Sunday, March 06, 2011

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: The Doctors

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Bad traffic accident in Phnom Penh, the rich family´s son doesn´t wake up in the hospital, and the 4-star General father asking the doctor what he can do.

Doctor: "Well, we must give him a new brain, and we are happy to offer to you three different brains:
One brain from an old German professor, only 1000$, one brain from a middle-aged french teacher, this will cost you only 3000$.

Last but not least we can offer to you the brain of a Khmer police generals son who died last week. Only 20 years old, and a MBA student already.

But this brain will charge you 50,000$"

The general is wondering about the price differences:
"Sorry, but why is the Khmer students brain so much more expensive?"

The doctor replies: " Sir, it is unused"

Anonymous said...

That' s something of the joke!

Anonymous said...

Mike,you know alote of what is going on in Cambodia and your comments are sound good to Yourn supporter I believe you are lives in oversea. You, me and some of our reader in this blog or KI blog are try to make our opinion ben heard, that was good piont but if we forcus too much on nagetive or wrong doing we didn't see or learn the positive from each other, to be fair we must mak it balance betweent Mr. Rainsy and Younrn puppet, HunSen. we know Hunsen did alote of mistake in the past and never admit it, people can rise up against him, now he doing the right thing for our nation. if you are runing your own business or runing the country ero are ineviable, as well as Rainsy runing trying to protec Cambodia. We must gave credit to superior side of our leader both of them. I am very bussy man but I did see KI and some Rainsy supporter are very fair and put their wrong believe on past experience and fale futur vision created by rainsy. in the Past Youn tooke Khmer krom, he arouse anger agianst youn and HUn sen, in the futur he put vision that for us to imagine that all Khmer next generation will have no land for their children he arouse, arouse, and arouse anger against Youn and hun sen, thise kinds of ideosensory very persisting. The thai if they wand to invade our country they put stratergy 5 to 10 years ahead, by first destroy our allian vietnam, then separet us and at last Thai will destroy Yourn now you clearly see Yourn don't supported Ki, and double agent Yourn agent, Mike stratergy are working very well, wasn't it true?. who are the real trator? Mike and Hun SEn?

Anonymous said...

10:58 AM,

Thank you very much for your wonderful story!

I love it!