Friday, January 14, 2011

US Warns of 'Freedom' Concerns in NGO Draft Law

Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer 
Phnom Penh Thursday, 13 January 2011
“We strongly urge the Royal Government of Cambodia to reconsider whether the draft NGO law is in fact necessary ..."
The US Embassy in Phnom Penh says it is concerned a new NGO law under consideration by the government will restrict freedoms within the public and should be reconsidered.

“We strongly urge the Royal Government of Cambodia to reconsider whether the draft NGO law is in fact necessary and, if so, to adopt and implement a law consistent with a commitment to expand, rather than restrict, the freedom for civil society organizations to operate,” embassy spokesman Mark Wenig told VOA Khmer Thursday.

The law, which was examined by NGOs and government officials in meetings this week, seeks to tighten regulations on non-governmental agencies through stricter registration and reporting processes and high bars for organization.

Some NGOs say they fear the law will be used as a tool of repression against anti-government groups.

“The US strongly believes that a strong, independent, and diverse civil society community is indispensable to democracy and to Cambodia’s continued development,” Wenig said. “We’re engaged in close consultations with our association and NGO partners about this law's possible impact on their activities.”

The Southeast Asian Press Alliance and other regional rights groups issued a statement Thursday say they were “deeply troubled” by the law, saying it could give excessive power to the government.

“We believe the Cambodian government needs to sustain the support of these non-governmental organizations, both local and international, which so far have been an indispensible social force to strengthen the country's fragile civil society and democracy,” the statement said.

Nouth Saan, secretary of state for the Ministry of Interior, which is responsible for the draft, said NGO and other recommendations would be considered.


Anonymous said...

ពួកវាមានហើយ វាមិនខ្វល់ទេ វាដល់ត្រើយវាសើយគូថអញ្ចឹង វាធ្វើច្បាប់សម្រាប់
ការពារ​អំណាចពួកវា តើវាដល់ពេលអីក៏ជួយមិនរួចដែរ​ចាំមើលទៅ

khmerbotra said...

ទាំង​បុស្ដិ៍​ទូរទស្សន៍ វិទ្យុ ដែល​នៅក្នុង​ប្រទេសខ្មែរ ឆ្កួត ៗ​ ទាំង​អស់​មួយថ្ងៃ​ ៗ ជេរ​តែ​គណៈ​បក្ស​ប្រឆាំង វាខុស​និង​អាជីព​ខ្លួន គួរ​តែ​ពិចារណាខ្លួន​ជាថ្មី​ទៅ​ចង​-ក​ ងាប់​ទៅ​បើ​ដឹង​អ្វី​ខុស​ត្រូវ​ដូច្ឆេះ​?

Anonymous said...

In the mid 1900's, korea was freed for imperial japan, after japan got bombed.

Cambodia will never be freed, until Hanio get bombed again.

Anonymous said...

Rainsy it ok, you never see yourself as inable person, and you are good at seeing in other people mistake. Like I said befor, you put Khmer nation interest in the trush, and start to act like street wild beast, very desrtuctive and provocative against your own nation. your greedy and imbitouse grabing power for bunch of your SRP company people.
Did you remmember,a Mass demonstartion 1998, 100 of demonstration ayear, you try hard to stope foreign donation, you agianst your own poorly hunger Khmer, you did it . Didn't you? Now it easy to remmember 76 factories closed. How much it pain when Khmer just about to get up, You Rainsy put them right back to the darknese and claim yourself compatriote. My freind at Suntex factory your people burn his factory down to the ground, Here he told me, I invest dollars if I did know early Cambodia are such risky, I would never think about doing any business in here. In CDC meeting with Japan invetor They siad We Japan see alot of portential in Cambodia, But we not invest here, we can't risk our capitale. Now we clearly see you Sam rainsy are killing your nation economice, Now didn't you?.
In thailand Japan invest all electronic and assemby car that produce 16 billion in revenue contribute to Thai Eco. Kick Japan and Viet out from helping Khemr didn't you?.
I ask you stop preten to talk nice Rainsy but you act very delussion dirty trick, to put Cambodia down to the floor. Your leadership skill are not good enought for even make a living very survive, survive in your smale family. don't ever think to run Cambodia. Mike

Anonymous said...

vea chea sith robos rathapibal del bongkert chbab dombey krob krong angkar pros angkar nov khmer mean chit 2000 rathapibal trov bongkert chab nis vea chea kar la-or... kom oy pouk ah angkoa neng vea anatipbatay peak. choun kal vea yuk louy pi borotes mouk che rathapibal. heuy pouk ah america vea kmean sith ey mouk bornchea khmer te... ber pouk ah america vea kerng vea min bach chouy louy khmer kor ban der... khmer mean pouk china chouy heuy... pouk ah america ah lov kom chong mouk leng chea mouy china... brotes na kor ke ngeak tov rok china der ah lov neng. pros china vea mean louy... heuy om-nach kor klang der... khmer ort america kor ort banh har der... ngorb tov ah america...

Anonymous said...

soon the moslim world will bom vitname to get CHAMPA LAND back for isslam and vietname was kill all those moslim that live in CHAMPA so wait and see if any contry with vietname will be get hit too moslim world going to take action soon