Friday, January 14, 2011

S Korean Court Orders Cambodian Airline To Compensate Families Of Crash Victims

PMT airplane wreckage (Photo: AP)
SEOUL, Jan 14 (Bernama) -- A Seoul court Friday ordered a Cambodian airline to pay 3.2 billion won (US$2.8 million) in compensation to the families of passengers who died in a 2007 plane crash, Yonhap news agency reported.

PMT Air's Antonov An-24 crashed in southern Cambodia in June 2007 on its way to the beach resort town of Sihanoukville from Angkor International Airport in Siem Reap.

All 44 passengers aboard were killed in the accident, including 13 tourists from South Korea.

Eleven family members of the deceased had filed a suit in 2008 seeking 4.5 billion won in compensation, claiming the accident was caused by defects in the small passenger plane as well mistakes by pilots and the local control tower.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sun daughter Hun Mana she must pay for the Korean to all families of the victim including Cambodian pilot families.

Hun Sen not take the state budget to pay for that ok?

Spean TEP

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Cambodia has to pay for 44 people not just 13 Korean.

Anonymous said...

Khmer is so stupid, these pilots don't know how to fly

Korean girl

Anonymous said...

Are you saying, "only Khmer pilots crashed the planes all over the world",??? Such stupit comments from you (Korean girl), go and educate yourself before opening your mouth and making such statement again.

Anonymous said...

3:28PM Let me take the log from your own eyes first: you may have forgotten that not so long ago Korean air had one of the worst safety records in the world, despite flying a more modern fleet than Cambodia's Antonov rust buckets. keep things in perspective will ya

Anonymous said...

2:05pm: how is it that she has to pay? The airline belonged to her? Why don't you go and ask her yourself? She will need to thorough explanation. lol

Anonymous said...

-to. a

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of Fortis! stupid government should have a big company like that it should have insurance! anyway it Cambodia no insurance it ok..just bribe the official!



Anonymous said...

Human, FYI, all large companies in Cambodia have insurance, especially airplanes and helicopters... it's a mandatory thing... This is not a primitive country....there are RULES and REGULATIONS.

Anonymous said...

Human or wld u rather called, "ANIMAL?" DON'T SAY SHIT IF U DON'T SHIT

They have large insurance companies here like Forte and CAMINCO to name a few. Even my cars have insurance!!! They even have life insurance as well.

Anonymous said...

of course, when you are in the airline business or any business, you are responsible and liable to your customer and passengers, etc... it's the right thing to do, really! and that's why they required to have insurance for the unforeseen and the unthinkable, and accidence, etc...

Anonymous said...

Korean justice has no effect on Cambodian companies.

Only Cambodian court could do it to Cambodian companies.