Thursday, February 03, 2011

US delegation ends three-day military talks

Wednesday, 02 February 2011
Thomas Miller
The Phnom Penh Post

United States officials finished a three-day trip to Cambodia yesterday focused on bilateral military cooperation and supporting the development of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces into a “professional force”.

Neang Phat, secretary of state for National Defence, led the Cambodian delegation in the meetings and said yesterday the visit demonstrated “that the relationship between Cambodia and America is very good”.

The purpose of the visit was to emphasise “commitment to assisting the RCAF develop a professional force, while encouraging Cambodia to continue on a path of improved transparency, governance, commitment to the rule of law, sustained democratic development and respect for human rights,” a statement from the US Embassy said.

Derek Mitchell, principal deputy assistant secretary of defense, said at the US Embassy in Phnom Penh yesterday the Cambodian military was carrying out “notable institutional reforms” that had the potential to create a “transparent RCAF” that respects human rights and acts as a force for stability in the region.

He declined however to offer details on those reforms.

Mitchell said Cambodian counterparts showed great interest in engaging with the US, “and they know we come with certain standards ... we were very clear in our dialogue in laying those out and reaffirming that”.

Mitchell emphasised the value of US training and support over its direct military aid, which he said stands at US$1 million annually.

Mitchell also met with NGOs, which he said were “extremely important in this society”.

Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights, and other human rights workers met with Mitchell yesterday.

“I do have a sense that the US engagement militarily is a given, so the conversation is ‘how’, not whether they should [engage] or not,” he said.

Ou Virak said the Cambodian armed forces are “most responsible for most of the rights violations, particularly the land grabbing”, in Cambodia.

“There is a lot of talk of professionalising the military,” he said, but “not enough” action. He said it is not yet clear what “professionalising” the military means.

He said the US has to be “extremely careful in making sure that the engagement isn’t enhancing the tools that oppress the people.”

The best way to do that, he said, was through frank talk.



Anonymous said...

cambodia would like to welcome all US military, etc for R&R in cambodia. please come visit cambodia and help to make a real, lasting difference for all. thank you and god bless cambodia.

we would like to make cambodia a new, favorite travel destination in the world. welcome to cambodia and enjoy your stay, etc...

Anonymous said...

រដ្ឋាភិបាលខ្មែរតែងតែរិះគន់រដ្ឋាភិបាលអាមេរិក តែពេលនេះយល់ហើយឬ ថាការទទួលការហ្វឹកហាត់តាមបែបទាហានអាមេរិកមានសារៈសំខាន់បែបណា? មិនត្រឹមតែទាហានទេ បើរដ្ឋនេះបើកចំហរឲ្យនិស្សិតខ្មែរមករៀននៅអាមេរិកច្រើន ប្រទេសខ្មែរនឹងរីកចម្រើនមិនខាន។

Anonymous said...

4:07 AM
The Royal Cambodian Government did not criticize the US Government. Contrary the RC government thanks the US Government for their supports.
Maybe the opposition parties are not happy with the US government activities, because the opposition did not want the the US has good relationship with the today Cambodian government.

Anonymous said...

4:46 AM
This is rubbish.

The truth is The traitor don't care about the border with the youn only with the Thai, so the co operation with the US is just to show some muscles to the Thai army that is all.

Remember Hoklongdy (one of the gangster) who working closely with the US he got killed??// may be by Hun Sen????///

Anonymous said...

You should'nt talked and concerned about Khmer Rouge case, you should concern about Ah Thai, and Ah Youn in Cambodia. Can you see what Thai has been violated the law by wanting Cambodia territories at the temple. Ah America does not help our country at ALL. Thailand gets back up by America. I do not like America, I hate America.

Anonymous said...

It is worrying me a lot. As we know, Defense Ministry is one of the most corrupt institutions in Cambodia. I hope American will not repeat the mistake of the year 1970s aid to Lon Non Army. Of cause this time is quite far different situation and also the level of engagement is not the same. However, the US official should not forget those painful experiences.

Anonymous said...

speak for yourself, most khmer people want and like america economic influence as well, you know! welcome to cambodia, america! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Idiot USA is too late to come, just go to hell and kiss Thai ass.

American oil company Chevron could not find oil in Cambodia block it is a liar because Chevron is being operate its oil drill in Thailand so Thai told Chevron not to find any oil in Cambodia territory. Cambodia situate in low area so if Chevron drill oil in Cambodia that mean in Thai side hardly to get any oil.

Until the prime minister threat to cencel license from Chevron then Chevron agree to produce oil 12/12/2012, Thai told Chevron have to produce as much as Chevron can before Chevron can operate in Cambodia that mean Cambodia has nothing left.

Caompare the advance technology of America and company like China or Viet why China and Viet can find sign of oil in their block but why American can not? because American kiss Thai ass.