាក់ដូចជាមានការបំពាន​ទៅលើអធិបតេយ្យភាព អ្នកជិតខាងជាយថាហេតុទៅវិញ ។
តែមែនទេនទៅ បើអ្នកជិតខាងយើង គឺជាមនុស្សដែលមានសតិសម្បជញ្ញះខ្ពស់ គឺ
ពួកគេមិនចង់ឃើញឡើយ អ្នកដែលរស់ភូមិផងរបងជាមួយ មានទុក្ខលំបាក ! តែអារម្មណ៍របពួកមនុស្សអវិជ្ជាវិញ គឺពួក
គេតែងតែមានអារម្មណ៍រីករាយសប្បាយ នៅពេលដែលបានឃើញ អ្នកជិតខាងមានទុក្ខលំបាក៕

Anonymous said...

ជិតដល់ថ្ងៃពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន វានាំគ្នាគោរពបូជា ថ្ងៃ
"៧ មករា ជាថ្ងៃកំណើតទី២របស់ពួកវា" វានិងខំប្រឹងរក្សាទុកមិត្ដភាពម៉ឺនម៉ឺនម៉ឺនឆ្នាំនេះ
ទាល់តែអស់ទឹកដី ជាតិខ្មែរ ទើបវាឈប់...!

Anonymous said...


before: Svay Rieng
currently: Vanh Vinh

Anonymous said...

they better break cambodian law, seriously! it should be a business contract and must be bot (build-operate-transfer back to cambodia when the contract is expired, etc!)

Anonymous said...

viet/youn better respect and obey cambodian law, rules, regulation, etc or khmer people will sue them or worst deport them back to their resource-poor country, you know! khmer people want to make sure it will benefit our country and people, of course! if not, viet/youn business/investments, etc will be questionable as to their motive or purpose in cambodia, really!

Anonymous said...

How come no one against for open more border with Vietcong it very dangerous to let those Vietcong live and stays in our land. Causes this races it not normals like other races they're likes to steal and taking everythings from us remember Khmer Krom and Champa we havn't get our Kampuchea Krom back from the enemies yet now they wants Khmer central too don't be stupid ok mother fuckers don't open any more border with the enemies mother fuckers.

Anonymous said...

Thai invade Cambodia Mr.Hun Xen won't go to UN but only 7 Thai invade Cambodia Thai government go to UN. Why doesn’t Hun XEn care about his country and people like Thai do? I think Hun Xen afraid of losing his power than losing his Country and Cambodians.

Why doesn’t Hun Xen scream about 7 millions Vietnamese in Cambodia? It is nearly 50% of total Cambodia population already.
God will punish Mr. Hun Xen and his family soon because of his sins that he and his family created in their life.

He and his family can't escape eternity punish in hell. He can't bribe God with his wealth at all. You killed a lot of people, you make a lot of people suffer and you know God do has eyes. God will punishing you for eternity and lock you and your family in hell forever.

When you and your family die they can't bring that billions of dollars to bribe Hell at all.

Hun Xen, the people that you killed they come to you and your family every night.
Hun Sen forces everyone that work at TV station, Radio station and News paper to pro him only even he do very very wrong things for the Nation, Cambodia and Cambodian. The media in Cambodia must say nice thing about him even He killed and chop the whole Cambodia give to Thai or Viet. Today Mr. Hun Sen imports over 5 millions Vietnamese into Cambodia legally with make up to 40% of Vietnamese in total Cambodia population. Soon Vietnamese will declare Cambodia belong to them.

Hun Sen is killing Khmer nation. Hun Sen murdered over 5000 Cambodians at 1997. He is a criminal against Humanity. Hun Sen makes real Cambodians suffer everyday.

You have power and kill a lot of Khmer but you are powerless fighting against your own ageing everyday. Soon your time is over and you can't escape death at all. Your power, your wealth and the people that kiss your ass won't help you at that time.
Rattana Keo,


All Khmer nationalist we are going to die once day. Please don't scare of Mr.Hun Xen blackmail and his evil. We shall die in good name rather living as his slaves. We shall die in the name of patriot rather in the name of traitor as Mr. Hun Xen and his family plus his followers. God will stand by us all.

Anonymous said...

More borders open = more Vietnam in srok Khmer. That is the reality.

7 Thai nationals = million Vietnam nationals

anyone with me ???

What is wrong with the present government??? are they stupid ??/ are they dumb??? or are they just follow the order ?????

The answer to the all above questions is : GET RID OFF THE PRESENT GOVERNMENT.

So we can have peace and prosperity for the Cambodian people.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

More opening border gates,more Vietnam citizens flowing to get 10,000,000 strong and plus 6,000,000 strong in 2010.
The million Khmer citizens will move out of country to be slave oversea such as Singapore,Thailand, Philipines,Indonesia,Taiwan,South Korea,South Africa,in Europe etc...
Some Khmer living in Cambodia will get poorer and poorer,and starve to death like in Pol Pot regime.
Does Hun sen love his own race? NO.
Does he love Vietnam citizens living Cambodia?1,000,000 folds.
Sihanouk compared Hun Sen to Jayavarman VII.
Preah Jayavarman VII
was a Khmer empire king who loved,cared,helped his people,not like Hun Sen who hates his own people, but loves,cares,helps Vietnam citizens.

Anonymous said...

The last time i seen such an increase it boarder with Vietnam it mean they are cooking something.

I.e sending more troops in and sucking more from Cambodia back into Vietnam at $0...

The last time i saw similar case was trucks load aftre trucks load of timber and tree root queueing at the boader in Lao to Vietnam... will it be any different can some do a quick snap on all the vietnam boarder...espacially at night.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why do Mr. Hun Xen and his CPP give to vietnam? Can Cambodian get back Kos Trol? If so , How?

Why doesn't Mr. Hun Xen talk about Kos Trol on TV or Radio or include Kos Trol in education program?

Why king dosen't talk about Kos Trol?

Can KI, Sam Rainsy and patriot cambodian get back Kos Trol?

Rattana Keo,