Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Thai reply to Prince Kantol's letters to UN Security Council in 1966

Here is the 1966 Thai reply to Prince Kantol's letters to UN Security Council in 1966. Does it sound familiar to you? Unless international intervention takes place, it will be like this eternally.


Click on the reply to zoom in


Anonymous said...

and siem called their leaders or their authority then as "competent"! if they were so competent, why they lost icj verdict in 1962, why siem extremists still rankling about it? go figure! again, only the UN security council can help to resolve and put a stop to this conflict once and for all or permanently. otherwise, it's going to be just a "pause" and sooner or later, the siem extremists rankling will take the opportunity at a different time and era to steal from cambodia again. so the UN must make sure that won't happened again! that's the UN's job and purpose, why go to war when we can resort to negotiation and UN intervention, etc, war is only when the UN failed to do their job. be wised and smart about cambodia, use the law whle at the same time protect cambodia from invasion in the name of self-defense.

Anonymous said...

Siem continue to play a dirty trick. Don't trust Siem.

Anonymous said...

ThaiLand is doing the right things.
As long as Cambodia has VIOLATED the 23 October 1991 peace Agreement
Thailand has the rights to do so...
If Vietnam can do Thailand and Laos can do too.
There is nothing wrong with that, due to PARIS PEACE AGREEMENT.

I say Thailand's doing the great job!
Invade as much as Thai can do....
If Viet can do same as Thai and Laos, doing their part.
Thank You Thai...

Anonymous said...

Khmer people should know our ancestor's proverb well:

"Siem min chaol Kbuon, Yuon min chaol put"

"Siemese never give up their tricks and the Vietnamese never give up thier agendas"

As you can see, Siem are determined to retake Khmer Preah Vihear at any cost or you can see. The 1962 ICJ verdict infavor of Cambodia humiliated the Siem so much that they can't seem to stop their greed on Khmer temples and land.

We must fight until the last Siem is pushed back to Nanchao, China.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lok Bora Touch for your effort and research. You are a true Khmer nationalist hero. We may need you to help defend Khmer sovereignty at the UN soon.

Anonymous said...

As a UN member since 1946, Thailand never respected any International law, including the ICJ verdict of 1962.

Any common sense would tell us that bilateral negotiations will not work with the Thais.

Only UN security council or a review of the 1962 verdict will put Thailand in its place.

Our Myanmarese, Laotian and Malaysian brothers know quite well of the Thai tactics.

Anonymous said...

Why Youns and Siems want to share Khmer lands during Ah Hun's rule? Why not in Pol Pot's time?

Anonymous said...

Using UN to finish Thai 100-year ambition right now. This time is one of the rear opportunities Cambodia ever has. Cambodia clearly has the upper hand if UN intervenes. Avoid enemies where they are strong, and hit enemies where they are weak. All Cambodian people inside and outside, opposition parties, and other civil societies have supported Government to call UN for help. Don’t listen to noises created by Thai personates and a few people whose have tried to divert Prah Vihear case to other cases. Know when to unite and when to oppose would benefit the country.

Anonymous said...

khmers, please call upon the spirit of our ancestral land of the khmer empire to help us take siem to find justice for our people!

Anonymous said...

Thank You Lôk Bora Touch
This document reminds our young generation that Thais will try this barbarian trick and in the same way again and again. It is said that the Thai Royal palace put Preah Vihear issue as Chakri dynasty’s shame and sad affair. It is kind of commitment of the King and other crown princes to come to recuperate Preah Vihear. We can easily guess why they have gone against international court decision and all international condemnations. But we do not have much choices other than international court and diplomatic means to force them to accept fact and reality.
I am wondering if we can get the CASE built on the map 1:200 000. This map should be put to judges and get them back their decision. What do you think Lôk Bora?
By the way, this morning at the news, government television gives to public the contents of the 1966 letters of the then Prime Minister Norodom Kanthol and the Foreign Minister Huot Sambath to the UN Security Council. It was a good initiative.