Sunday, January 02, 2011

Yellow shirts appeal to UN

Bangkok Post and Agencies

Thailand Patriot Network representatives on Saturday submitted a letter to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, asking for justice, humanity and to respect the civil rights of seven Thais currently detained in Cambodia.

The group, led by Somboon Thongburan and Tossapon Kaewtima, left the letter with a United Nations security officer at the world body's Bangkok office on Ratchadamnoen Road.

The seven detained Thais, including Democrat Party member of parliament Panich Vikitsreth and members of the Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) protest movement, also known as yellow shirts.

They were apprehended by Cambodian troops along the Thai border with Cambodia's Banteay Meanchey province. Cambodia said the seven Thais intruded onto its soil, a claim that has not been contested by Thai authorities.

The Patriot Network took land documents to the UN office. According to the Network activists, a temporary office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was located there in 1977-1978 during the war in Cambodia at Boundary Marker No 46, currently in the area of Thailand's Prachin Buri, the province adjacent to Sa Kaeo.


Anonymous said...

When Thai killed thousands of khmers since 1975 to today why don't Thai bring that to UN? Why? If you ask people that used to stay at the Thai Camp they will agree with me that Thai killed thousands of khmers life including defendless women, children and elderly of cambodian. United Nation! Where is the justice for khmers life that have been murdered by Thai army???

Anonymous said...

These extremist stupid Thai contradicted what they have done to Khmer innocent who try to survive day by day. We used civilisation manner and the Thai used barbaric manner to shoot and killed and burn Khmer. Stop using of strategem, all Thai neightbour knew.

Anonymous said...

How about the Thai soldiers killed the innocent Khmers recently?

Ah Siem Ach Kry!

Ah Chakry Die Nasty!

Anonymous said...

when i am live up on?

Anonymous said...

Do not worry yellow shirt(Thailand Patriot Network)you wiil get them back when Hun Xen receives from you Gov. to put in his pocket.

Anonymous said...

King sihamouni will pardon them. We just want them to tast the life in Prey So prison for awhile, that's all !!!

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen killed alot of patriots khmers such as at 1997 more than 5000 khmers have been murdered by Hun Xen but why is he still there talking and powering?

Can anyone please explain that to me ?

How many cambodians life has Hun Sen taken so far in his life?

Can KI , Sam Rainsy and Kings find justic for them please ?

Anonymous said...

Thai invade Cambodia Mr.Hun Xen won't go to UN but only 7 Thai invade Cambodia Thai goverment go to UN. Why dosen't Hun XEn care about his country and people like Thai do? I think Hun Xen afraid of losing his power than losing his Country and cambodians.

Why dosen't Hun Xen scream about 7 millions vietnamese in cambodia? It is nearly 40% of total cambodia population already.

Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

Ah CPP regimes is useless why people keeps votes for them. We already knew that this regimes doesn't workig for Khmer stops flaming on them find the way to get rid of this useless regime first.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen forces everyone that work at TV station, Radio station and News paper to pro him only even he do very very wrong things for the Nation, Cambodia and Cambodian. The media in Cambodia must say nice thing about him even He killed and chop the whole Cambodia give to Thai or Viet. Today Mr. Hun Sen imports over 5 millions Vietnamese into Cambodia legally with make up to 40% of Vietnamese in total Cambodia population. Soon Vietnamese will declare Cambodia belong to them.

Hun Sen is killing Khmer nation. Hun Sen murdered over 5000 Cambodians at 1997. He is a criminal against Humanity. Hun Sen makes real Cambodians suffer everyday.

You have power and kill a lot of Khmer but you are powerless fighting against your own ageing everyday. Soon your time is over and you can't escape death at all. Your power, your wealth and the people that kiss your ass won't help you at that time.

Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Anonymous said...

when your soldier killed my innosence people everyday why didn't you fucking thai tell the U.N also that you fucking smart ass thai killing cambodia too.i hope you mention this problem.
khmer soldier don't kill tresspassing except thai soldier DO. i wish god will fuck all you thai.

Anonymous said...

pad thugs are very stupid group of people, the way i see it, really! and their leaders are the worst type, i mean worst that dictators, than tyranny, than autocrat, than monkey, than dog, and so forth, you know!