Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thailand Patriots Network threatens extended protest to oust PM

BANGKOK, Jan 13 (MCOT online news) - Activists of the Thailand Patriots Network on Thursday ended the group's protest at the Foreign Ministry, but threatened to mobilise 50,000 protesters to rally at the Defence Ministry and prolong the anti-government campaign until Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva steps down.

Led by key leader Chaiwat Sinsuwong, network members marched to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thursday afternoon to pressure Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya to resign from his post following an alleged slow response to the arrest and help of seven Thai nationals who have been detained in Cambodia since Dec 29 for allegedly trespassing into the neighbouring kingdom.

The protest however ended around 6pm and the demonstrators moved to join others who were protesting at Government House.

Mr Chaiwat announced the group's stance after a one-hour meeting in the evening that it will continue the rally against the government to oust Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

He said the network also planned to march to other locations including the Ministry of Defence.

Mr Chaiwat stated that the government has no legitimacy to run the country after it accepted that the seven Thais had intruded into Cambodian territory whereas the area where they were arrested belongs to Thailand.

The network leader also claimed that about 50,000 people are expected to join the Thailand Patriots Network campaign.

Regarding the group's plan to close Thai-Cambodian border pass in Sa Kaeo province, Mr Chaiwat said the committees will discuss this issue as it is crucial before announcing their decision on Friday at 11am.

Mr Chaiwat said, however, that the closure of Thai-Cambodian border is considered useful as it will affect illegal businesses along the Thai-Cambodian border at Aranyaprathet district.


Anonymous said...

abishit is one of pad thugs! abishit is stupid pm!

Anonymous said...

From Mike,
I respect all the comments above, and I personaly are very fine with Mr. Sam rainsy. here is my main concernt, Leader duty is the greatest affair of state, the basis of life and death, the way to survival or extinction, it must be thoroughly pondered and analiyzed.Leader must organized and disciplined, cause the people to be fully in accod with hime people they will die with him, they will live with him and not fear danger, that what it take for nation to survive. I am very much like you are,I always willing to share the common national interest, I do not like Youn, and Siam, I love Khmer, that why any one who preached and ignited the ideosensory of jealousy, criticism, and hatreat led to divide among Kmher its Hurt me badly. If we go to the past, the main reason that caused Khmer Empire fallent it is divission led to weakness Khmer national strength. YOUn, Siam, are the witch ghost who tooke advantage from our weakness start attack us left and right to swalow our land. please focus on one cultur(rebuild, our strong Khmer) by constructive chaleng, not any, any any form of Criticism. Criticsim is a giant ghost will suck blood from the men who call for it, men who preached it, and will ruin our nation. wasn't it?
You and me and all human are 30% right and 70 wrongs, in anythings we does. please focus on that 30 % not on that 70 %. What was Mr. Sam rainsy supperio, Hun sen supperior, or KI,Khmerization, or any Kmher achieved something talk about that agian, agian, and agian, that how people learn. Regards, Mike

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

bae Ah Hun Sen vear gnorb kom oy daey kob kmoach ah hun sen veay! Ott oy kob nuve srok khmer te nah prab oy heay. oy vear to kob nuv srok ah kon tob tove veay!

Khmoach aH hun sen mon Noosh chong-rai. saR oy nash......KHMOACH BEY SARCH BURT CHEARM SROSH...!

Anonymous said...

Good let the fight each other

Anonymous said...

Mike, you comment is good for you only, but not for others.

Anonymous said...

You are a civilize person. 30% readers support you, 70% are possibly suffered by Cambodian's civil wars torn their families and lost their country. Please forgive them, I support your UNITED/UNITY though.

Anonymous said...

sounds like the present siem gov't is trying to buy votes from pad thugs groups as siem gov't can't even control the extremist pad thugs people! and they expect cambodia to work well with them and cooperate with them? in their dream, perhaps!

Anonymous said...

siem gov't is always catering to pad thugs because they wan to buy their votes, that abishit's administration, very ineffective in controlling the pad thugs led by monkey see, monkey do!