Sunday, January 02, 2011

UN urged to help Arrested 7 [Thai trespassers] [-PAD's fake document to accuse Cambodia?]

Achara Ashayagachat
Bangkok Post

The Thai Patriots Network has asked the United Nations to help secure the release of seven Thais held in Phnom Penh on charges of illegal entry into Cambodia, and claims to have proof of their innocence.

The network, led by Somboon Thongburan and allied to the People's Alliance for Democracy, gave a petition to the UN at its regional headquarters on Ratchadamnoen Avenue yesterday.

The petition included a copy of land title deeds and receipts of tax payments on the land, which is said to prove that the Thais, including Democrat MP Panich Vikitsreth, were actually arrested on Thai soil in Khok Sung district, Sa Kaeo.

Mr Somboon said the land belonged to Khem Paengsungnern and was connected to border marker No 46, and the Thais were about 300m from the border mark when they were arrested last Wednesday.

This contradicts findings by the Thai Foreign Ministry, which admitted earlier that the Thais were about one kilometre inside Cambodian territory at the time of the arrest.

Thai ambassador to Cambodia, Prasas Prasasvinitchai, has visited the seven Thais at Prey Sor prison on the outskirts of Phnom Penh.

The detainees are poised to meet family members when Cambodian officials resume work after New Year.

Chavanond Komalayasut, secretary to the Thai foreign minister, said Mr Panich's wife, Patchareeporn Vikitsreth, left Bangkok yesterday for Phnom Penh, where she will wait for approval for the prison visit.

Lawyers plan to file bail requests to the court for the Thais as soon as the court resumes duty next week.


Anonymous said...

When Thai killed thousands of khmers since 1975 to today why don't Thai bring that to UN? Why? If you ask people that used to stay at the Thai Camp they will agree with me that Thai killed thousands of khmers life including defendless women, children and elderly of cambodian. United Nation! Where is the justice for khmers life that have been murdered by Thai army???

Anonymous said...

Do not worry yellow shirt(the People's Alliance for Democracy)you wiil get them back when Hun Xen receives from you Gov. to put in his pocket

Anonymous said...

I'm ready to bet 100 riels those seven siamese won't be in khmer prison for more than three days.

Anonymous said...

Thai invade Cambodia Mr.Hun Xen won't go to UN but only 7 Thai invade Cambodia Thai goverment go to UN. Why dosen't Hun XEn care about his country and people like Thai do? I think Hun Xen afraid of losing his power than losing his Country and cambodians.

Why dosen't Hun Xen scream about 7 millions vietnamese in cambodia? It is nearly 40% of total cambodia population already.

Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

They love their nation and country, in contrast Khmer leaders don't. Thai soldiers killed many Khmer people along the border, but no government care with this.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen never cares about his own people what he pays attention to the money,power,and 6,000,000 Vietnam citizens who live freely in Cambodia.
How Hun Sen and his clans are treating Khmer citizens?
*Burning their houses.
*Grabbing their lands.
*Throwing them in jails without bails.
*Beating them in Boeng Kok land dispute.
*No creating jobs for Khmer people,going abroad as foreign slaves.
*Making them poorer and poorer and starving to death.
Wake up Khmer people
Stand up against this evil govt.


Anonymous said...

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy, where are you? Come out from your hiding and say something about this important case. People want to get your opinion from leader like you.

Anonymous said...

This is a strange new world order! The Siem dare to use the United Nations to free their criminals for break Cambodian law! hehehehe

What about AH HUN SEN and does he dare to use the United Nations when the Siem send their military thugs to occupy Cambodian territories? Of course not! AH HUN SEN wouldn't dare use the United Nations because the Siem leaders tell him not to!

When I really think about it...AH HUN SEN is one stupid mother fucker son of bitch Vietcong slave dog eater chicken shit blind dumb stupid fuck the killer of Cambodian people and the traitor of Cambodian people!

AH HUN SEN will go down in Cambodian history as the most dumb fuck Vietcong slave leader!