Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Hun Xen tried to divert attention from land concessions to Vietnam by attacking Thailand: Thai Gen. Charan Kullavanijaya

Charan: All border disputes stem from conflicts of interest
Why history has made border demarcation efforts so difficult

Bangkok Post
"Hun Sen has come under fire from his critics over his decision to grant long-term concessions over the use of land in the northeast of Cambodia bordering Vietnam. This put Cambodia at a disadvantage. As a result, he has had to divert public attention away from that issue by attacking Thailand."
The recent conviction in Phnom Penh of Thai Patriots Network coordinator Veera Somkwamkid and his secretary, Ratree Pipatanapaiboon, on charges of espionage bodes ill for solving the long-running border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia.

Gen Charan Kullavanijaya, former secretary-general of the National Security Council and chairman of the National Defence Alumni Think Tank, shares his views on the border conflict with KING-OUA LAOHONG.

Why does Thailand have more border disputes with Cambodia than any other country?

Thailand has had border disputes with Malaysia, Laos and Burma, but they were settled through negotiations. The border demarcation with Malaysia went well. In the case of Cambodia, there would be no problem if the two countries could agree on their common interests.

I don't know whether the Thaksin Shinawatra government reached any kind of agreement with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen. Perhaps this is why the Cambodian leader was upset when there was a change of government in Thailand. I believe that all disputes arise from conflicts of interest.

There are still problems with overlapping areas along the Thai-Cambodian border that have stymied demarcation efforts. What is your view on that?

Thailand and Cambodia share a 798-kilometre-long border. The two countries started demarcating the border line in 1909. There are 73 border markers, the first of which is at the Chong Sa-ngam checkpoint in Si Sa Ket's Phu Sing district. The 73rd post sits on the border at Hat Lek village in Trat's Khlong Yai district. During the colonial period, powerful countries that colonised our neighbours tried to put pressure on Thailand because they wanted to get at our natural resources. They tried to take advantage of us by means of border demarcation.

It is noticeable that France used watershed boundaries to demarcate the border line between Thailand and Cambodia, but it used the Mekong River bank to demarcate the border line between Thailand and Laos.

During the time of the communist threat and internal fighting among the three warring factions in Cambodia, the border line between Thailand and Cambodia was altered. One faction backed by Vietnamese troops drove the other factions to areas bordering Thailand. The factions then moved the border line into Cambodian territory and created quasi-Thai territory where they set up safe pockets for their supporters to take refuge. But there was no telling exactly where the border lay.

Later, some selfish businessmen and investors wanting to cut down trees in the border area moved some demarcation posts deeper into Thai soil to create the impression the area belonged to Cambodia so they could fell trees easily.

After the trees were removed, they did not move the markers back.

Do residents and officials working along the border know which areas belong to Thailand and which to Cambodia?

If we study history, we will see that border markers have often been moved. Troops from the two countries have agreed to demarcate the border line. However, what they agreed is not formal demarcation. For example, Thai border patrol police and Cambodian troops earlier reached an agreement on the border line in Sa Kaeo's Aranyaprathet district. But the arrest of seven Thais in the disputed area became a government-to-government issue and suddenly bilateral talks no longer made sense, because national pride got in the way.

Why does Hun Sen seem to take an aggressive stance, particularly in Mr Veera's case?

Mr Veera had entered the disputed border area twice [before] and was caught there twice. He was released both times because of help from Thai border patrol police. He then entered the same location a third time and was arrested.

I don't know why he kept entering the area. When he and the other Thais were caught, pressure mounted on the government to declare the area Thai territory. In fact, no one can say that. I myself cannot point to exactly where the border line is.

The Cambodian leader has to take an aggressive stance towards Thailand because he is facing political pressure in his own country. Hun Sen has come under fire from his critics over his decision to grant long-term concessions over the use of land in the northeast of Cambodia bordering Vietnam. This put Cambodia at a disadvantage. As a result, he has had to divert public attention away from that issue by attacking Thailand.

How can Thailand solve the dispute, and in particular border demarcation?

Negotiations are the best solution. Both governments must hold talks and let the Thai-Cambodian Joint Boundary Commission demarcate the border.


Anonymous said...

According to UN and CIA data...Thailand and Cambodia share a 804 km long border...not 798!...

Anonymous said...

Stop telling lies Charan. Thailand has problems with all its neigbours - Burma, Malaysia, Laos and Cambodia. The most recent conflict they had with a neigbour (Laos) was in 1987. The Laos (backed by yuons) beat the Thais so bad [several hundreds Thai soldiers were killed, some of their battle tanks were destroyed and four figter jets were also shot down] that the Thais signed a memorandum and stopped treepassing Laos. Cambodia needs to beat the Thais just as the Laos did. Only then, the Thai thieves would stop treepassing and claiming our lands.

Anonymous said...

According to Khmer buddhist predictions...

Prey Nokor (HCMC) rolom, Phnom Penh roleay, Bangkok kjatkjay sabai Angkor...

Saigon falls, Phnom Penh razes, Bangkok divides...

It's time for our Myanmarese, Laotian, Malay brothers join hand with Khmer to teach Siem a lesson!

Anonymous said...

Let beat thais first and then vietnam 2nd if traitor Hun Sen allow...

Anonymous said...

If Phnom Penh rorleay, how the hell you sabai at Angkor Wat? Pathetic!

Anonymous said...

I never thought this old fart are so dumb than a cow. this man need to go back to elementary school again.

Anonymous said...

Good point that Ah Thai made to convinces the international Laws.

Good News we are khmers awaiting for

Anonymous said...

Charan you are fucken interferring Cambodia's internal affairs and you making excuses for Thailand's arrogant and bullying. Look at you southern trouble and divert to Cambodia to avoid attention by your people.

Fuck your mother Charan. You are animal.

Anonymous said...

HoonXen is an animal,
those who support him is an animal.

Cambodia have right, rule and law.
But HoonXen and his supporters turn a blink eyes like hoonXen.

The cpp could have gone to the UN long time ago. But NOT.

Playing politic and games in the suffering of the people.

Anonymous said...

If this is true, then more power to Hun Manet. Let him try to put his education to good use.

Anonymous said...

Thai government diverted the attention from its internal problems with the PAD to the border just to fool its own people . The government of Thailand is playing a losing game with Cambodia and the PAD right now. There is no way that they can get the Preah Vihear Temple and there is no way that they can do to please the PAD . After all , the suffering are innocent people along the border of both sides .

Anonymous said...

Stop making the confusion KI. We did not attack Thailand, but the Thais invaded into Cambodia soil. Being a man should be responsible what you wrote.

Anonymous said...

Charan is trying to get Cambodian people to choose to fight two enemies at the same time.
Thailand is not as smart like VN to steal Cambodia's land without bloodshed.
But VN paid 30000 life of its soldiers to kick Pol Pot Khmer Rouge out.

Does Thailand willing to pay 100,000 Thai life to kick Hun Sen out.

Anonymous said...

The thais have Indian names; the Thai PM is a vijaya, so is this general, names like charan, chanran, Vijaya, whatever jaya, all these are Indian names.

Anonymous said...

No more talk to Thais, just kill them all(men) and only leave the young and beautiful women alive. Khmer men can bang them night and day to make children and then create a new country call Comthai.

Anonymous said...

ehehe... thailand become aware of the consequence...

Anonymous said...

the real issue is thailand refused to use the international treaty map of 1907 as a baseline because this map as a baseline cannot lie or steal or cheat like thai's own unilateral map. that to answer to properly demarcate borderline to its original map! that's cambodia's stance, but again we know thailand and their siem pad thugs don't respect that, thus the conflict, that's khmer view if you asked us, ok! the original baseline map never lie, only when thailand used a different map, that is the lie, really!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is an eye man
.He can see only one
eye,Thai fault,but
the other side he can
not see.
The Vietnam is capturing Khmer land along Vietnam Khmer border miles and miles.
The Vietnamese immigrants are pouring into Cambodia everyday.
Six ml.of them live peacefully and a ml.
Khmer went to look
for jobs;some of them raped by their
bosses and the others as slaves.
This how Hun Sen treat Khmer citizens.
Now Vietnam took completely over
Cambodia like Lao.
Thai fight to get
4.6 square miles and Preah Vihear.
Thai is jealous with
Vietnam like Charan
Vietnam got a lot than Thai.
Through out Khmer
history,Khmer always
depended on Thai and
on Vietnam,this what
Khmer kings or Khmer
leaders did from the
past and up to now.
Recently in 1970,
Sihanouk depended on
Vietcong to defeat
Lon Nol.Then Khmer
Vietminh(Heng Samrin
,Chea Sim) and Hun
Sen Khmer Rouge
depended Vietcong
to invade Cambodia
in 1979.
Can Khmer depend on
themselves and solve
own problems witout
depending on Thai
and Vietnam peace-
fully and democratically?
Now Khmer must bring
Hun Sen down and pick anyone they like.
Be calm down,don't
blame me.
Maybe you want to
pick Sam Rainsy or
Sourn Serey Ratha?
It is up to Khmer
citizens,who will
they want to pick,beside
Hun Sen families and CPP leaders.

Anonymous said...

the interviewer should ask this guy why thailand want to steal cambodia's preah vihear temple that our khmer ancestors built it, not siem that built it! and ask him why thailand rankling and disrespect the icj verdict, the international treaty map of 1907 becasue these are one real root fo the conflict because everything else is secondary to it! why him all relevant questions that a khmer would ask, really!

Anonymous said...

ask him also why ahbullshit bullied cambodia with their size, sophisticated weaponries, etc!

also ask him he think cambodia ever going to give up our temple to thailand's illegal demand without fighting back and taking them to court, etc! see what kind of answer him gives on behalf of siem. i bet all his answer are still illegal demands!

Anonymous said...

In addition to these i have 2 points: -

1/ Is there are motived on boarder encroachment that Vietnam tries to hide by escalating the dispute between Cambodia and Thailand. So it shift the focus from Vietnam territorial encroachment on Cambodia's land. The Traitor Hun Sen and the CPP CANNOT fix the dispute 2 year gone still the same...!!!, they are incompetent from day 1. It will never change, these dispute resulted in more damages to our temple.
While Vietnam pretent to be a good sport by asking Thailand and Cambodia to talk. But behind the scence Vietnam has does everything possible for cambodia to go to war with Thailand.
Thailand should take note that they are too endanger if the Vietnamese virus could spread into Thailand own soil....

2/ Look back at the past the burning of the Thai Embassy and the current dispute with Thailand. Is a smart move by Vietnam to regain trading market share of Cambodia over. In the past Thailand is a dominant trader with cambodia today it not, Vietnam hold the most markets shares.
So take note Vietnam national own the right to Ankor Wat, They are many many company own by Vietnamese people/governemtn in Cambodia, very few are Khmer own.
So in summary Cambodia is still a Vietnamese colonisation and it does it via the Traitor Hun Sen.

Thailand should act to eliminate the threat by eliminating Hun Sen...

Anonymous said...







kon kmeng naek srae