Monday, April 25, 2011

ECCC Law (Composition of Judges)

Law on the Establishment of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes Committed During the Period of Democratic Kampuchea

("ECCC Law")

with inclusion of amendments as promulgated on 27 October 2004


Article 9 new

The Trial Chamber shall be an Extraordinary Chamber composed of five professional judges, of whom three are Cambodian judges with one as president, and two foreign judges; and before which the Co-Prosecutors shall present their cases. The president shall appoint one or more clerks of the court to participate.

The Supreme Court Chamber, which shall serve as both appellate chamber and final instance, shall be an Extraordinary Chamber composed of seven judges, of whom four are Cambodian judges with one as president, and three foreign judges; and before which the Co-Prosecutors shall present their cases. The president shall appoint one or more clerks of the court to participate.


Anonymous said...

Even though Thai army fire thousand missiles into Cambodia and kill as many Khmer army. Dr. Hun Sen is a great leader who practice sensible, desire no war. That is What Khmer TV always say when every time they present the news in Cambodia!

But Dr. Hun Sen is very extremely cruelty toward his own people such as K5 policy, Coup 1997 and so on...He murdered thousands of patriot Khmers during 1997 coup by shooting in the head one by one, not one or two Khmers life but thousands Khmer lives have been cut shortly by PhD Dr. Hun Sen. Why doesn’t Dr. Hun Sen love peace at 1997 coup, as now with Thai? I wonder how many Cambodian life has PhD Dr. Hun Sen taken so far but why does he practice sensible, peaceful with Thai and Viet? But not with his own Cambodian people.

How come Dr. Hun Sen has no mercy on his own people but he has plenty mercy on Thai and Viet. I am Khmer but I don't understand.

Can anyone please explain why?

Anonymous said...

What are you up to Bury Chau?

Why the same post everywhere?

Anonymous said...

Because Hun Sen was a thief and
Cambodians elected thief to be their PM

Anonymous said...

i think asean is very weak and ineffect! forget them, really! go straight to the UN council, cambodia!