ANI (India)
Phnom Penh: Hindus are shocked and upset at the reported damage to 11th century Preah Vihear Hindu Shiva temple complex because of Thai-Cambodian crossfire at their border.
Notable Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) on Monday, urged the international community to urgently intervene to stop the fighting in order to save the landmark Hindu temple from further damage.
Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, further said that world community should raise funds to restore the temple to its original shape and provide some infrastructure in the area for devotees and other visitors. As temple was the cause of long-running border feud between Thailand and Cambodia, it should be turned over to United Nations control.
Rajan Zed argued that historic Preah Vihear was a world heritage and it was moral duty of the world to keep it preserved and intact for the coming generations. The reported collapse of a wing besides other damage to the already fragile complex was hurtful to the devotees because Lord Shiva temple was a sacred site to Hindus of the world.
It was important that Preah Vihear Hindu Shiva temple be protected, Zed stressed.
Known as Preah Vihear in Cambodia and Khao Phra Viharn in Thailand, this remote temple at the border between Thailand and Cambodia, which had reportedly not been clearly demarcated, had been a source of tension for generations. Preah Vihear was said to even predate Cambodia's Angkor Wat temple complex by about 100 years and its stunning setting made it finest of all the ruins left from the mighty Khmer civilization, Rajan Zed added.
Zed further said that world should not let this sacred site dedicated to Lord Shiva (situated where Preah Vihear province of northern Cambodia touched Sisaket province of eastern Thailand) be further damaged to advance political agendas of some as there appeared to be a no clear solution to settle the long-standing territorial dispute surrounding the temple, which was already a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and whose history could be traced to 9th century when the hermitage was founded.
Moreover, Temple of Preah Vihear, an outstanding masterpiece of Khmer architecture mostly created by Suryavarman I and Suryavarman II, was a unique architectural complex of a series of sanctuaries and was said to be exceptional for the quality of its architecture and carved stone ornamentation. It was reportedly dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva in his manifestations as Sikharesvara and Bhadresvara. It was also said to be marking representation of sacred Mount Meru, the abode of the gods, and showing a depiction of Churning of the Ocean, a Hindu scriptural episode, Rajan Zed indicated.
Landmark Hindu can help to protect the temple, by sending their people to support the Cambodian Military Forces and Cambodia.
Thai did not care about the Khmer Temples, because Thai did not have a real culture background.
Phrea Vihear temple was built by Khmer King for Khmer people not for Siem people! Why Siem people claim as their temple? If the Siem claimed as their temple then who build it?
Siem thugs are destroying the Khmer-Hindu temple and they have no respect for Hindu religion!
Siem naked aggression must be condemned to the fullest under International Law!
Hindo communities should tell Cambodian soldiers to stop hiding behind the temple while they shot at Thais. Otherwise, Thais have every rights to return the firings
to where it originated.
is that karma?
That is not karma,but it is serious aggression from Thailand. Khmer do not want thai soil a bit of leave but Thai land does.
First. I heard Thailand aggressed Burma and now is not available and impossible cos Burmese are strong,now turn their to Cambodia once.The most important point thailand want that temple but failed, they have no choice but to fight. That is choice of Dog Abhisit who have not known anything in the history.
A dog had been learning at abroad and has been ruling Siem as prime minister in thailand and is rude/ ruthless prime minister in Siem.
If we talk about the past history, Siem had no land to live, they living at present day, have been robbing and stealing the others.
The ungrateful nationals, never talk " Thanks you" to its neighbors. They live as robbers to steal the neighbors.
Chao Chao ghun chuy mer Abhisit
May god Shiva and Hanuman and all Hindu gods protect from damaging all Temples especially Preah Vihear temple.
Chao Mahasambo
The world included Thailand recognised Prasat Preah Vihear was belong to Khmer (Abishit also said), now Thais army destroyed world heritage Prasat Preah Vihear temple, UNESCO and UN should condemn Thais military action which was violated the Combodia and UNESCO sovereignty.
The disagreement with 4.6 quare km had nothing to do with the temple so the fighting broke out Thais must not shoot the temple. Khmer protect the temple and Thais shot the temple so UN and UNESCO must condemn Thailand.
Thais national must not allow to visit the temple forever because of God Shiva will. The temple was builded by Khmer king for God Shiva, Thais did not exist when the temple was being builded.
Hindus around the world should support Cambodia to protect bigest Hindus religion site in the world builded by the Khmer (Cambodian) are being threated and destroyed by Thailand.
To 3:08 PM
What do you mean Cambodian soldiers hide behind the temple? Actually Cambodian soldiers are all over the temple and they are on Cambodian territories!
If you Siem military thugs shoot at Cambodian soldiers on their territories and this make you Siem military thugs as invader and aggressor! You Siem military thugs have violated International Law! You Siem military thugs will pay!
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