Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: Lon Rith


Anonymous said...

Is Kos Trol belong to khmer? Why doesn't anyone talk about Kos Trol? Can KI educate us about Kos Trol? Why dosen't Kos Trol in education program?

Can Mr. Sam Rainsy talk about Kos Trol more?

Anonymous said...

Long Rith need longer dick

Anonymous said...

I'm always curious why our educated people always have too high ego?
Everyone wants to win, but finally, the nation and her people will lose.

If all our key leaders: SRP, HRP,...etc could unite and fight for the same goal, we will sure win the election. At the end, the Khmers are the true winner.

Please!!! If we all truly love our country and want the true victory for Khmers, we must bow and learn to work together.

UNITY is the only solution. Strategies will drive our ways.

Thanks and Best wishes for all Khmers!!!

Anonymous said...

it seem all is a set up to distract the people from having a concrete focus. what i mean by that is; in a tiny country, cambodia how many 'wanna' be leaders do we have running against one another in the up coming election? i mean these politicians are playing the card of some entity outside the country for the sole purpose to keep the people in confusion and government unstable. in the meantime foreign investors staking their claims on the natural resources of the land. Ever played, steal the chicken's eggs? it's hard for the sitting hen to defend here nest of eggs when you have 10 foxes circling her. this is kinda of scenario i foresee going on with these 'wanna be' politicians while investors dump sand over people's houses.

Anonymous said...

Guess what...When you can land a decent job or earning a good living in America or Europe, you'd go to Cambodia and become a politician. Take a look at those "return expatriates", how many of them are motivated by patriotic motive or the love and compassion for our Khmer people? Sadly to say, just another loser trying to rape and plunder Cambodia and her people!

Anonymous said...

Lon Rith,

You're are nothing even 1/1 000 time of your father mind you don't have it.

What are you going to do for the coming election???

You're cheating Khmer ignorant people like KHmer love Khmer, or Khmer won't be poor groups.

All of you are shit.

Anonymous said...

Lon Rith is just another opportunist .

ជនពាល said...

លុនរិទ្ធ គួរណាស់ តែទៅចូលជាសមាជិកគណបក្សប្រជាជន ប្រហែលជាមានផ្លូវជាង ។ នៅសុខ ៗ ចង់ទៅដណ្ដើមឆ្នាំងបាយជាមួយនិងគេ គឺថាយ៉ាបបន្តិច!!!! ហើយមិនឈ្នះគេទេ ! ពីព្រោះថា នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ មានបេក្ខជនល្បីៗជាច្រើន
នាក់ ដែលពួកគេបានពលីកម្លាំងចិត្ត ទាំងកម្លាំងកាយ មានខ្លះបានជាប់គុកជាប់ប្រវ៉ាក់ ក្នុងបុព្វហេតុការពារទឹកដី ខ្លះបានច្បាំងជាមួយខ្មែរក្រហម ទំរាំ
បានល្បីល្បាញ ! រីឯលោក លុនរិទ្ធឯងវិញ មិនទាំងដែលឃើញស្រមោលបន្តិចសោះ បែរជាចង់ទៅធ្វើនាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ?
សរុបមក មហិច្ឆតារបស់លោក ! គឺបានត្រឹមតែយល់
សប្តិ ប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។ បើអផ្សុកពេក ហើយមានលុយចាយមិនអស់ទៀត គឺគួរណាស់តែយកពេលវេលាទាំងនេះ ទៅដើរលេងចាយវាយសប្បាយហ៊ឺហាជុំវិញពិភពលោកទៅ វាល្អជាង ! ជាជាងទៅបណ្ដាក់ទុនទាំប្រថុយនៅនគររបស់លោកហ៊ុនសែន៕៕

Anonymous said...

This guy can't even speaks,read or write khmer nor spelling english look at his cheapest sign in front of him spelled "PRISEDENT". hahaha

He has no $1million; unless he robbed from somewhere. He can't even raise his two daughters after his wife run away with another man in LB.

I advise every one who's not know him not to waste time and even one red penny with this gambler guy.

Even his name so funny...

លន់ រិទ្ធិ -----> លិត រន្ធ

Anonymous said...

Mr Lon Rith,you have none of your father spirit all.Someone will call you,"Mr don't know how".
Your party was dead.
You are a ghost.
Your dad killed Viet
and you want to be a
Viet slave.
Mr Lon Nol was a Khmer
hero,but you are a
Khmer traitor.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i don't think we are fighting each other again, we are just criticizing so people can learn to think logically, that's all!

some people don't learn, until they experience the unpleasant, you know, because everybody learns differently. in the old days, they teachers used capital punishment so students will learn; however, nowadays, that is changed, so, people use harsh critics or rhetorics, instead, to make their point clear and loud!

Anonymous said...

lun rit keu lit run, min men doch lok Lon Nol te. ah pleu muoy nis min deung mok pi na te.

Anonymous said...

Lon Rith. Hahahha. The late President Nixon was asked about his knowledge of Lon Nol, and Nixon repsonded that the only thing he knew about Lon Nol is that the name Lon Nol is a "palindrome". This means that Lon Nol spelled backward is still Lon Nol. Lol....

Lon Rith and his mom migrated to the USA for a very long time. Lon Rith was seen walking around aimlessly on the streets of Long Beach and he wanted people to address him as "Neak Pross" or whatever the f*ck that was. He has very low education achievement and he often bragged of visiting China, enjoying eating animal penises soup. Disgusting. Ewww! Lol. Lon Rith has or had this big azzed girl as his sexual release toy. Lon Rith's mom is a gambling addict who always want people to address her as "Loke Chumteav". What the f*ck already!

Lon Rith is a LOSER in the states, and now he is trying his luck in Cambodia. Lol. Lon Rith forgets that Hun Sen is eating all the PIE by himself already.

Lon Rith have done nothing for the Cambodian community in the States, and now he is trying to fool people that he want to do something for the Cambodians in Cambodia? Oh Please. In the land of freedom and opportunies, Lon Rith can't even make it or contribute to the society, and now Lon Rith wants to contribute in Cambodia. Dream on, LOSER. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Prisedent Lith Roun you should come back to California and find a job here. Don't disgrace your father integrity. Your father has more respect from Khmer people as he fought against communist agressor. He has a place in Khmer historty so you should help to honor him as million khmers still do. You are a disgrace son when you join your father enemy, communist. you should know better if your has some brain.

Anonymous said...

This stupid Mr prisedent Lon Rith, he want to finish of Khmer who still survive that his father could not finish them off. Go to hell with your father. I hate your father who he run away and let 3 million people perished.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not this guy is Lon Nol's real son, he still haven't achieved nothing from any recognized institute nor from the people of Cambodia to even be regarded as His Excellency or anything in that category.

Anonymous said...

Lon Nol ?
1-Out King sihanouk!
2-out Vietcong!
3-Out Khmer Rouge!
Now,Sihanouk,Vietcong and Khmer Rouge in Cambodia,in Phom Phen right now?how Lon Rith work or no work?

Sihanouk family,Lon Nol family help Shipped gun small,big, fishs,rice for Vietcong 1960s .
Sihanouk told Lon Nol go to China and sign that agreement with China?
Those family Screw Khmer people 2-3million died already? No Good!
We are not believe with Lon Nol family or Sihanouk Family anymore!
Khmer Politic in Long Beach,CA USA

Anonymous said...

lon rith is a good example of corruption way. for example, just because the guy was a son of lon nol or something gave him the right to all the privileges? not in this new era! he, like anybody else has to have a college degree and qualified in his own right by hard work, pasting exams, etc, etc... think about it, isn't this a form of corrupt by using your father's good name for your own unqualified character, etc! shame on lon rith!

Anonymous said...

Because Lon Rith was a son of Lon Nol ,the President of the Khmer Republic in 1970s,he call other political party to joint with him,Can't you believe that?.
Lon Nol Family ? Even Sihanouk Family Can't help Cambodia.
In What we believe ! He can not make just he was the first son of late President Khmer Republic,Lon Nol!
those family cost Khmer 2-3 million died already! those family help Vietcong too!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

show the public his resume!