Monday, February 07, 2011

Cambodia to ask UN to deploy peacekeeping forces

Monday, February 07, 2011
By Xinhua, The Nation

Cambodia on Monday called on the United Nations to dispatch peacekeeping forces to disputed zone of Thailand and Cambodia to avoid further clashes between troops.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said his government will ask the UN to sent forces to "a buffer zone" at disputed border area.

Hun Sen made the remarks at the graduation ceremony of Norton University.

"We have sent forces to Sudan, to Chad, to Central Africa, now we ask the United Nations' forces to be the 'buffer zone' for us in order to avoid fighting."

The clashes between Cambodian and Thai troops have already caused many seriously damages to the temple of Preah Vihear, a World Heritage, according to the report from Cambodian military stationed at the border area.

Cambodian and Thai troops have exchanged fire for five times since Feb 4, and both sides have used heavy weapons including rockets, machine guns, mortars and artillery.


Anonymous said...

Now Hun Sen needs the UN.
It is kind of too late now. Hun Sen has played crying very too often to the point that nobody wants to listen to him.

Anonymous said...

Now Hun Sen needs the UN.
It is kind of too late now. Hun Sen has played crying wolves very too often to the point that nobody wants to listen to him anymore.

Anonymous said...

4:25 PM

I bet he has more people that want to listen to him than to you.

Anonymous said...

The letter to UN 12 hours agao, but no one in UN has received this letter, huuuuuuuu. Maybe Cambodia under Hun regime has enough insult the UN that why UN don't want to see your letter any more.
Now strong man need help from UN, why? You are very strong against UN's presentativ in Cambodia and your poor people, even threaten to shut down UN bereau in Phnom Penh x time like child! Now you on behalt of Khmer people to clean to UN,If somene is strong, must strong till die. Noe, you are still lie to the Khmers poor people because you need them soon for your army. Cambodia has 2000 generals more USA and Russia, so we do hope your have enough army personals already? Because one star general must have from 5000 to 10000 fighters and 2000 Gen * (5000 or 10000)= ENOUGH.
First PM Hun Sen must send the brutal Unit against Khmer poor people to conquer Thai army, then normal army!

Anonymous said...

Good job Hoon.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Hun Sen on this move. Thai alway deny that they open fire first. Even 3 years old kid know better that it is not benefit for Khmer to open fire first. To have UN Force station between Khmer-Thai border is the best solution, save life. What has happend is benefit to Youn tremendously, and those who lost the most are Khmer and Thai in term of economic and politically.

Anonymous said...

this is great option to resolve a problem with thai.

Anonymous said...

UN is busy right now...keep fighting until July...

Overthrown HUN Sen Government now!

Anonymous said...

yes, it's a right decision. Come UN.

Anonymous said...

8:33 pm I agree with you 100% great comment. I don't think that u.n is going to take anymore insult from Hun thugs, he has a tiolet mouth that u.n don't wanted to hear from.

Overthrow him now!

Anonymous said...

Kill Hun sen! Kill Hun sen! Kill Hun sen now.

Save our integrity sovereignty now!

Anonymous said...

Why Hun Sen doesn't mention to UN about Cambodia and Vietnam border ?

Anonymous said...

What a jerk! Fired at Thais first and lied to UNSC that Thais first moved!

YOUR Gen. Tia Bun, did gave an interview that Khmer troop did fired first!

That's why Khmers simple are jokers on an international communities!

Anonymous said...

What happened to all the barking, Hun Xen? Thai would do their country and Cambodia a big favour by getting rid of Hun Xex, Youn's dog. Send a couple F16 to take him out.

Anonymous said...

Why need the UN now, Hun Sen? You have been threating to kick out the UN many times before. Why don't you ask your Uncle Viet Ho, and your "friend" China to help?

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen wanted to kick the UN representatives out of Cambodia when Ban Ki Moon came to visit Cambodia.
Now he begged the UN for help.
When the other parties told him to the UN,he ignored their advises.
If Thai and Khmer are continuing to fight China,South
Korea,Vietnam,and other countries that invested in Cambodia will be lost a lot of money.
Thai must respect Cambodia so Vietnam.
Vietnam must remove
soldiers and Vietnam
immigrants out of Cambodia.
The UN peace keeping
soldiers should deploy in Cambodia.
Hun Sen must resign
from power.
Khmer ml.people must bring Hun Sen down.
When the UN peace Keeping come in Khmer must do the
protest and chase him out of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

បងប្អូន ប្រុសស្រីជាទីស្រឡាញ់ ,


អាយ៉ងយួនហ៊ុនសែន និងបក្សពួក

កំពុងភ័យស្លន់ស្លោរ រកអន្តរាគមន៏ពីអន្តរជាតិ

ព្រោះវាភ័យខ្លាច សៀមវាយចូលដល់

បន្ទាយយួនតាំងក្រសាំងរបស់វា ។


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen must resign
from power. IF the stuff you said really happen..I will pack my back, take my family and go back to Cambodia and died of old age there.

Anonymous said...

Me too. I'll sell my house and go back home. Hun Xen, the traitor, must go.

Anonymous said...

Who;s said to defend ours motherland from Siam and VC....I can't even save my veggie gardens in Phnom Penh from CCP government and mofia style business foriegner!

Anonymous said...

12:17 is funny and true

Anonymous said...

UN has not received compliant letter from Hun Sen because it is in Yourn' s pocket.

Yourn pulls the string on every things in Cambodia

Yourn told Hun Sen " What ever you say, don' t get me into trouble or you will be in BIG trouble"